Originally posted by gbbaber:
Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
Originally posted by gbbaber:
Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
Originally posted by jdlee23:
Originally posted by BOSSHOGFREE:
Originally posted by WMFC:
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
Originally posted by Hogswell Hogs:
Good for him.
Not picking on you in particular, but why is it good for him? Why is it my business, your business, or anything for public consumption at all?
It's a pretty major thing man. Even though it is 2013, a lot of people act like it is 1910...
Have to agree with rsrbk777. If we truly want a tolerate society then were going to have to stop making massive issues out of the small steps. It should be a blip on the radar so to speak. The loud beating of the drum only works to spark more public push back. Only when something goes unnoticed or causes very little peak of interest will it truly be on equal footing in a public setting. For example in the big 3 pro American sports NBA,NFL, MLB only baseball still has a majority of White players. As there are fewer and fewer references to race in sports it becomes acceptable to all... as it should. IMO the less we make of changes the easier they are to be integrated. The louder the announcement the greater the push back. Its like being in a bar and someone bumps into you and you spill your drink. If you act cool then no harm no foul we all have fun. However if you choose to blow it up we just might have a bar fight on our hands.
If he was the 100th pro athlete to come out of the closet this year and people were making a big deal of it then I would understand your reasoning, but he's the very first, so... it's a big deal. As Collins said, he wishes someone had done it a long time ago, but they haven't.
Its only a big deal because people are making it a big deal. Will there be any more or less gay athletes because of this? Only in their public viewing not in their home lives. If people are making a big deal of it its because they either have an issue with it or have an agends to push. Again if youre one of thepthepeople blowing this up from one side or the other then you are perpetuating the problem. Acceptance is the lack of pointing out others differences while respecting them as a person. Our differences only make us stronger when we stop looking at them as differences but merely experiences. The more people praise differences the less likely we will see each other as the same. It is a complete failure of the fundamental beliefs of the current social movement. You cant expect the populous to see you as peer if you are currently reminding them of your difference from them.
Robbie Rogers, a guy who played for the national team, quit soccer because he is gay and doesn't want to deal with all the hate. If you can't see how gay role models might help other young men going through the same struggles then I don't know what to tell you.
You dont have to tell me anything. I see it pretty clearly. There are rather large GLBT communities in every major city now. I think you have me pegged as something Im not. Im simply saying the media for the most part play the American public like a fiddle. Otherwise why are we having this discussion?
So far Collins himself isnt the one trumping this up but simply saying Im gay. One man saying he is gay should spark no interest..... that is if we truly want to be tolerant. The real question shoukld be .... why is it our business to know?
I think someone earlier in this thread said it best when they said something to the effect of "if this was the 100th guy to come out and it was still this big a deal, then I'd totally agree." The thing is, people want to act like this is no big deal, like nothing to see here, nobody cares about gay people, why do we have to make a big deal out of it...but it is a big deal. Gay people have been cast out of American society from the very beginning, and now that the ball is starting to roll there way a little bit people like yourself begrudge them at every turn.
I think I'm really just having trouble understanding your stance here. You don't disagree with me that it's a good thing for young gay people to have someone who is older than them and who has been through the same things to come out and say it's OK to be that way, you can still follow your dreams, you don't have to fit into the stereotype, but you also want them to just keep their mouths shut? If you look at it as such a non-issue, why are you so up at arms about a gay basketball player making his feelings known? Why post in this thread at all?