This whole thread is about one person's crusade. Thats what he cares about. His battle cry is hitched to "feel good". Not statics. Not the wellbeing of others. He's proved it time and time again ITT.
I have stated many times ITT that I am clearly against smoking in the car with children or in general for that matter. The problem is that very simple and short sighted people say "Oh, a law against smoking around children? Hell yeah man. We got to protect them youngins!". But that's the end of it. They don't actually look at the proposed law to see what all it entails. I hinted at this earlier, but at what point do parents go to prison? At what point does CPS take the kids? At what point, is this no longer a good situation for the child? What else is attached to that law?
That's how all of this feel good legislation works. Vote for a law with good intentions but fail to research what's actually in the law and what it means for you. Then once people find out that the law is some bs, its too late. Obamacare and Patriot Act come to mind. Obviously those are federal law and can be more impactful, but the premise remains the same.
Personal liberty is becoming extinct at the hands of self interest and abuse of power. Once lost, it is gone forever. Oh well. This isn't the forum for this anyway.
Back to football.