Originally posted by NEastArkie:
There have been many Muslim leaders speaking out against terrorism. Here's just one article. http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-04-19/national/38669385_1_islamic-society-cair-boston-marathon.
You must think if you don't see or hear something it isn't there. You said the same thing about people bullying gays. Do you never read? You must get your news from Fox.
Sorry pal. No matter how badly you want me to hate you, I don't. I feel sorry for you. Heck, you are complaining over on the edge that nobody mentioned you as a "least favorite poster." You must have problems beyond the obvious ones. Get help.
An article???? In the Washington Post no less. And b/c I don't read the WP I'm an illiterate rube? As a kid in the 60's, we had no cable, no internet, and one TV in our house with e channels on it. And zero interest in the news. Yet somehow, someway, I vividly remember civil rights marches, Vietnam protests and the war that went with those protests, both Kennedy assassinations, theMLK assassination, the moon landing, Watergate, Jim Jones, etc.
These days with all of the near countless ways to keep up with anything happening anywhere, I have heard plenty about the 13 person Westboro bunch, the kid killing moms, global warming, Romney's tax rate, Sandy Hook, Obama's 100k a year dog sitter,same sex marriage, the various terrorist attacks, illegal immigration, the ever growing deficit, abortion rights, gun control, and on and on and on.
Yet you want me to believe that I'm just not looking hard enough for muslims speaking out on terrorism and I'm ignorant to not believe it just b/c I don't see it or hear it. Do you even know how lame that sounds? The muslim faction is 1.4 billion people, millions in our country alone. We have had the WTC attacked twice in the name of Allah, a mass shooting at Ft Hood, bombings in Boston, the USS Cole, embassies throughout the world attacked, wars fought, planes hijacked, muslim women and children beaten, killed, and tortured through sharia law, and basically people being killed daily somewhere all in the name of Allah, by what you repeatedly term as a small group of radicals within a peace loving faith. And I have to search the net to find resistance to that from the peace loving majority of over a billion people? Are you on drugs? A mass of people over a billion strong is having their names and their faith tainted by a small group of renegades and it's been going on for decades and they aren't marching in the streets to stop it? They aren't joining actively with the civilized world to get rid of these guys? And if they are it isn't news worthy enough for rubes like me to have heard it? And you call me ignorant? You are either dumber than a rock and too educated to know it or you are dishonest. I'm not sure which way to lean at this point. If the "peaceful muslims" were trying to stop their lunatic fringe it would be beyond obvious to the world and on the news somewhere almost daily. Duh.
And you call me pal when we both know we aren't pals? I've only seen the term pal used two ways in my life, the first when addressing a real pal, and the other as an emotional way of showing disgust w/o using dirty words. I think it's pretty safe to figure you used the latter......Which means.... I piss you off. And I can't believe you used the PC copout term of "you feel sorry for me" in direct response to me telling you you would. You are soooo out of new material.
And you throw out HRS's lighthearted thread on name your least favorite poster as evidence that I'm sick and disturbed for not being a socialist fraud like you? Did it fly over you that that entire thread was meant as a fun way of passing time and I was just going along with the joke? Do you really think I was hurt and upset b/c tcoach named pokerpig instead of me? Your sense of humor sucks.