Donald Trump

You might be right I hope and pray we will get somebody that will lead this nation in the right direction. I just don't know who in the hell that will be and I have a hard time believing that will be a woman.
Yes...the men in charge have done so well. We definitely shouldn't elect a woman. She may mess up all of that perfection. :confused:
Just because Trump is wealthy doesn't make him an expert on the budget or economic policy. You can't file for chapter 11 with the U.S. budget.
That's funny. What do you think we've done time and time again with interest rates and China?? Wake up.
If Fiorina hadn't been a total disaster at HP, I'd support her. I do, however, think a Rubio/Fiorina ticket would win the general.

The dems are in a tough spot. Hillary's incredibly unlikable. Bernie (who is quite likable) is unelectable. Biden doesn't seem up to it, but I don't think he could win, regardless.

This is going to be an historically awful election.

I have no problem voting for a woman, but I can't vote for someone that was a total failure when she ran a company.
Give me Rubio and call it a day. I agree with a previous poster, Trump's lack of knowledge on foreign policy scares the hell out of me. I think we'll start seeing the bottom feeders of the GOP dropping like flies and Trump's numbers will start declining drastically.
On the surface I know Rubio looks good but if his candidacy gets traction he will get crushed. Google his personal finances. Pretty eye opening and gives a lot of ammo for Hillary.

As far as foreign policy, the last 3 presidents have had zero true experience.

I actually love the idea of someone besides a career politician in office. Trump is a mess but he may actually grab some left wing support from his reality TV persona.

Anyone so far right (Huckabee, Cruz) that gay marriage, abortion, etc is off the table is unelectable.
The Republican field is pretty diverse...yet still no perfect candidate...and the Democratic field is a hot mess. I keep thinking the Dems will get smart and find someone outside of the current group.
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You realize you've brought no opinion or anything of intelligence to this thread, so there's no way he can accurately guess where you stand, right? All you've done is call people idiots. I for one would just assume you are clueless, too.

1. Why in the world would I attempt to bring intelligence into a thread about Donald Trump, one of the biggest jokes of a Presidential candidate in history?

2. Why would anyone try/care to guess where I stand? He made a statement. I pointed out that his comment was appropriate, considering (which is, gasp!, an opinion, d.a.). Oh and he also started the name calling. Awful sweet of you to come to his rescue though.
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There are exactly 0 candidates that are even remotely inspiring from either side.

Trump is a joke and it disturbs to my core me that there are people that exist who actually think that buffoon would make a decent president. What is funny is that making him the republican nominee seals the election for the other side.

I vote both sides so spare me the simple minded rhetoric
I will vote for anyone but Hillary...
That's funny because I've told a lot of folks that the only way I would ever vote for Hillary is if Trump wins the GOP's nomination...LOL! I can just see The Donald trying to negotiate a treaty with some president or premiere...can't you???
You should hear what the liberals here in California have to say about everyone in Arkansas. It's as narrow minded as it gets.

I am a very solid Independent with no use for either of the major parties, but having lived a lot of places I can say you are absolutely right about the hard core liberals and thoughts of Arkansas. I have heard numerous conversations at events in DC where people did not think I was listening. They pretty much lump us all into the "dumb hillbilly" category.
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This will be one of the saddest Presidency in history. Not a true feel safe with candidate in the field and that's speaking on both sides of the fence.
Yes...the men in charge have done so well. We definitely shouldn't elect a woman. She may mess up all of that perfection. :confused:
Haha. Well said. Worked for women in the Army, the Federal Government and Industry. They are no different from men. Some can handle being president and some can't. I have no problem voting for a woman. Just wish I didn't have to vote for a Republican or a Democrat. :)
I wish there was a democratic nominee worth a crap but Hillary is just absolutely terrible.

I am glad Trump is running because I think it will pave way for a future of candidates that don't have to be life long politicians and don't have to be robotic and PC all the time.

With that said, only way I could vote for Trump is if it was him vs Hillary. He would be a joke as our president and would most likely end up staring some ridiculous war. I hate all the PC politicians but Trump talks too much and is just a terrible person.

I love Carson as a person and think he would be a pretty good president but I don't think he really has a chance. Brilliant mind and think he would do a great job of letting others weigh in and not just make decisions without listening to others advice like our current POTUS. I love how he is always under control. Some say he acts like he doesn't care or something but I just think he is above all the bickering that the rest of the candidates do. The debates are just not where he shines. I think he would be a great VP.

I really like Fiorina. She is probably in my top 3. Like Trump and Carson, I like how she isn't a career politician. Where Carson lacks in the debate setting, Fiorina really shines and you can see that in the polls.

Rubio is probably the best candidate overall IMO. A young likable guy, has charisma, and I agree with where he stands in a lot of areas.
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Haha. Well said. Worked for women in the Army, the Federal Government and Industry. They are no different from men. Some can handle being president and some can't. I have no problem voting for a woman. Just wish I didn't have to vote for a Republican or a Democrat. :)
Yeah I wish parties didn't exist and wish we could just ban the words "Democrat" and "Republican" lol

I wish everyone just said what they believe and everyone was just an independent
Yes...the men in charge have done so well. We definitely shouldn't elect a woman. She may mess up all of that perfection. :confused:
Titan for president!! Just messing with you. I agree the men have done a crap job. I don't think any of the ones running right now male or female will get the job done.
Delete this thread. Aren't we supposed to stay away from politics, per the admins guidelines? I hate watching liberals show how idiotic they are. Goodbye morals, hello socialism. "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain
Delete this thread. Aren't we supposed to stay away from politics, per the admins guidelines? I hate watching liberals show how idiotic they are. Goodbye morals, hello socialism. "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain
Dude calm down this thread has been civil for the most part. If you don't like people's views then just don't open the thread.

Goes for anyone else as well.
Typical response, but he was in business when he filed bankruptcy, not in politics. He bought in to Atlantic city at the right time, then got out at the right time. He made a ton of money doing it. The chapter 11 was an intelligent business decision based on the market, not a failure.

Well, business wise, I guess you can call it smart to finance casinos in Atlantic City using junk bonds, drive it into debt and file for chapter 11. But then lenders lost billions and a lot of people lost their jobs. Its about the equivalent of flying the plane and then jumping off with a parachute when its about to crash.
I wish there was a democratic nominee worth a crap but Hillary is just absolutely terrible.

I am glad Trump is running because I think it will pave way for a future of candidates that don't have to be life long politicians and don't have to be robotic and PC all the time.

With that said, only way I could vote for Trump is if it was him vs Hillary. He would be a joke as our president and would most likely end up staring some ridiculous war. I hate all the PC politicians but Trump talks too much and is just a terrible person.

I love Carson as a person and think he would be a pretty good president but I don't think he really has a chance. Brilliant mind and think he would do a great job of letting others weigh in and not just make decisions without listening to others advice like our current POTUS. I love how he is always under control. Some say he acts like he doesn't care or something but I just think he is above all the bickering that the rest of the candidates do. The debates are just not where he shines. I think he would be a great VP.

I really like Fiorina. She is probably in my top 3. Like Trump and Carson, I like how she isn't a career politician. Where Carson lacks in the debate setting, Fiorina really shines and you can see that in the polls.

Rubio is probably the best candidate overall IMO. A young likable guy, has charisma, and I agree with where he stands in a lot of areas.
Thing about Trump is that I'm not sure he's really a conservative. I think he's just an entertainer saying whatever he needs to say to win. And...winning for him may just be riding this out as long as he can and parlaying it into some huge reality show.

I can almost guarantee he won't be the Republican nominee.
This country is in trouble both financially and socially. We need a strong business minded CEO type that is humble enough to employee the best staff.

I am a Republican who feels that Florina is the one strong enough to get things done and put together the right people around her. I would love to see Rubio as her VP. He would be perfect in that position and running the Senate. I like Carson to be the Sec of Education. My wife is a school teacher and the only way we ever correct the education system would be to go 100% to the voucher system where the money follows the student. When the public schools have to compete with what would be a quickly growing number of strong private schools across the nation. These schools would compete for the best teachers and great teachers would make the money they deserve.

I believe Florina would right size the federal government and strengthen our military and our position around the world.
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This country is in trouble both financially and socially. We need a strong business minded CEO type that is humble enough to employee the best staff.

I am a Republican who feels that Florina is the one strong enough to get things done and put together the right people around her. I would love to see Rubio as her VP. He would be perfect in that position and running the Senate. I like Carson to be the Sec of Education. My wife is a school teacher and the only way we ever correct the education system would be to go 100% to the voucher system where the money follows the student. When the public schools have to compete with what would be a quickly growing number of strong private schools across the nation. These schools would compete for the best teachers and great teachers would make the money they deserve.

I believe Florina would right size the federal government and strengthen our military and our position around the world.
I want Fiorina to be the one...but there are things in her past that may make her unelectable in the primaries. She's leaned very far left on some issues in the past, which could hurt her within the party. Not sure what would happen if she actually won the nomination.
I haven't seen anything yet that makes me think Rand Paul isn't the best candidate to lead this country. Trump is a joke.
I am far from convinced that the federal government can be run like a business as some people desire. That would require significant changes to the constitution. Having said that, some aspects of business could be brought to government. The leader who makes that happen would have to be very strong. The problem is not just congress, but also the old guard, senior civil servants who are more dedicated than most people think but also more obstinate and resistant to change. I personally believe Florina is more suited to bring some of the better business practices to government. Her experience is more pure management than Trump's. For all his talk about business Trump is actually more of an entrepreneur than a business manager. In my experience entrepreneurs tend to start things and bail at strategic points. That has been Trump's MO. And although I have no inside information into Trump's organization I suspect he has been in a much more dictatorial role than Florina. As a result she probably has more experience in day-to-day coalition building, something extremely useful for a president.
Well, business wise, I guess you can call it smart to finance casinos in Atlantic City using junk bonds, drive it into debt and file for chapter 11. But then lenders lost billions and a lot of people lost their jobs. Its about the equivalent of flying the plane and then jumping off with a parachute when its about to crash.
Those lenders are financial sharks that will take you and your family for everything you have to make a buck. They aren't just nice little families trying to make a wise investment. They lost, Trump won.
If Fiorina hadn't been a total disaster at HP, I'd support her. I do, however, think a Rubio/Fiorina ticket would win the general.

The dems are in a tough spot. Hillary's incredibly unlikable. Bernie (who is quite likable) is unelectable. Biden doesn't seem up to it, but I don't think he could win, regardless.

This is going to be an historically awful election.

She was worse at Lucent.
Typical response, but he was in business when he filed bankruptcy, not in politics. He bought in to Atlantic city at the right time, then got out at the right time. He made a ton of money doing it. The chapter 11 was an intelligent business decision based on the market, not a failure.

None of his 4 bankruptcies represent success. In fact the Donald for all his bluster and self adulation has not actually been that successful. He inherited an obscene amount of money. And if he had just retired 30 years ago and invested in the stock market he would be worth at least twice what he is today.

He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.

Please stop pretending like this dipshit is some kind of business genius.
Why is that...we survived 8 yrs of the worst prez in history...I think we could survive 4 yrs of the "Donald". Got to luv the Donald.

To even type this shows a level of ignorance that frankly scares the hell out of me. By any metric one could possibly construct Obama isn't close to the worst President of all time. Literally not even close, regardless what party you associate with or what your respective views are, to even entertain this line of thinking would require a gross lack of historical knowledge and/or be completely oblivious to anything other than a very narrow lane of information gathering. I don't mean this to be rude, it's just a matter of historical fact and otherwise common sense.
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None of his 4 bankruptcies represent success. In fact the Donald for all his bluster and self adulation has not actually been that successful. He inherited an obscene amount of money. And if he had just retired 30 years ago and invested in the stock market he would be worth at least twice what he is today.

He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.

Please stop pretending like this dipshit is some kind of business genius.
And he would've lived on what, begging for change? It's not like he's invested every bit of that money. He's been taxed, he's spent money on multi million dollar golf courses, vacation homes (as much as $100 million), cars, and God knows what else billionaires spend their money on. Do the math yourself, if he lived on $50 million a year during that time, the compound interest goes down exponentially and he'd be left with nowhere near what he is now worth. He has spent lavishly during that time frame and that argument is invalid other than showing uneducated people the power of compound interest (which I'll agree is a great way to show it).
Seriously. Can't believe this thread is still here, but will put in my two pennies.
I am very concerned that the American people are becoming paranoid and insecure, as were the Germans post World War 1. We are not that desperate, but some politicians ...pander to emotions and blame all our troubles on minorities...Be it Jews, Muslims, or Hispanics..
You know, if we could just round up all these people and put them in a prison and then maybe gas them to death America would be a-okay. For all us "Americans." Where did your ancestors come from?
To even type this shows a level of ignorance that frankly scares the hell out of me. By any metric one could possibly construct Obama isn't close to the worst President of all time. Literally not even close, regardless what party you associate with or what your respective views are, to even entertain this line of thinking would require a gross lack of historical knowledge and/or be completely oblivious to anything other than a very narrow lane of information gathering. I don't mean this to be rude, it's just a matter of historical fact and otherwise common sense.

You're a known lib here and I've seen some of your posts on the MB....These don't bother and furious, IRS targeting folks, Benghazi, Obamacare, E-mail scandal...I could go on and on. B/c you're a flaming lib you think there in nothing wrong with this behavior...but working class folks are sick of it. IYO...the end justifies the means. Do what you gotta do no matter if you have to lie and deceive to get it done. America is on to this kind of sh*t and they're sick of the same ol politicians telling the same ol lies.
Seriously. Can't believe this thread is still here, but will put in my two pennies.
I am very concerned that the American people are becoming paranoid and insecure, as were the Germans post World War 1. We are not that desperate, but some politicians ...pander to emotions and blame all our troubles on minorities...Be it Jews, Muslims, or Hispanics..
You know, if we could just round up all these people and put them in a prison and then maybe gas them to death America would be a-okay. For all us "Americans." Where did your ancestors come from?

Stupid is as stupid does. See, not one person has said anything about this. Talk about "paranoia".