I know Bob Costas just didnt


Oct 19, 2010
Make an anti-gun rant on national television during halftime of MNF. OMG! He has to go. NBC and thier radical anti-constitutional views have no place in sports. I hope he is crucified.
Originally posted by JeanLucPiggard:
Make an anti-gun rant on national television during halftime of MNF. OMG! He has to go. NBC and thier radical anti-constitutional views have no place in sports. I hope he is crucified.

Huge Costas fan...but that was absolutely uncalled for & in bad taste...using the tragedy to soapbox a political opinion...

That reeked of personal motivation.
Just saw that myself...apparently he was quoting from a newpaper article out of KC, but still it goes to "If he didn't have a gun two people would still be alive"....unbelievable & inapproapriate.
He sure did my blood pressure just shot through the roof!!! It's the COWboys playing as well.. He will get rode hard for this
He did and so did ChrisBerman and Tom Jackson on the morning ESPN show. Truly pathetic. How about if the guy wasn't a murderer they wouldn't be dead. Try that one on for size Bob.
If we didn't drive cars, no one would be killed in a car wreck........What about knives? Baseball bats? Tire tools......
Really. He was correct. So you are one of those that think criminals buy their guns legally or couldn't get them if a gun shop didn't sell them. Well You Are A Dumbass.
Posted from[/URL]
I guess I shouldn't be surprised since he is such a good buddy of Keith O. Bad time to get on soapbox
We have to get rid of these anti-gun
fugtards now.
I hope for once the shameless grab at the spotlight for political purposes backfires on Bob. I would love to see a massive backlash forcing Bob to apologize for his statement. Doubt it happens with that network.
Anyone who believes outlawing guns would stop murders is a complete IDIOT!!! The people who obey laws don't murder people to began with. Normal people would be defenseless against the thugs!!!!
That was not the time or the place for that speech. And it was totally irresponsonsible to say they'd both be alive if he didn't have a gun.

ER, in a nutshell he stated that if the player didn't have a gun, he and the girl would still be alive. Complete moronic statement. Mental illness caused this tragedy, not guns.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
He could have killed her with bare hands or a knife! That's obsurd that he would insinuate that they would both still be alive if not for hand guns!!!!
Originally posted by Richmond Hog:
He was 100% correct.
Maybe so bit distasteful. No business it being pushed by a commentator during a football game halftime.
Originally posted by JeanLucPiggard:
If we didn't drive cars, no one would be killed in a car wreck........What about knives? Baseball bats? Tire tools......
And if all men had their wankers cut off, there would be no more rapes....
Today thousands of car accidents took place and people died!!! If people didn't have cars this wouldn't have happened
He also said that gun ownership does nothing to curb violent crimes. Not true. An unarmed society makes easy targets of law abiding citizens. Outlawing gun ownership only takes guns from law abiding citizens. Murder has been around since Cain killed Able. However, an agenda to disarm a society is simply a tactic for those in power to be able to push thier will on a populace with no opposition.

Btw, what does foxnews have to do with anything? Who brought that up?
Okay, the only reason to allow handguns is if you believe they prevent more deaths than they cause. I know there are examples of handguns saving people but I believe the Chiefs' incident happens more often. There are studies that support both arguments, but they are so politically motivated that its hard to rely on them. I trust my what I see, and I think they cause more deaths than they save.
I tend to agree with his view on guns but the whole thing was off-beat and poorly timed. Not good.