OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

Its not different. Read what I said. There is a good chance can drastically create a massive imbalance there if he is re-elected. It wasn't always like this. Presidents used to make an effort to put impartial people in the Supreme Court. Again, their only job is to interpret the constitution and make decisions that keep our laws aligned with it. They shouldn't be loyal to a certain party's ideologies over the constitution.

As for climate change. Stop listening to Hollywood and politicians. Listen to scientists in the field. No, we are not going to all die in 12 years. That doesn't mean that it should be ignored.

After the sham they put Kavanaugh through, I hope they load that beech up.

Kavaughn guilty, Biden totally innocent.
Yeah but consider that the Kavanaugh spot should have gone to Obama in the first place.

They should have followed the process with Obama’s nominee, but that wasn’t Kavanaugh’s fault. There was every attempt made to ruin not just his nomination but his life. Talk about deplorable behavior. Now that Biden has just been as credibly accused, total silence.

As far as the court goes, it does concern me that Trump has a chance to stack it with a second term. There is no such thing as being unbiased, so a 4-4 split and a swing vote seems ideal. Ginsburg is living (maybe?) proof that justices should be retired at a certain age too. Reminds me of Strom Thurmond in Congress. Weekend at Bernies is supposed to be fictional.
They should have followed the process with Obama’s nominee, but that wasn’t Kavanaugh’s fault. There was every attempt made to ruin not just his nomination but his life. Talk about deplorable behavior. Now that Biden has just been as credibly accused, total silence.

As far as the court goes, it does concern me that Trump has a chance to stack it with a second term. There is no such thing as being unbiased, so a 4-4 split and a swing vote seems ideal. Ginsburg is living (maybe?) proof that justices should be retired at a certain age too. Reminds me of Strom Thurmond in Congress. Weekend at Bernies is supposed to be fictional.

Yeah. It was terrible. Impossible to support how the Dems used that. It shatters any credibility the accuser may have had. I’m just saying it was dirty before that. I think as a historian you know that in the past, presidents didn’t always practice appointing loyalists to the Supreme Court. There was a time when the constitutional purpose for the Supreme Court was honored.

But I say we should get back to that or at least be balanced and posters on here reply that it should be loaded with loyalists. That’s not patriotic. You absolutely need the Supreme Court to be loyal to the constitution.

As for Ginsberg, I bet she wishes she had peaceful out early in Obama’s second term. Poor lady.
Yeah. It was terrible. Impossible to support how the Dems used that. It shatters any credibility the accuser may have had. I’m just saying it was dirty before that. I think as a historian you know that in the past, presidents didn’t always practice appointing loyalists to the Supreme Court. There was a time when the constitutional purpose for the Supreme Court was honored.

But I say we should get back to that or at least be balanced and posters on here reply that it should be loaded with loyalists. That’s not patriotic. You absolutely need the Supreme Court to be loyal to the constitution.

There was a time when trying to stack the court with loyalists earned significant backlash, see FDR.
Not enough to crush the economy. I honestly don't think you realize what this has done and will do for a while. God i hope im wrong. It has killed my business. Truckers are blocking interstates protesting the money they are getting now because commerce has shut down. Unprecedented. The difference between now and three weeks ago is night and day.

Shes like every other stay at home employee I know. Their job is safe because the income is there. Thus making them hard core advocates for the stay at home push. The very moment that income is vulnerable their ass will be out there.
Shes like every other stay at home employee I know. Their job is safe because the income is there. Thus making them hard core advocates for the stay at home push. The very moment that income is vulnerable their ass will be out there.
Im working from home and im ready to hit the office and for the government to quit giving individuals money. Help the businesses so the jobs are there when the socialist hangover wears off
They should have followed the process with Obama’s nominee, but that wasn’t Kavanaugh’s fault. There was every attempt made to ruin not just his nomination but his life. Talk about deplorable behavior. Now that Biden has just been as credibly accused, total silence.

As far as the court goes, it does concern me that Trump has a chance to stack it with a second term. There is no such thing as being unbiased, so a 4-4 split and a swing vote seems ideal. Ginsburg is living (maybe?) proof that justices should be retired at a certain age too. Reminds me of Strom Thurmond in Congress. Weekend at Bernies is supposed to be fictional.
Are you confusing Gorsuch with Kavanaugh? Obama nominates Garland...Cocaine Mitch says not even going to vote. Trump wins and nominates Gorsuch (big reason Trump won). Year and half later Trump nominates Kavanaugh while liberals tear apart his and his family’s lives. What am I missing
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I’m saying Kavanaugh was punished over the Garland episode. They had enough time and built up rage at that point to run with some looney tunes reject and her baseless accusations.

Are you confusing Gorsuch with Kavanaugh? Obama nominates Garland...Cocaine Mitch says not even going to vote. Trump wins and nominates Gorsuch (big reason Trump won). Year and half later Trump nominates Kavanaugh while liberals tear apart his and his family’s lives. What am I missing
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Are you confusing Gorsuch with Kavanaugh? Obama nominates Garland...Cocaine Mitch says not even going to vote. Trump wins and nominates Gorsuch (big reason Trump won). Year and half later Trump nominates Kavanaugh while liberals tear apart his and his family’s lives. What am I missing

I thought it was Kavanaugh that was Trumps first appointee, my bad.
Gotta hand it to that Fauci guy...he even convinced 32 of the richest people in America who comprise the NFL and ESPN into letting him give a televised statement before the NFL draft last night...what a con and fraudster...can’t believe they are that gullible.
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I can see the sports stands now. Cold BEER! Cold BEER! ........ Liiii- sol and clean SYRINGES. RIGHT HERE!
I hear this used against Trump often, but it doesn't make sense to me.

Did I miss where Trump reduced sanctions on North Korea? I mean, I specifically remember him saying he wouldn't soften sanctions on North Korea at all until KJU came to the table and agreed on new compromises (including their nuclear program).

Did I misunderstand the times he openly condemned China? Did I imagine a massive amount of tariffs he placed on China to force them into a new trade deal?

Exactly which sanctions and tariffs has Trump removed from Russia?

Is it possible...just possible that he can be tough in negotiations and diplomacy without completely alienating his opponent? Is it possible he make not care for some of these people, but still try create an environment where he can try to get things done with bad actors? You don't accomplish that in business by putting those leaders on blast on the world stage without giving a pat on the back now and then.

I'm not trying to be condescending here. I'm curious exactly what he or others should do differently, and who has been tougher on those countries in what way?
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Trump is a struggle when talking science and should refrain. However, if you think he was talking lysol then it makes sense your disdain for him. For me, I read the NIH article about the clinical trials of chlorine dioxide and it would make sense he is referring to it. Is NIH no longer a good source?
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Trump is a struggle when talking science and should refrain. However, if you think he was talking lysol then it makes sense your disdain for him. For me, I read the NIH article about the clinical trials of chlorine dioxide and it would make sense he is referring to it. Is NIH no longer a good source?
I don't think he was talking about a 20-person study that has no results yet... I think he was talking about legit disinfectant.
I don't think he was talking about a 20-person study that has no results yet... I think he was talking about legit disinfectant.

If anyone remotely thinks he was talking about injecting lysol and are then ignorant enough to actually try it, then they deserve to die.... it's called natural selection.

As I've said before, scientists will eventually find a cure and a vaccine for Covid-19, however, they will never find a cure for outright stupidity.
If anyone remotely thinks he was talking about injecting lysol and are then ignorant enough to actually try it, then they deserve to die.... it's called natural selection.

As I've said before, scientists will eventually find a cure and a vaccine for Covid-19, however, they will never find a cure for outright stupidity.
I just don't understand why he talks about anything science related. The experts are standing there next to him for a reason, just let them do it.
I just don't understand why he talks about anything science related. The experts are standing there next to him for a reason, just let them do it.

Certainly not going to defend some of his antics and responses in the briefings because at times they are cringeworthy. I watch them everyday for my line of work and to be fully informed whether it be good or bad.

My problem is the media takes clips of his briefings completely out of context to fit their agenda. Then those who don't listen to the entire briefing believe the deceptive video clip for the news media of their choice which feeds their line of thinking. MSNBC took a clip of Redfield's (CDC) in Wednesday briefing when discussing being misquoted in the Washington Post to completely fit their agenda. It's this type of irresponsible reporting that needs to stop.

Bottom line is whether you're a Trumpeter or far left AOC/Bernie lover, anyone with half a f*cking brain would know whether Trump/Biden/Hillary/Bernie or anyone else hypothetically made a comment about injecting a disinfectant or taking hydroxychloroquine, they would not be suggesting to inject lysol or ingest fish tank cleaner.

It pays to be able to think for yourself.
Did you read and understand what I posted and then read the links you responded with?

NOTHING you replied with disputes what I originally posted. NOTHING. I never once stated or implied that he didn't praise those leaders. I offered an explanation as to why he might be praising them with his left hand, but still being tough on them with his right.

He didn't lessen sanctions on North Korea, and even openly said he wouldn't until KJU brought a new compromise to the table. He put massive tariffs on China to force a new trade deal. He has maintained sanctions and tariffs on Russia...even the NATO imposed sanction you linked. Delayed, but still imposed.

Why is it so hard for some to fathom that he may be trying to be friendly with the biggest bad actors in hopes of finding common ground to fix some of the problems, but still maintaining all of the punitive measures as a source of leverage?

Have you ever had to do business with somebody you didn't trust or didn't particularly like as a person for your business to be successful? Were you cautious in your dealings and maintain an amicable business relationship or did you tell him/her off and hope they would still do business with you? Checkers and chess, man...checkers and chess.