OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

Interesting that facebook took this picture down so quickly. For those wondering, it was a half dozen masked health care workers with an obvious mannequin on a gurney wheeling them into a new york hospital. Didnt think that pic through enough, i guess
And the hits keep coming................ damn conspiracy theorists thinking that this was all a sham. Where are the detractors now? They've all but disappeared from this thread! Lol...

Just had to get caught up reading all 76 pages of this thread first.

Just kidding TL;DR
Let me catch you the dude style

Coronabros/gal early on:


Aspiring Epidemiologists:

Coronabros/gals mad at Epis for disregarding science:


*Italy death totals have entered the chat*

Epis response to European values:

Coronabros/gal on Epis thoughts on Italy and how it will be here in 2 weeks

Epis after two weeks:

*Trump enters the chat to provide stellar scientific advice*

Coronabros/gals after press conference is over:

Epis seeing them numbers come down:

Coronabros/gal beginning to concede millions won’t die:

*Thread begins to spiral into politics*

Epis begin to insinuate we need to open commerce back up:


You’re all caught up.
I honestly don't need one person on the board to agree with me...well, maybe mdamone...he's a beast. Once you stated that you hoped I wasn't as naive as I looked, well...i responded in kind. In my mind that was you insinuating that my opinion and thought process was worthless.

Anyways...apologies if you thought I was trying to make it personal. It was not my intent to go down that road.

Duly noted. We both got sideways and that wasn't my intention either. I also apologize if I crossed the line.
Let me catch you the dude style

Coronabros/gal early on:


Aspiring Epidemiologists:

Coronabros/gals mad at Epis for disregarding science:


*Italy death totals have entered the chat*

Epis response to European values:

Coronabros/gal on Epis thoughts on Italy and how it will be here in 2 weeks

Epis after two weeks:

*Trump enters the chat to provide stellar scientific advice*

Coronabros/gals after press conference is over:

Epis seeing them numbers come down:

Coronabros/gal beginning to concede millions won’t die:

*Thread begins to spiral into politics*

Epis begin to insinuate we need to open commerce back up:


You’re all caught up.
Well if his lawyers say the information (which they don’t go into detail on) exculpates him then it must be true. Case closed!

Also, speaking of propaganda, you linked an article to the daily caller. Do you not think that’s a biased source?

An entire impeachment process was predicted on an "anonymous source", but let's discredit this suit because the lawyers arent tipping their hand right off the bat.
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An entire impeachment process was predicted on an "anonymous source", but let's discredit this suit because the lawyers arent tipping their hand right off the bat.
I just think it’s funny that you’ve come to the conclusion he’s innocent because his lawyers say so.
I just think it’s funny that you’ve come to the conclusion he’s innocent because his lawyers say so.
Didn’t you come to the opposing conclusion that he was guilty based upon a intelligence dossier initiated by fabricated information that ultimately couldn’t even validate the evidence in those documents?

Looks like everyone’s a bit guilty.
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that is the total, not the rate.
I’m struggling to follow your comments. Let’s imagine 2 groups:

1) 100 people (50 people >65 y/o with COPD or diseases impacting the immune system and 50 healthy college students) were infected.

2) Another group of 100, all under 50 years old without chronic conditions were infected.

Which of these groups would have a higher rate of death among the 100 infected if you had to guess?
Didn’t you come to the opposing conclusion that he was guilty based upon a intelligence dossier initiated by fabricated information that ultimately couldn’t even validate the evidence in those documents?

Looks like everyone’s a bit guilty.
I came to the conclusion he was guilty when the plead guilty.
I believe what he has said is he plead guilty because he didn’t want his family to go through it all. The proof has and is still coming out that he didn’t lie.
So you think he admitted to a federal crime he didn’t commit bc he didn’t want his son investigated too? And that makes sense to you?
So you think he admitted to a federal crime he didn’t commit bc he didn’t want his son investigated too? And that makes sense to you?
If I knew I wasn’t going to serve any prison time if I plead guilty to practically nothing, and it would protect my family, you’re damn right I would. They were threatening him with going after his son.
I came in late. Were we talking about Trump pleading guilty or did Flynn say Trump plead guilty in that audio?
We were talking about new evidence Flynn’s lawyers say exculpate him of the crimes he plead guilty to committing. Though they aren’t saying what evidence that is, just that it’s “stunning”.
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We were talking about new evidence Flynn’s lawyers say exculpate him of the crimes he plead guilty to committing. Though they aren’t saying what evidence that is, just that it’s “stunning”.
Oh then shit, yeah, that doesn’t mean anything yet. It could be something. But pleading guilty removes the “innocent until proven guilty” thought. Until evidence is produced that provides proof everything else is just postering.
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So you think he admitted to a federal crime he didn’t commit bc he didn’t want his son investigated too? And that makes sense to you?
Its not just that. The FBI were freezing bank accounts also. How long could you hold out knowing your family was suffering?

That's bleach. This study was posted 13 days ago. Also, there is a disclaimer for the database.

"Listing a study on this site does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. The safety and scientific validity of a study listed on is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators."

We got MF'ers out here bleaching their buttholes, now we are gonna be bleaching our insides too lol.
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To what charges?

The original case?

Or some hokey pokey obstruction charge? That could be put on anyone at anytime?
Lol that was the original charge. You’re very confused. He was under investigation and during the course of that investigation he lied to the FBI about his dealings with Russia. That was the charge that he plead guilty to.

"The most persuasive argument for the lockdowns, made by [Dr.] Fauci and [Dr.] Birx from day one, was flattening the curve to avoid collapsing the hospital system. Americans by the millions acceded to that suppression strategy and accomplished its goal."
These two arrogant dummies are about to collapse the hospital system because they told them to pass on elective surgeries to house covid patients. Well all these patience never showed up and hospitals are now furlowing workers to stay afloat. All because of Fauci and Burks. These two have been catastrophically wrong every step of the way. But hey, they’re the “experts.” https://www.beckershospitalreview.c...ees-to-help-offset-3b-in-pandemic-losses.html... And this is going on around the country. These two idiots will never admit they were wrong and should be shunned for what they’ve done to this country.

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