OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

He thought it was a plausible enough idea so he asked a doctor on national tv about it.
Tell you what we need right about now. We need Obama and his buddy Jeremiah Wright to speak to them. That would calm things down wouldn't it?
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Military to military do you feel about it though? I personally think we (active duty military) should be kept out of domestic shit like this. Our involvement against Americans destroys their trust in both the military and our democracy. The people are dissenting and it is the government's job to sort it out...politically.
It's a hard one to answer, and, as stated, I've been deployed in the situation once already.

It's honestly a 50/50 thing for me:
A. What is happening on a nightly basis can't be allowed to continue unchecked. If local law enforcement and Nasty Guard...I mean National Guard can't quell it, further measures have to be taken.

B. Active Duty Military is not specifically trained for what this entails. I preface what follows with a belief that if law enforcement reacts with force in this situation and kills minorities, we're dangerously close to the precipice of a modern day civil war. We are trained in urban warfare. We are trained in suppression and occupation. We are not trained in community sensitivity. This is a delicate situation, and if active duty troops are used it is a lockdown mode that won't be tolerant of bullshit. Local police are better trained for compliance and sensitivity that military. We are trained to do our shit in known hostile zones on foreign soil.

I don't have a good answer, brother. I'm not flaking on the question...I just honestly don't know the correct answer.
What was conversation like? Was the discomfort just understood or did people voice apprehension?
It was talked about, but more about the experience rather than pros vs cons...if that makes sense.

I mean, it was so tense you could taste it. That being said, when you're a troop you follow orders. Example: I was completely opposed to war in Iraq (strategically it made no sense, and the fallout was known even back then. Fun conversation for another time), but I still upheld the oath I took.
Tell you what we need right about now. We need Obama and his buddy Jeremiah Wright to speak to them. That would calm things down wouldn't it?
Hey, if words don’t matter, why do we have a State of the Union every year?
It was talked about, but more about the experience rather than pros vs cons...if that makes sense.

I mean, it was so tense you could taste it. That being said, when you're a troop you follow orders. Example: I was completely opposed to war in Iraq (strategically it made no sense, and the fallout was known even back then. Fun conversation for another time), but I still upheld the oath I took.

I’d like to have that conversation someday.

If it becomes necessary to use the military, I think that’s a day we all have to mourn. That isn’t the United States. It should be a task that no one takes pleasure in. It was discomforting listening to Trump earlier because he seemed to have a sense of eagerness. That’s why I was curious what you all were thinking. I have a hard time imagining an American soldier being eager to occupy an American city with authorization to shoot to kill (self defense or otherwise) an American citizen.
terrible analogy dicktales. As if the State of the Union is a platform for quelling rioters

So we can deescalate tensions around the world using words and diplomacy.... but here at home? Nope, better get the dogs ready!
So we can deescalate tensions around the world using words and diplomacy.... but here at home? Nope, better get the dogs ready!
so you are comparing talking to world leaders - Educated Politicians, with a bunch of criminals? You don't see the disconnect there? You don't think you talk to those 2 sets of people differently when trying to get them to do things? You think they would react the same way? Lol.....
so you are comparing talking to world leaders - Educated Politicians, with a bunch of criminals? You don't see the disconnect there? You don't think you talk to those 2 sets of people differently when trying to get them to do things? You think they would react the same way? Lol.....

sooo... since none of us are educated politicians, the first step is military action to get things done. Got it.

I'm moving to Canada if you are ever elected President. :)
I'm just going to make what may be considered an unpopular post:

I understand being pissed off at what happened with Mr Floyd. I think we should all be pissed off. What we witnessed was abhorrent. I would gladly stand in protest with those that are doing it in the right way and for the right reasons.

I'm also aware of philosophical words by civil rights leaders expounding on the "why" of riots and looting. Even if I was inclined to support that point of view, that is NOT what we are seeing with this bullshit. This is a case of people taking advantage of a situation to commit criminal acts.

The sad fact is that this has taken away from what should have been a fleeting moment of unity. This isn’t a "you should care more about the dead man in the street than the destruction of property. You're priorities are messed up" kind of argument. They don't exist individually in a vacuum. Given that most of these businesses that are being looted and burned have been closed for the last 2 months, this is the final nail in the coffin. This destroys people's livelihoods, it destroys the ability for local residents to buy food and meds, it outright destroys the lives and rights of innocents. Bonus points if you know where this comes from: The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar.

Long story short: your rights to loot, destroy, burn, and injure end where my rights to defend myself, my family, and my property begin.

Left hand peace, right hand justice.
Don't be naive. He knows that the violence will extend to the peaceful protesters and HOPES it will shut them up.
he wishes no such a thing (in my aunt B voice!)

Hey, if words don’t matter, why do we have a State of the Union every year?
To be fair, sotu’s matter less now than in any time in history because of trump and twitter. Dems complain about it but watch the next Dem president use it as much as trump
I'm just going to make what may be considered an unpopular post:

I understand being pissed off at what happened with Mr Floyd. I think we should all be pissed off. What we witnessed was abhorrent. I would gladly stand in protest with those that are doing it in the right way and for the right reasons.

I'm also aware of philosophical words by civil rights leaders expounding on the "why" of riots and looting. Even if I was inclined to support that point of view, that is NOT what we are seeing with this bullshit. This is a case of people taking advantage of a situation to commit criminal acts.

The sad fact is that this has taken away from what should have been a fleeting moment of unity. This isn’t a "you should care more about the dead man in the street than the destruction of property. You're priorities are messed up" kind of argument. They don't exist individually in a vacuum. Given that most of these businesses that are being looted and burned have been closed for the last 2 months, this is the final nail in the coffin. This destroys people's livelihoods, it destroys the ability for local residents to buy food and meds, it outright destroys the lives and rights of innocents. Bonus points if you know where this comes from: The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar.

Long story short: your rights to loot, destroy, burn, and injure end where my rights to defend myself, my family, and my property begin.

Left hand peace, right hand justice.

I don’t have an issue with that. I don’t think anyone outside of the lunatic fringe supports what’s happening in regard to riots and looting. Civil rights leaders tried to explain why it happens, but they didn’t justify it, which I think you’re noting. Those explanations are also half a century old and can’t account for the intentional anarchy we’re seeing.

Quote was either Marx or Lenin. (I cheated and checked.)
Cops getting ran over in the street now. New York has a lot of losers that need to meet the Lord tonight.
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I’d like to have that conversation someday.

If it becomes necessary to use the military, I think that’s a day we all have to mourn. That isn’t the United States. It should be a task that no one takes pleasure in. It was discomforting listening to Trump earlier because he seemed to have a sense of eagerness. That’s why I was curious what you all were thinking. I have a hard time imagining an American soldier being eager to occupy an American city with authorization to shoot to kill (self defense or otherwise) an American citizen.
Of course no soldier is going to want to do that. I know I certainly don't cherish the thought.

I personally don't think the president is "eager" for it...and that's not a MAGA defense of Trump. It is literally the last resort action. That being said, how much more of this can we take?

I've taken most of this in stride while shaking my head. When I saw an older woman and her husband beaten with 2x4s for trying to protect their business...that was a breaking point for me. A 6'4, 240lb+ man straight up beating the hell out of a 50+ yo woman, then another hitting her with a the name of "protest". That isn't America either, brother. If it is, I'm out.
just need to show some empathy towards them. Then they will stop. right dicktales?

I mean this has gone on long enough. I fully support the protests. Glad they are doing them. But for the riots, they gave the bastards several nights of doing whatever they wanted to cities. It’s time to stop it-one way or another. Start with Antifa.
just need to show some empathy. Then they will stop. right dicktales?

Exactly. It's kinda ironic, we wouldn't be having this discussion or these protests/riots across the nation if we were actually having dialogues and not just killing people.

But hey, that President can sure hold up a bible real good right?
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Of course no soldier is going to want to do that. I know I certainly don't cherish the thought.

I personally don't think the president is "eager" for it...and that's not a MAGA defense of Trump. It is literally the last resort action. That being said, how much more of this can we take?

I've taken most of this in stride while shaking my head. When I saw an older woman and her husband beaten with 2x4s for trying to protect their business...that was a breaking point for me. A 6'4, 240lb+ man straight up beating the hell out of a 50+ yo woman, then another hitting her with a the name of "protest". That isn't America either, brother. If it is, I'm out.

I saw that. That was awful.
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I mean this has gone on long enough. I fully support the protests. Glad they are doing them. But for the riots, they gave the bastards several nights of doing whatever they wanted to cities. It’s time to stop it-one way or another. Start with Antifa.
I think everyone has caught on to the fact that the rioters have ZERO to do with the protesters. The rioters are just seizing the opportunity to create chaos. They all come in at night after the protesters are finished. They are organized. They have money. They are in communication with each other in order to avoid the police. It's all orchestrated and as long as you choose to be reactive as opposed to proactive, they have no reason to stop. Nor will they. They will have to be removed by force. But dicktales thinks we can talk them out of it......
Exactly. It's kinda ironic, we wouldn't be having this discussion or these protests/riots across the nation if we were actually having dialogues and not just killing people.

But hey, that President can sure hold up a bible real good right?
what do you mean exactly? We had riots and police killings out the wazoo when Obama was in office. You need me to list them for you?

You seem to think these riots are because of Floyd's killing. That's your first mistake. So naive.
I saw that. That was awful.
For what it's worth, active military is about to happen, and it won't be pretty. It will either stop or we will have the 2020 civil war.

Cops shot and stabbed in Milwaukee and Cincinnati...still have the shenanigans going on across the's going to force the federal government's hand.

Can we all just agree to end 2020 now? This year has just been a Charlie Foxtrot from the beginning.
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George Floyd’s brother says it best...

George's younger brother, Terrence, took to the bullhorn Monday and addressed a huge crowd of protesters gathered at the scene of his fatal interaction with Minneapolis police, getting emotional as he decried the looters and rioters he says are soiling the fight for justice
I watched was moving, and needed to be said. Apparently some didn't get the message.
George Floyd’s brother says it best...

George's younger brother, Terrence, took to the bullhorn Monday and addressed a huge crowd of protesters gathered at the scene of his fatal interaction with Minneapolis police, getting emotional as he decried the looters and rioters he says are soiling the fight for justice
well dicktales. George's brother talked to them. Asked them to stop. Pleaded with them to stop. And they ignored him. I thought you said some words would make them stop? You think they would listen to Trump over the brother of the slain man? The man they want to unseat. Why would they listen to him.....ha ha ha
well dicktales. George's brother talked to them. Asked them to stop. Pleaded with them to stop. And they ignored him. I thought you said some words would make them stop? You think they would listen to Trump over the brother of the slain man? The man they want to unseat. Why would they listen to him.....ha ha ha

Well, you got it all figured out bud. No one should ever use words to deescalate a situation. Better go in guns blazing!

Should've just elected this guy as President.

Well, you got it all figured out bud. No one should ever use words to deescalate a situation. Better go in guns blazing!

Should've just elected this guy as President.

Hell, yeahhh!!!

Foreign policy would probably be shit. He would probably sound like Biden when reading from a teleprompter. But patriotism would be at an all time high! 'Merica!
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For what it's worth, active military is about to happen, and it won't be pretty. It will either stop or we will have the 2020 civil war.

Cops shot and stabbed in Milwaukee and Cincinnati...still have the shenanigans going on across the's going to force the federal government's hand.

Can we all just agree to end 2020 now? This year has just been a Charlie Foxtrot from the beginning.

This is year garbage to the point that killer hornets seem more like a mercy than a headline at this point. No one even remembers them.
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Well, you got it all figured out bud. No one should ever use words to deescalate a situation. work in such extremes. "No one should ever use words to deescalate a situation".............. said no one here ever.

Rioters are using encrypted messaging systems. Pre-arranging bail. Don't you get it? These people have been waiting for a catalyst to put this stuff in motion. They didn't care what it was about and no amount of talking will keep them from doing it. My God man, snap out of it. Get informed. There are cars from TEXAS in NYC driving teams of people from store to store to loot. Sound like the type of people that are concerned about receiving words of empathy?
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This is year garbage to the point that killer hornets seem more like a mercy than a headline at this point. No one even remembers them.
Oh, it gets better.

We're (those of us on the gulf) are now having to watch for a potential hurricane this weekend/early next week.

Covaids, riots, and a hurricane in the same phucking week?!? Dude, I may have some bad karma to atone for, but, damn...