Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
Originally posted by WMFC:
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
Originally posted by Hogswell Hogs:
Good for him.
Not picking on you in particular, but why is it good for him? Why is it my business, your business, or anything for public consumption at all?
It's a pretty major thing man. Even though it is 2013, a lot of people act like it is 1910...
Have to agree with rsrbk777. If we truly want a tolerate society then were going to have to stop making massive issues out of the small steps. It should be a blip on the radar so to speak. The loud beating of the drum only works to spark more public push back. Only when something goes unnoticed or causes very little peak of interest will it truly be on equal footing in a public setting. For example in the big 3 pro American sports NBA,NFL, MLB only baseball still has a majority of White players. As there are fewer and fewer references to race in sports it becomes acceptable to all... as it should. IMO the less we make of changes the easier they are to be integrated. The louder the announcement the greater the push back. Its like being in a bar and someone bumps into you and you spill your drink. If you act cool then no harm no foul we all have fun. However if you choose to blow it up we just might have a bar fight on our hands.