OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

Our Great leader(and CNN’s response with a great dig at Melania “be better”)

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Ha Do Wut? Hoggybones is our family nickname. My oldest son (he is nothing like me) has a Youtube account and had over 1MM views for Greatest Hog Football Moments until his High School made him take it because he used his HS Email address. He re-posted on Youtube and I think has around 200k views now. He did all of it on his IPHONE. Pretty cool even if you hate me check it out. He created best moment videos for most of the last few year Sr's

You should really get a new name. The guy who first used it on Hog message boards is kind of a big deal now. He still shows up on Woopig occasionally.
Just think we need to merge all the other active political threads.
Problem is each one is specific to something and relates to sports. This one doesn't.

Those threads can live on their own since they are discussing a specific topic. This one is just a catch-all for everything.

This was part of his usual early morning “what dumb shit can I say” twitter ritual.

Agitator is a very loaded term. It’s how civil rights workers that tried to register people to vote in the 1960s were labeled. The three boys lynched in the Mississippi Burning were “agitators.” Using that term on Juneteenth in reference to a rally in Tulsa is just stupid.

Protestors are part of the American tradition, both civil and religious. They are protected by the constitution. But he’s made a state enemy of them.

Basically, he woke up, fantasized about violence, and then fantasized even harder about bloodily putting it down. It’s fairly sick, and it’s un-American.
This was part of his usual early morning “what dumb shit can I say” twitter ritual.

Agitator is a very loaded term. It’s how civil rights workers that tried to register people to vote in the 1960s were labeled. The three boys lynched in the Mississippi Burning were “agitators.” Using that term on Juneteenth in reference to a rally in Tulsa is just stupid.

Protestors are part of the American tradition, both civil and religious. They are protected by the constitution. But he’s made a state enemy of them.

Basically, he woke up, fantasized about violence, and then fantasized even harder about bloodily putting it down. It’s fairly sick, and it’s un-American.

It's crazy because it definitely seems intentional. He could've left out the protesters part and people probably wouldn't have cared(as much anyway), but why even say anything at all? I just don't get it.
Don't make me drive up and stick a Trump flag in your yard .

Don’t forget mine.

Politics are never good subjects to bring up because it can divide people , families ect.
I know my Father who never post just loves reading and keeping up with Arkansas sports is 79 and has said he will not be renewing his membership.
the keyboard warriors/members of the party of tolerance will be along soon to say how stupid that is and how closed minded he's being.
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the keyboard warriors/members of the party of tolerance will be along soon to say how stupid that is and how closed minded he's being.

Well that wouldn't be cool. We can shittalk Cluck all day, but I don't think any of us would stoop low enough to go after his father.
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My wife isn’t a football player but everyone at her office took a test at work today since they work with the public so we’re waiting to hear back, fun times.

hope this helps ohpee
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