I like Carsons work visa program. 1st build the wall then all non violent Illegals get to have special work visas. Their children when born will be citizens. All then pay taxes on their work. Then any non American who comes onto authorities habds who doesn't have proper paperwork is an instant deportation. It is not our responsibility to worry about the family units of those who's act of being here after we made special arrangements for 30M plus.
We now get tax money from those who typically have paid in no taxes and we don't spent money trying to deport 30M people when we could never do it in the first place. Anyone on a work visa that commits any violent crime... instant deportation. So they are either productive members of our society paying taxes in order to get to stay or they are out. Pure and simiple. Everyone wins
I do think Carson's stance on illegals is much more pragmatic, and implementable, than The Donald's. Trump is using it to whip people into a fervor, but there's no way he can make it happen. I think Trump is big on huff-and-puff, but lacking any real solutions. Someone here said it well, he's more an entrepreneur than a CEO. He can pump up a project, get investors lined up, negotiate a deal, and make a ton of money. That's not what we need. We need someone who can get into the minutia of the problems and fix the country's finances for the long term.
I was initially hopeful on Carson, but have since lost that hope. He seems to be trying to dumb himself down, to the point of hinting that he can be talked out of certain scientific evidence. On the second debate, he conceded to Trump that maybe we should re-think vaccines and soft-stepped the numerous studies that have shown no link to autism (I think he's since realized what a mistake that is and has made some stronger statements about it). But the speech he gave where he invokes the 2nd law of Thermodynamics as being inconsistent with theories on the origin of the universe seems very disingenuous. He seems to be trying to convince people "I'm not too smart to be President, because I can say some stupid shit like you do." Even the Vatican doesn't contend that The Big Bang Theory is inconsistent with Creationism; why does Ben Carson need to?
I can live with Carly. I'd take her all day over Trump, and also over Hillary. Unknown how she can handle Washington, but not all that much less of an unknown than Obama was.
I could live with Rubio. His finances don't bother me that much. One part being the average American and getting over-leveraged, and one part just being naive about how much people are going to care about his finances. What bothers me most about Rubio is he still clings to the notion that Cuba is a dangerous threat and we must keep sanctions on them. Of all the countries in this world that are a threat to the US, Cuba isn't in the top 20, maybe not even top 50. If you want to lean on oppressive regimes in the name of supporting freedom, start with Pakistan, Russia, half of Africa, and all of the Middle East save Israel. Going after Cuba is like swatting at a gnat in your face when you're surrounded by a pack of wolves.
Bush I think would be a great president from an economic standpoint and even a foreign policy standpoint. The fact that his brother veered way to far into interventionism abroad means Jeb would probably have no desire to ever utter the words "regime change". I think Jeb has too much baggage in his policies as they impact women, and Hillary would absolutely crucify him.
My personal choice right now is Chris Christie. He's got baggage, but I like a guy who can win New Jersey as a Republican and make real change. Same reason I liked Romney.
But you can take my political thoughts with a grain of salt. I'm not sure I've voted for a winning candidate ever. I voted Romney and lost. Voted for McCain despite him having Palin as a running mate and lost. Couldn't bring myself to vote for Bush re-election after the Iraq debacle. Couldn't bring myself to vote for either Bush or Gore in 2000 because they both seemed inept and didn't say much. Even voted for Perot back in the 90s. Only winning horse I ever backed was George H.W. Bush in 1988, but that was a year before I was able to vote.