OT It will soon be against the law to smoke in a car with someone under the age of 18 in it...

Yeah. And make it for your home also. Just make it illegal to smoke and there will be no more smoke related deaths just like people stopped drinking during prohibition.
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Ps. Was only kidding, and totally agree with @floridahog about the pets. Got a family member that could pass any day now due to smoking. Glad i quit, sorry for your loss Mr. Razorback.
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Awesome law. What's the end game? Take children from otherwise decent parents and put them in the foster system? Solid plan.

I'm vehemently against smoking around children (and generally others that don't want to be around it) but "feel good" legislation has done way more harm than good in this country. Truly an epidemic in recent history.
As a law enforcement officer this makes me angrier than most other crimes. Nothing will get your blood boiling more than pulling over a car and the mom and dad are both smoking with children in the car. Even though it being a misdemeanor, I love making it a must appear citation and watching them squirm in front of the judge when he asks the to explain their stupidity... Never works out well for them....
Awesome law. What's the end game? Take children from otherwise decent parents and put them in the foster system? Solid plan.

I'm vehemently against smoking around children (and generally others that don't want to be around it) but "feel good" legislation has done way more harm than good in this country. Truly an epidemic in recent history.

No child will be taken from their parents just because of this law, several other factors would have to come into play.. Laws are for our protection and even infants, toddlers, etc..need some form of this. After a hefty fine and a good stern lashing by a judge the ones who did smoke , may think twice about doing it again....That is what this law was designed for..
I have a general problem with the people that profit from smokers, telling them where they can't smoke. You might as well be profiting from cancer. The fact that cigarettes are still being sold tells you everything you need to know about this world.
Let's see, We pass laws to protect children from second hand smoke, then pass laws that we can kill them before they're even born. Is this a great country or what?

I bet other countries laugh at us due to some of the dumbass lawmakers we have. The hypocrisy in our government and in our country in general is sickening.
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Some real doozies:
1. It's her body so she should be able to do with it as she pleases. EXCEPT she can't put drugs in it, or sell it.
2. Any Sex between two consenting adults is OK. EXCEPT when the consenting adults practice incest.
3. Drugs are illegal. EXCEPT those that are most popular, like alcohol.
4. Everyone has to pay their fair share. EXCEPT the government gets to determine your fair share. (Which means some will pay more for the same rights and freedoms than others pay for those same rights and freedoms)
5. It's against the law to discriminate because of race, religion, or sexual preference. EXCEPT when one group doesn't do as well as another, then we must discriminate for the common good. see Affirmative Action.
6. We want equal OPPORTUNITY for everyone. BUT if we don't like the results, then we must pass laws to assure equal OUTCOMES. More affirmative Action.
7. We have a government OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, and BY THE PEOPLE. Biggest joke of all. See those morons sitting on the supreme court who have decided that money and free speech are one and the same. Could go on and on but what's the point, pretty sure I've sent this thread to the Bottom.
BAAAA BAAAA ..... it's sickening to me to be surrounded by blind, ignorant, neo-puritan SHEEPLE.

What's next?
No child will be taken from their parents just because of this law, several other factors would have to come into play.. Laws are for our protection and even infants, toddlers, etc..need some form of this. After a hefty fine and a good stern lashing by a judge the ones who did smoke , may think twice about doing it again....That is what this law was designed for..

Oh ok cool. So you can be cited for this an infinite amount of times with no further recourse? Seems legit.

I'm sure CPS won't get involved either. They have a long standing reputation of only getting involved in situations that truly warrant their intervention.
I think we should make taking your kids to McDonald's against the law. I also think contact sports for kids 17 and under should be against the law. Fireworks around kids? I don't think so. Giving a coke to a kid? Good, see you in court, pal. Letting a kid drink from a garden hose? That will be $200, mom and dad.

Why? Think about the kids!!!! Do you not care about the kids!!?!?? (Read: Because this is my personal crusade. I feel very strongly about these issues, and I want the rest of society to be forced, under rule of law, to do things my way) That's why.

But imagine that, a cop that is in favor of more laws (read: in favor of more authority). Who would've thunk it?
I think we should make taking your kids to McDonald's against the law. I also think contact sports for kids 17 and under should be against the law. Fireworks around kids? I don't think so. Giving a coke to a kid? Good, see you in court, pal. Letting a kid drink from a garden hose? That will be $200, mom and dad.

Why? Think about the kids!!!! Do you not care about the kids!!?!?? (Read: Because this is my personal crusade. I feel very strongly about these issues, and I want the rest of society to be forced, under rule of law, to do things my way) That's why.

But imagine that, a cop that is in favor of more laws (read: in favor of more authority). Who would've thunk it?
Bingo. More laws is rarely the best course of action.

Note to cops and lawmakers. You cannot legislate good parenting. Quit thinking that you can.
This really spiraled out of control quickly.

It went from endangering children through second hand smoke to abortion, incest and affirmative action in the blink of an eye. Wow.

How many on here need a cigarette?
I would take a drink but I'm afraid I might break a law. Pretty much walk on eggshells these days. Anyone know how long it would take a citizen to read the entire penal code ?
its a liberal mindset of America today. they think the population is too dumb to make decisions for their own good, so the result is more laws to protect us from ourselves.

All I'm saying is that if we want to legislate something that is or may be harmful to kids (or anyone in general for that matter) then let's not half ass it. Get you're ass on that sled and let's ride this slippery slope to the bottom. You can't pick and choose. It's either detrimental or potentially detrimental or it isn't.
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It's easy to see who the smokers are ITT.
I'm not a smoker...and wish that no one would smoke (or drink, for that matter)...but I see what some of these guys are saying. We continue to legislate, hoping to make a difference (and maybe we will)...but many times, we just end up making criminals of people.

How about making it illegal for parents to smoke in front of their kids at home? Why just a car? How about making it illegal for a parent to be drunk in front of their kids at home? I can guarantee a LOT of kids are damaged by drunk parents at home.
It's easy to see who the smokers are ITT.

Not me. I despise smoking. I can't think of a more white trash thing to do.

I'm just someone that appreciates liberty and not really into becoming a(nymore of a) nation of laws (Totalitarian state).

Best of luck to you with legislating out whatever you don't happen to agree with though. Pretty noble of you, really.
I'm not a smoker...and wish that no one would smoke (or drink, for that matter)...but I see what some of these guys are saying. We continue to legislate, hoping to make a difference (and maybe we will)...but many times, we just end up making criminals of people.

How about making it illegal for parents to smoke in front of their kids at home? Why just a car? How about making it illegal for a parent to be drunk in front of their kids at home? I can guarantee a LOT of kids are damaged by drunk parents at home.

Because this is about his personal plight. He couldn't care less about about anyone else so long as his personal interests are served.

That is the prevailing problem with this country on every level.
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Not me. I despise smoking. I can't think of a more white trash thing to do.

I'm just someone that appreciates liberty and not really into becoming a(nymore of a) nation of laws (Totalitarian state).

Best of luck to you with legislating out whatever you don't happen to agree with though. Pretty noble of you, really.
Yeah bright minds we're dealing with here since if you disagree with a law about smoking you are automatically a smoker. Geez.... Maybe we are just tired of law after law after law legislating the way we live ? Nah can't be the case, has to be a bunch of mad smokers.

I don't smoke mr simpleton, errrr mr razorback
Yeah bright minds we're dealing with here since if you disagree with a law about smoking you are automatically a smoker. Geez.... Maybe we are just tired of law after law after law legislating the way we live ? Nah can't be the case, has to be a bunch of mad smokers.

I don't smoke mr simpleton, errrr mr razorback

Red Herrings are a sign that you are dealing with a mental giant, to be sure.
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Red Herrings are a sign that you are dealing with a mental giant, to be sure.
Sarcasm and hyperbolic language are signs of a 19 yr old who just took GOV101 and PSYC101 and think they have original ideas. You're coming across as a jackass ITT, dude. You established your canned, freshmanic stance in your first post.
Leave a 3 day old child in a hot car by accident.....go to jail for life. Have a dr. brutally murder the viable child a few weeks earlier and planned parenthood can sell your baby's body parts and be celebrated by the left wing wackos.

Govt needs to provide for the common defense against our enemies and then gtfo of the way.
@Master of Reality is making me a little nervous. I can't think of a single time that we've ever agreed on a policy/political issue.

Guess that is/was one of the great things about this country.

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