OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

That’s not entirely true because there have been several cops convicted recently. The woman in Dallas who shot the kid from Harding comes to mind. Several other examples I can link if you would like. I agree that there have been instances which is bullshit but it’s not just a blanket “cops keep getting away with it”. Also remember sometimes cops get off because it is justified even if some don’t agree. Furgesson is a good example. The biggest problem normally is the media jumping the gun trying to be the first one out of the gate with the news that they don’t do there due diligence and they get people worked up without knowing the facts. (Not so much this instance but normally). A little off topic but you can not convince me that there would have been as many school shootings as there were if it wasn’t for the media sensationalizing it and playing it on the news non stop.

I've represented several police officers as an attorney. The qualified immunity doctrine makes it almost impossible to successfully prosecute claims against officers. Note the word "almost". There are always exceptions to the rule, usually due to bad lawyering.

And I couldn't agree more about the relationship between school shootings and how they are covered by the media. That's obviously far from the only important variable, but it definitely plays a large role. It's a tough situation though. Do you just not report them?
He won’t get life. It carries a maximum penalty of 25 years. And before anyone says it’s only because he is a cop go read all three murder statues. They have maximum penalties assigned to each one and this is the only one that fits the crime.

Yep. If he actually served all 25, which isn't going to happen, he would be released at the age of 69 (nice). He will miss out on the best years of his life when he should be settling in, growing older with his wife, presumably seeing his kids off to college and their careers, and having grandchildren. [I assume he has a wife and kids. I can't find it with a quick google search]. In that case, the punishment fits decently. He took the potential for all of those things away from George Floyd who was 46.
I've represented several police officers as an attorney. The qualified immunity doctrine makes it almost impossible to successfully prosecute claims against officers. Note the word "almost". There are always exceptions to the rule, usually due to bad lawyering.

And I couldn't agree more about the relationship between school shootings and how they are covered by the media. That's obviously far from the only important variable, but it definitely plays a large role. It's a tough situation though. Do you just not report them?

Hey counselor. Can you explain how someone is charged with murder and manslaughter? I don't understand.
Hey counselor. Can you explain how someone is charged with murder and manslaughter? I don't understand.
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I've represented several police officers as an attorney. The qualified immunity doctrine makes it almost impossible to successfully prosecute claims against officers. Note the word "almost". There are always exceptions to the rule, usually due to bad lawyering.

And I couldn't agree more about the relationship between school shootings and how they are covered by the media. That's obviously far from the only important variable, but it definitely plays a large role. It's a tough situation though. Do you just not report them?
No I don’t think you should not report it. I just don’t think you should focus primarily on it for long periods of time I guess. Your right it’s a tough situation that I don’t have the answers to I guess. I just think that the media has to much power and there isn’t enough balance. I mean they can pretty much flat out lie and then hide behind “sources” to try and influence the masses. I wish there was a way to hold them accountable but I know that opens up hurdles too. I dont think government should control them either. I don’t know I guess I just don’t see much integrity in the media and that goes for both sides. IMO they should just give the news raw and keep there bias to there selves. They are about the only business I can think of that has no consequences for there actions.
It was reported the officer is charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter. And I don’t get it.
often they will charge someone with Murder and Manslaughter in case the murder charge doesn't stick. Gives the jury options in case the evidence doesn't reach the murder level (in their minds) and keeps the prosecution from having to retry the case if he is acquitted of murder.

Need your address for the invoice please.
often they will charge someone with Murder and Manslaughter in case the murder charge doesn't stick. Gives the jury options in case the evidence doesn't reach the murder level (in their minds) and keeps the prosecution from having to retry the case if he is acquitted of murder.

Need your address for the invoice please.
Make it payable to The Law Office of Bob Loblaw
often they will charge someone with Murder and Manslaughter in case the murder charge doesn't stick. Gives the jury options in case the evidence doesn't reach the murder level (in their minds) and keeps the prosecution from having to retry the case if he is acquitted of murder.

Need your address for the invoice please.


405 W Poplar St, Fayetteville, AR 72703
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I guess Trump also said today we were cutting ties with the World Health Organization. Seems logical as the world is dealing with Covid-19.
Another thing to remember, and I think @Lefty8 alluded to this a couple of days ago, is that racial disharmony is not limited to the South by a long shot.

A political consultant was once asked to describe Pennsylvania politically and he replied "on one side of the state you have Philadelphia and on the other side you have Pittsburgh and in the middle you have Alabama."

Of course in this case we are talking about Minnesota but still. Rednecks are everywhere.
Another thing to remember, and I think @Lefty8 alluded to this a couple of days ago, is that racial disharmony is not limited to the South by a long shot.

A political consultant was once asked to describe Pennsylvania politically and he replied "on one side of the state you have Philadelphia and on the other side you have Pittsburgh and in the middle you have Alabama."

Of course in this case we are talking about Minnesota but still. Rednecks are everywhere.

It's the same in a lot of blue states that are mainly controlled by large cities. You forget that outside of the major areas things can be entirely different than what you think of for the state. Washington and Oregon are 2 other examples.
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Another thing to remember, and I think @Lefty8 alluded to this a couple of days ago, is that racial disharmony is not limited to the South by a long shot.

A political consultant was once asked to describe Pennsylvania politically and he replied "on one side of the state you have Philadelphia and on the other side you have Pittsburgh and in the middle you have Alabama."

Of course in this case we are talking about Minnesota but still. Rednecks are everywhere.

Ive been to northern Minnesota once. I’ve never seen more rednecks (or bigger mosquitoes) anywhere in my life.
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Ive been to northern Minnesota once. I’ve never seen more rednecks (or bigger mosquitoes) anywhere in my life.
For me the shock was N. Dakota. Never heard the n word more in my life and those are wonderful people but good grief
Ive been to northern Minnesota once. I’ve never seen more rednecks (or bigger mosquitoes) anywhere in my life.
I know I sure don’t hear that kind of talk or attitude out here in West Texas
For me the shock was N. Dakota. Never heard the n word more in my life and those are wonderful people but good grief

I know I sure don’t hear that kind of talk or attitude out here in West Texas

I have (had? My aunt divorced him) an uncle that is San Diego PD. I was visiting them in 2008, and he took me to a little Irish pub that he frequented with some other cops. One of them was there when we got there. Guy was originally from Boston, heavy accent.

We’re sitting there drinking a Guinness and this young (though I guess older than me at the time) black couple comes in. They get a drink and sit down. Then the woman walks over to the jukebox and turns on Beyoncé or something like her. I don’t remember.

Anyway. This SDPD guy from Boston just goes off at our table. “Look at these fücking n***** just walk in here and start playing their music. I don’t go to their bars and play my music. What the fück are they doing.” He went on.

Easily the most racist tirade I’ve heard in my life. And I’m from the South.

Racism in Boston (they had segregated schools too) and historical tension between the Irish and blacks certainly was a thing, especially as they competed for the same jobs, but it was jarring to see the mentality still going strong in that guy.
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Medical examiner report is back. Didn’t die of asphyxiation. Underlying heart problems. Hypertensive. Oh shit.

"The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death. The defendant had his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in total. Two minutes and 53 seconds of this was after Mr. Floyd was non-responsive. Police are trained that this type of restraint with a subject in a prone position is inherently dangerous. "
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