Will Ole Miss drop the Confederate flag


Gold Member
Dec 6, 2012
I've i always wonder why ole miss , still flies the Confederate flag, I know for many years it was a neg in recruiting , but the last 5 years it seems to have little effect.... But with the country's recent developments , should they drop the flag ...
Ole Miss dropped the confederate flag almost 20 years ago. They dropped Colonel Reb about 12 years ago.
Ole Miss dropped the confederate flag almost 20 years ago. They dropped Colonel Reb about 12 years ago.
Have you seen the state flag of Mississippi? Have you ever been to a game at Ole Miss? There are more confederate flags in Oxford, MS on a Saturday in the fall than perhaps any place in the country.
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Have you seen the state flag of Mississippi? Have you ever been to a game at Ole Miss? There are more confederate flags in Oxford, MS on a Saturday in the fall than perhaps any place in the country.

Are we talking about the state of Mississippi flag (because i gave my thoughts on that) or Ole Miss? Two totally different subjects. Ole Miss, the University, does not fly the confederate flag in any way shape or form and hasn't in almost 20 years. The OP (and you) implied they do.

And yes, I've been to many Ole Miss games. I rarely, if ever, see the confederate flag. Now, Colonel Reb? Yes, they are still pissed about that one and you'll see him everywhere.
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The state of Mississippi needs to remove it from the state flag. Its no longer about "heritage", if it ever was.

I've never driven by a house that flew a confederate flag and thought "They must like black people."
Mississippi actually put the flag up for a vote to remove the confederate portion. The vote passed to keep the flag in its current state. The blacks said they did not want the flag changed because it was just as much apart of their heritage as the white people.
After posting this thread I did recall the university dropping the flag, but if u have ever been to a ole miss event ...The flag is flying High , also what about the name " Rebels " .... What's you guys opinion
Mississippi actually put the flag up for a vote to remove the confederate portion. The vote passed to keep the flag in its current state. The blacks said they did not want the flag changed because it was just as much apart of their heritage as the white people.

Some blacks may have said that, but not many. And that vote was 15 years ago.
After posting this thread I did recall the university dropping the flag, but if u have ever been to a ole miss event ...The flag is flying High , also what about the name " Rebels " .... What's you guys opinion

Flying high where? Not in the stadium. Not on campus.

IMO, Rebels should stay. But I bet it will be gone within the next 20 years.
Mississippi actually put the flag up for a vote to remove the confederate portion. The vote passed to keep the flag in its current state. The blacks said they did not want the flag changed because it was just as much apart of their heritage as the white people.
I know the Blacks. Real nice white family that lives just outside of Oxford.
Mississippi actually put the flag up for a vote to remove the confederate portion. The vote passed to keep the flag in its current state. The blacks said they did not want the flag changed because it was just as much apart of their heritage as the white people.

"The flag dispute, one of the most divisive across the South, has cut almost straight along racial lines in every state where it has surfaced. Mississippi was no exception. Most whites interviewed at the polls said they voted to keep the Rebel cross. Most blacks said they wanted to take it off. The state is two-thirds white and one-third back, just like the vote split on the flag."
I have lived in Mississippi for thirty five years and have been to Oxford at least a dozen times to watch the Hogs. Mikedamone is correct Colonel Reb was removed from the playing field and the band playing Dixie was banned several years ago. I don't know if the rebel flag has been officially banned but it is a rare sight in the Grove these days. A Mississippi senator has called for removal of the Confederate flag in the corner of the state flag. The first game I went to was Ole Miss vs Arkansas in the early eighties at Veterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson. The rebel flag was so prominent that I thought I had walked into a KKK rally.
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I'm not sure how this will be taken, but here's my thoughts on the whole flag issue. Remove them or keep them, it doesn't matter at the end of the day. This is a heart issue, not an item issue. We can remove every flag in this country, and people will still be racist, people will still commit crimes, people will still get murdered.

Same thing with guns. Remove them, and people will still get murdered.

This is a heart issue, and until people get hatred out of their hearts, we will not see any changes in the actions around this country from people of every color.

Something that really struck me was watching the Pine Bluff PD facebook page last night when the photo of a murder suspect was posted. People who demanded justice were attacked and threatened by friends and family of the suspect. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to post verbal threats towards people on a police department facebook page? They said the suspect should run because "people don't know his struggle". That is a load of crap. His struggle will begin when he gets to prison. This is what I mean by it's a heart issue. We have people in this country who don't value human life, and we have senseless killings because of it. No race of people are immune from this. It's not a racial issue, it's a heart issue.

The sooner we all figure out that we all bleed red, and we are all in this together, the better off we will be.

And for anyone who things banning guns, flags, or anything else will make people quit committing murder and crimes, look at how well things have gone with drugs that are banned.
I will add this. Most of us are southerners and we have southern heritage but we can respect our heritage without offending people. The Confederate flag belongs in a museum and not still flying on State House grounds or on a state flag. The governor of South Carolina did the right thing.
Let them fly whatever flag they want.

I've been a liberal lean my entire life but the double standards in this country are starting to make me sick.
I agree that nobody should be forced by the government to not fly a flag. I absolutely believe in free speech.

However, this is a discussion of whether they should. While I don't think it should be illegal for anyone to fly a confederate flag, I also think they should reconsider the matter and not fly it.
It took Old Piss until 2003 to start to realize that maybe having a slave owner as a mascot wasn't the best idea. We aren't dealing with rocket surgeons here.

The heritage argument is odd. Do you think South Carolina has flown that flag for 200 years? Lol. No. They started flying it at the state house in the 60s as a response to the civil rights movement.

"Wait, these negroes want to drink out of our waterfountains? I feel all of a sudden nostalgic for a time when we owned them."

It is a free country and any dipshit that wants to fly it should be able to. But it should never be associated with any state or government institution.
Mississippi actually put the flag up for a vote to remove the confederate portion. The vote passed to keep the flag in its current state. The blacks said they did not want the flag changed because it was just as much apart of their heritage as the white people.
This is got to be a crock! Not one person that I'm friends with consider the confederate flag a part of their heritage but a horrific part of history.
Some people consider the flag a part of their heritage because they had an ancestor who fought or died in the Civil War. I have no problem with people respecting their heritage but it is offensive to so many people because of what it stood for. It should be viewed in a museum. You can be a proud southerner without a rebel flag on your truck or house. There is to much hate surrounding that symbol.
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To the person who said he's never seen it flown at or around their games in Oxford, well, you haven't been to Oxford then. Sorry, it's hard to miss. I've been there, spare me that crap.

BUT, I support the individuals rights to look just as stupid and backward as they want. Let them fly their own and show off how redneck they are. The difference is that the state, it's university and any government entity that is supposed to represent the state at large should NOT be part of it. If a business owner wants to display it and is allowing blacks to eat or shop there, FINE. I'd want to talk to the black people about how stupid it is to give your money to a bigot, but that's another subject. But a government entity should not be displaying it.

I, for one, would love to see even more of them in the grove. Why any self respecting black person would still want to play there after a walk through AROUND the stadium is beyond me; it has certainly hurt them in years past.

Oh, and don't bother with me on the "heritage vs hate" nonsense. I'm deaf to that. I'm white as they come and I know full and well how those fine folks feel about other races.
Question for anybody. I have seen footage in the sixties of rebel flags at Arkansas football games.Dixie was also allowed to be played. When was this banned and what year? Just curious.
Question for anybody. I have seen footage in the sixties of rebel flags at Arkansas football games.Dixie was also allowed to be played. When was this banned and what year? Just curious.

I can't give a date and I hate admitting i'm mid 40's. But I recall when I was a kid in the 70's there was a huge uproar and my parents were talking about it. I want to say it was probably around 75 -77 or so.

It wasn't about the flag itself per se. It was the Arkansas band was playing Dixie at home football games. There was an uproar that it was hurtful to our image, the school, for recruiting, etc.... Over a lot of complaints, threats, and so forth, it was stopped. I believe the flag was kinda thrown in at the time as well.

If you look at old images from the Great shootout, you see a lot of Confederate flags in the stands, which embarrasses me now.
Funny thing is Obama goes on tv and uses the "N"
word (I would have quoted him but then it would have gone to grim bottom) and not ONE news story about it. As proven, had anyone else in the public eye said that, they would have been crucified. Hell the guy who asked Obamas press secretary why he said that wouldn't even use the word in his question. When you can't even quote the president of the United States because of political correctness we have reached complete absurdity as a nation. By the way, I've never seen a flag kill anyone. Government does more to promote racism than any other entity out there.
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Thanks! I'm 40 and I started watching the Hogs at the age of 5 and I never remembered seeing the flag or hearing Dixie at that time. I'm glad we were proactive regarding the Confederate symbolism.
One of the blue stars on the Arkansas flag represents the confederacy. It was placed there by the state legislature in the 1920's. It was reaffirmed by a bill passed in 1987 and signed by Gov Clinton. Arkansas also still celebrates the birthday of Robert E Lee and Martin Luther King on the same day.
One of the blue stars on the Arkansas flag represents the confederacy. It was placed there by the state legislature in the 1920's. It was reaffirmed by a bill passed in 1987 and signed by Gov Clinton. Arkansas also still celebrates the birthday of Robert E Lee and Martin Luther King on the same day.

One star is not a big issue. Martin Luther King stood for peace and reconciliation along with civil rights. Robert E Lee stood for treason. That's a shame that Arkansas would still celebrate or commemorate an enemy of the US like that.
I'm amazed every time I see a 4 or 5 star black FB or BB player from outside the state of Mississippi actually go to that state to play in front of anybody waving a Confederate flag. I don't care if it's just a hand full of Rebel fans, it still just amazes me. I guess the incentives ($$$$$) must be too hard to turn down.
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One star is not a big issue. Martin Luther King stood for peace and reconciliation along with civil rights. Robert E Lee stood for treason. That's a shame that Arkansas would still celebrate or commemorate an enemy of the US like that.

I taught Arkansas History for 20 years and we never celebrated Robert E. Lee's birthday on the same day as MLK day. I didn't even know when Lee's birthday was.
Re: Old Miss and Dixie. Their band, home and away, plays a medley of songs of the South that includes a pretty large chunk of "Dixie". I have always found that strange in light of the other changes...
Every southern state is still fighting the image of being racist and that includes Arkansas. The state as a whole is more progressive than MS but it is hard for any state south of the Mason-Dixon Line to cast to many stones at another.