Can we afford to be wrong about the impact of pollution on our planet? People can deny climate change and mock global warming during a snowstorm or cold spell. Or they can recognize that our consumption of pollutants to power our every day life are having negative impact on our environment. Should we ignore the billowing smoke from manufacturing and power plants and vehicles and incomprehensible amount of pollutants in the oceans? How can people look at that and say “meh?” India has 3 times as many people, and we are worse than they are. But I guess we can say “thank goodness for china” bc we are not number one just like we say that for Mississippi bc their health and well being and education system is slightly worse than ours when in all actuality it is not funny.
I remember the fear of impending doom cast upon us in the 60's due to the man made hole in the ozone that was soon going to get big enough to allow the sun to fry us all to a grueling death. Scary stuff for a kid already sick with dread of the impending nuclear holocaust that had seemed only a matter of time since the 50's. And WE were the culprits. Modern technology created that hole of extinction.
That hole in the ozone virtually created the EPA, which imposed endless bans and countless regulations to anything considered even a little suspect in making that hole bigger. Cost untold amounts of money too. Made lots of scientists rich and created lots and lots of cush new jobs for bureaucrats for generations to come.
And then? Well, maybe the hole wasn't getting bigger after all. Maybe it had always been there. Maybe it actually helped by providing a means for the environment to expell pollutants out of our atmosphere. Never mind. But we didn't roll back any of those new rules and regs. We didn't shrink the EPA. We created a hungry monster that would keep growing and devouring for generations. A monster that would be used as an extremely useful tool for greedy and crooked politicians for generations to come.
The EPA has done much good, but it has also been a liar, a fraud, a henchman, a bully, and a way for dirty politicians to control and extort from private business as well as take power from the people and give it to themselves.
Global warming, renamed climate change when we went through an extended cool spell that made it look phoney, has been from the same playbook that was used for the hole in the ozone. We must act now just in case there is some truth to the theory that man is changing the climate. Nothing like the threat total impending doom to scare the commoners into submission and get those tax dollars rolling in for something that can't be proven right or wrong and will never be definitively fixed or finished. It is a one world government wet dream.
Nobody knows for sure if we are doing it, if nature does it ahem, naturally, or if it is really happening at all. Lots of researchers have created themselves lucrative careers w/o producing a product, lots of politicians have given themselves endless talking points for controlling the masses w/o restraint.
The thing that is different this time, is that there is a push to one world government that sees this as it's ticket to happening. That's why the UN is SO on board at the top. This is the vehicle to finally make it happen if enough people will believe. That's what scares me more than the earth warming 3 degrees over 100 years. We have had ice ages, world droughts, massive floods, etc. throughout history that WE had nothing to do with. The climate has always changed, and then changed again w/o any help from us.
We are in far greater danger of destruction from a giant volcanic eruption or getting struck by some huge projectile from space than we are from the ocean rising a few feet, but few people seem to be sounding alarms for that. Too cut and dried and too little speculation involved. No political power to be gained so screw it, I guess.