Donald Trump

As far as Donald Trump, I haven't made my mind up on him yet. Personally, I think he'd be a boss as far as foreign diplomacy and the national economy goes. He understands budgets as well as anyone and knows you can't just continue spending more and more every year. The ridiculous amounts of wasted money spent on unnecessary changes I see in my line of work is excruciating, and I think he'd put a stop to it. He also wants to drop the tax loopholes from hedge fund managers and corporations, which is much needed. However, I can't get behind the whole deport every illegal in the country immediately thing. And a lot of the stuff he says just makes me cringe. Wish I could combine he and Ben Carson somehow...

Why can't you get behind the "deport every illegal in the country immediately thing"? It makes no sense to let illegals continue to be in this country. Tax dollars are wasted on them, and they provide nothing to the tax coffers. Out of all the things that should be done, getting rid of illegals should be high on the list.
Give me Bernie Sanders with Elizabeth Warren as his VP.

I've noticed republicans make fun of their own ITT but not the other way around for some reason. Sanders and Warren need to go to some 3rd world country that no one cares about and start their cults there. Socialism isn't freedom pure and simple. Our economy is bad but with socialism it will completely destroy every advantage we have left.

We're are all born equal. No one is guranteed equal experiences in life. You get what you earn. Not in socialism. If you think entitlements are bad now.....

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And he would've lived on what, begging for change? It's not like he's invested every bit of that money. He's been taxed, he's spent money on multi million dollar golf courses, vacation homes (as much as $100 million), cars, and God knows what else billionaires spend their money on. Do the math yourself, if he lived on $50 million a year during that time, the compound interest goes down exponentially and he'd be left with nowhere near what he is now worth. He has spent lavishly during that time frame and that argument is invalid other than showing uneducated people the power of compound interest (which I'll agree is a great way to show it).

You have completely missed the point. The Donald isn't rich because he is a brilliant investor. He is rich because his dad was rich.

So when he says that he is the most successful person ever to run for president he is spouting nonsense. George Washington did have that one small accomplishment of winning the damn revolutionary war.

Come on man.
Why can't you get behind the "deport every illegal in the country immediately thing"? It makes no sense to let illegals continue to be in this country. Tax dollars are wasted on them, and they provide nothing to the tax coffers. Out of all the things that should be done, getting rid of illegals should be high on the list.
I like Carsons work visa program. 1st build the wall then all non violent Illegals get to have special work visas. Their children when born will be citizens. All then pay taxes on their work. Then any non American who comes onto authorities habds who doesn't have proper paperwork is an instant deportation. It is not our responsibility to worry about the family units of those who's act of being here after we made special arrangements for 30M plus.

We now get tax money from those who typically have paid in no taxes and we don't spent money trying to deport 30M people when we could never do it in the first place. Anyone on a work visa that commits any violent crime... instant deportation. So they are either productive members of our society paying taxes in order to get to stay or they are out. Pure and simiple. Everyone wins
Seriously. Can't believe this thread is still here, but will put in my two pennies.
I am very concerned that the American people are becoming paranoid and insecure, as were the Germans post World War 1. We are not that desperate, but some politicians ...pander to emotions and blame all our troubles on minorities...Be it Jews, Muslims, or Hispanics..
You know, if we could just round up all these people and put them in a prison and then maybe gas them to death America would be a-okay. For all us "Americans." Where did your ancestors come from?
What the hell are you talking about? Talk about jumping off the deep end. I don't agree with total deportation but not because it isn't a logical thought to remove those who came here illegaly and are in karge part s financial siv to our country. But because it is logistically impossible and not a fiscal thing to do. But make no mistake about it they are here illegally. They broke our laws. It's not like people are wanting to get rid of the Hispanic culture in our nation. That would be racisit.

I just want to see everyone who is enjoying the benefits of our nation paying their share of taxes. That's where the illegal part comes in. Go 4 or 5 years without paying your taxes and see where that gets you as an American citizen. Then ballance that off of an Illegal who hasn't paid a penney since their arrival. Started a small business off the books and 10 yrs later is making decent money cash in hand. Meanwhile their kids have been to the hospital a few times, going to public school, eating free lunch....yadda yadda yadda. Spending money they don't pay into.

Is that the story of all illegals? Absolutrly not but it's similar to a very large %. So that's why I say the special visa work program would get the job done. They can earn citizenship the right way. Their kids are citizens if they so choose. But one violent crime and you're gone. Because this isn't your country and we have enough problems as it is.

Go to Egypt, overstay your approved time to vist and then commit a violent crime. What do you think will happen? And we have a decent relationship with Egypt. Now try a nation we don't get along with. It wouldn't be pretty. Why do we have to accept every as is even if they are criminals. We don't and it's crazy to think we do or should
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I'll leave the Democratic bashing to the Dems. I'll just take on our Republican candidates.

Cruz is the biggest used car salesman out there. From his facial expressions to his greased hair he just screams power hungry.

Trump has some solid thoughts that are immediately followed by two absurd statements and a complete lack of policy detail. He just says stuff with very little to support his direction if anything at all.

Rand Paul is a troubled little man that acts like a child 90% of the time.

Huckabee is actually a very good choice but he just goes too far on his religious stance and not get the big vote in today's social climate. Right guy, wrong time.

Christie is a lot like Huck. Would be a good choice but he just doesn't seem to have great personal controll and comes off as a giant dbag. He is a hot head and no one wants that given what we feel is on the geopolitical horizon.

I like Rubio a lot. A whole lot. Agree with most everything he says. He's polished, has charm, and comes across as sincere. But Im scared of anyone who doesn't have proven experience.

Kasich could win. I don't like a soft military leader and he comes off that way. Very passive
I don't trust anyone who trusts Iran. Outside of that I think he would swing a lot of blue votes. Don't think he has the steam to keep up though.

Walker is dead in the water. Good leader but lacks any personality.

Carson is extremely smart. No governance experience. Fumbles to speak well about his view points. Too quiet and too opinionated on social issues to win. He has a lot of great ideas but they are overshadowed by his sharp comments.

Bush is a no for me. I don't support common core and he seems unprepared. He lacks the back bone to stand up for himself and in my mind there is no way he will have the back bone to stand up for all of us. No more Bush candidates. It's clear why he wouldn't win.

Fiorina for now is my front runner. But again a lack of governance. She does have major CEO experience, had a tough run, but kept her company alive in a failing market at the time. She to me is the best spoken, clear ideas, clear policy detail, Sharp as a tack in her knowledge and responses. But still want to find out more on her. Love her controlled fire. She is calculated and bold. I like her a lot.

Long way to go and a lot can change.

No way am I voting for a 3rd Obama term via Biden or Hillary. No way I'm voting for a socialist.
Thanks for saving me the trouble to type all that. We're 95% sympatico.
I'm dreaming for a Rubio/Fioina ticket although the strategic implications of Kasich/Rubio is compelling. If you win Ohio and FL you're about 90% of the way to the White House.

Regarding HRC, I'll paraphrase the great sage Kinky Friedman: "I'd vote for Charlie Sheen before I'd vote for her," Trump being the Charlie Sheen character.
I can't speak for everyone on the board, obviously, but the past 8 years have been pretty good to me. The stock market and housing roared back to life, and interest rates stayed low. We've made strides towards universal healthcare, which any civilized, first-world nation should offer.
I don't know what's worse kidney stones or this thread..... Yeah its this thread.
I can't speak for everyone on the board, obviously, but the past 8 years have been pretty good to me. The stock market and housing roared back to life, and interest rates stayed low. We've made strides towards universal healthcare, which any civilized, first-world nation should offer.


The past 8 yrs sure as hell been better for me than the previous 8 years were.
What we have here is an effective distraction
from the current state of Razorback football.

Suggested next topic: Putin.
I'll leave the Democratic bashing to the Dems. I'll just take on our Republican candidates.

Cruz is the biggest used car salesman out there. From his facial expressions to his greased hair he just screams power hungry.

Trump has some solid thoughts that are immediately followed by two absurd statements and a complete lack of policy detail. He just says stuff with very little to support his direction if anything at all.

Rand Paul is a troubled little man that acts like a child 90% of the time.

Huckabee is actually a very good choice but he just goes too far on his religious stance and not get the big vote in today's social climate. Right guy, wrong time.

Christie is a lot like Huck. Would be a good choice but he just doesn't seem to have great personal controll and comes off as a giant dbag. He is a hot head and no one wants that given what we feel is on the geopolitical horizon.

I like Rubio a lot. A whole lot. Agree with most everything he says. He's polished, has charm, and comes across as sincere. But Im scared of anyone who doesn't have proven experience.

Kasich could win. I don't like a soft military leader and he comes off that way. Very passive
I don't trust anyone who trusts Iran. Outside of that I think he would swing a lot of blue votes. Don't think he has the steam to keep up though.

Walker is dead in the water. Good leader but lacks any personality.

Carson is extremely smart. No governance experience. Fumbles to speak well about his view points. Too quiet and too opinionated on social issues to win. He has a lot of great ideas but they are overshadowed by his sharp comments.

Bush is a no for me. I don't support common core and he seems unprepared. He lacks the back bone to stand up for himself and in my mind there is no way he will have the back bone to stand up for all of us. No more Bush candidates. It's clear why he wouldn't win.

Fiorina for now is my front runner. But again a lack of governance. She does have major CEO experience, had a tough run, but kept her company alive in a failing market at the time. She to me is the best spoken, clear ideas, clear policy detail, Sharp as a tack in her knowledge and responses. But still want to find out more on her. Love her controlled fire. She is calculated and bold. I like her a lot.

Long way to go and a lot can change.

No way am I voting for a 3rd Obama term via Biden or Hillary. No way I'm voting for a socialist.

Cruz and Paul both want to reduce the size of government. That's ok in my book. Also on Huckabee have people considered that voting for the right man in the wrong time might be a good idea? If everyone was less concerned with who's "more electable" we might get a decent candidate
I like Carsons work visa program. 1st build the wall then all non violent Illegals get to have special work visas. Their children when born will be citizens. All then pay taxes on their work. Then any non American who comes onto authorities habds who doesn't have proper paperwork is an instant deportation. It is not our responsibility to worry about the family units of those who's act of being here after we made special arrangements for 30M plus.

We now get tax money from those who typically have paid in no taxes and we don't spent money trying to deport 30M people when we could never do it in the first place. Anyone on a work visa that commits any violent crime... instant deportation. So they are either productive members of our society paying taxes in order to get to stay or they are out. Pure and simiple. Everyone wins

I do think Carson's stance on illegals is much more pragmatic, and implementable, than The Donald's. Trump is using it to whip people into a fervor, but there's no way he can make it happen. I think Trump is big on huff-and-puff, but lacking any real solutions. Someone here said it well, he's more an entrepreneur than a CEO. He can pump up a project, get investors lined up, negotiate a deal, and make a ton of money. That's not what we need. We need someone who can get into the minutia of the problems and fix the country's finances for the long term.

I was initially hopeful on Carson, but have since lost that hope. He seems to be trying to dumb himself down, to the point of hinting that he can be talked out of certain scientific evidence. On the second debate, he conceded to Trump that maybe we should re-think vaccines and soft-stepped the numerous studies that have shown no link to autism (I think he's since realized what a mistake that is and has made some stronger statements about it). But the speech he gave where he invokes the 2nd law of Thermodynamics as being inconsistent with theories on the origin of the universe seems very disingenuous. He seems to be trying to convince people "I'm not too smart to be President, because I can say some stupid shit like you do." Even the Vatican doesn't contend that The Big Bang Theory is inconsistent with Creationism; why does Ben Carson need to?

I can live with Carly. I'd take her all day over Trump, and also over Hillary. Unknown how she can handle Washington, but not all that much less of an unknown than Obama was.

I could live with Rubio. His finances don't bother me that much. One part being the average American and getting over-leveraged, and one part just being naive about how much people are going to care about his finances. What bothers me most about Rubio is he still clings to the notion that Cuba is a dangerous threat and we must keep sanctions on them. Of all the countries in this world that are a threat to the US, Cuba isn't in the top 20, maybe not even top 50. If you want to lean on oppressive regimes in the name of supporting freedom, start with Pakistan, Russia, half of Africa, and all of the Middle East save Israel. Going after Cuba is like swatting at a gnat in your face when you're surrounded by a pack of wolves.

Bush I think would be a great president from an economic standpoint and even a foreign policy standpoint. The fact that his brother veered way to far into interventionism abroad means Jeb would probably have no desire to ever utter the words "regime change". I think Jeb has too much baggage in his policies as they impact women, and Hillary would absolutely crucify him.

My personal choice right now is Chris Christie. He's got baggage, but I like a guy who can win New Jersey as a Republican and make real change. Same reason I liked Romney.

But you can take my political thoughts with a grain of salt. I'm not sure I've voted for a winning candidate ever. I voted Romney and lost. Voted for McCain despite him having Palin as a running mate and lost. Couldn't bring myself to vote for Bush re-election after the Iraq debacle. Couldn't bring myself to vote for either Bush or Gore in 2000 because they both seemed inept and didn't say much. Even voted for Perot back in the 90s. Only winning horse I ever backed was George H.W. Bush in 1988, but that was a year before I was able to vote.
Cruz and Paul both want to reduce the size of government. That's ok in my book. Also on Huckabee have people considered that voting for the right man in the wrong time might be a good idea? If everyone was less concerned with who's "more electable" we might get a decent candidate
I agree whole heartedly but IMO we can't afford to nominate anyone who can't get elected this time simply because another 4 to 8 years of this progression will swing to an absolute extreme. I'm not against progressive ideas all together but both sides need balance and unchecked it's dangerous for either Rep or Dem to have that much power.
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I agree whole heartedly but IMO we can't afford to nominate anyone who can't get elected this time simply because another 4 to 8 years of this progression will swing to an absolute extreme. I'm not against progressive ideas all together but both sides need balance and unchecked it's dangerous for either Rep or Dem to have that much power.

That's why I always want split Executive/Legislative branches. Republican Prez/Dem Congress or vice versa. Giving one party too much power is bad for everyone.
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No it isn't. I'm not an Obama fan at all. AT ALL. Can't stand him.

But he's nowhere remotely close to approaching worse.
There is an argument for that. Entitlements have gone through the roof under his watch and we will have raised the national debt by $10Trillion when every president before him added together was less than that number. Race relations have regressed 20 years or more just in the past 3 years. He has absolutely been divisive in that discussion based on his choice of what to engage in. Never before has a sitting president interjected himself into so manny ongoing common legal disputes. He has been right on some and wrong on others but it is simply wrong to be involved in the first place. The most powerful man in the world can't give an opinion take on an ongoing case and not have it effect the judicial process which is at the core of freedom. Worst ever is like greatest ever there really isn't just 1 most of the time. He is in the discussion. Im not sure he takes the cake but he is in the kitchen IMO.

Virtually everything he can claim as a positive for his administration isn't paid for, doesn't have a realistic way to be paid for, and most have been literally forced into payment post his leadership term. In other words he took our parents money, our money, and our kids money and then will bounce without having any responsibility for the fall out. He also gave away most every inch faught for in our middle east campaigns but not in a positive way but to ISIS who he publicly refused to believe was any real threat at all. So he also wasted every penney we spent on those battle grounds prevoously. Food for thought.
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That's why I always want split Executive/Legislative branches. Republican Prez/Dem Congress or vice versa. Giving one party too much power is bad for everyone.

I have to agree with you. Some might argue that a Republican Prez and Congress would enable them to get some real word done, downsize government, reign in spending, etc. Didn't happen last time. It was an era of unchecked pork barrel spending and Bush was powerless to stop it. Cheney famously invoked "Reagan proved deficits don't matter." Those few years laid the groundwork for the problems we are in now. Democrats are at least open about wanting to spend more on social programs, so you know what you get. When the other side decides to jump on that same bandwagon...
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I agree whole heartedly but IMO we can't afford to nominate anyone who can't get elected this time simply because another 4 to 8 years of this progression will swing to an absolute extreme. I'm not against progressive ideas all together but both sides need balance and unchecked it's dangerous for either Rep or Dem to have that much power.

Same here. I'm as socially moderate or liberal or progressive as they come, but am opposed to government spending on social programs (other than short-term emergency assistance). There are lots of problems that need to be fixed right now, and to me government spending is the top, and the only one I care about this election. Putting Cruz or Huckabee up there is just daring independents to vote for Hillary.
There is an argument for that. Entitlements have gone through the roof under his watch and we will have raised the national debt by $10Trillion when every president before him added together was less than that number. Race relations have regressed 20 years or more just in the past 3 years. He has absolutely been divisive in that discussion based on his choice of what to engage in. Never before has a sitting president interjected himself into so manny ongoing common legal disputes. He has been right on some and wrong on others but it is simply wrong to be involved in the first place. The most powerful man in the world can't give an opinion take on an ongoing case and not have it effect the judicial process which is at the core of freedom. Worst ever is like greatest ever there really isn't just 1 most of the time. He is in the discussion. Im not sure he takes the cake but he is in the kitchen IMO.

Virtually everything he can claim as a positive for his administration isn't paid for, doesn't have a realistic way to be paid for, and most have been literally forced into payment post his leadership term. In other words he took our parents money, our money, and our kids money and then will bounce without having any responsibility for the fall out. He also gave away most every inch faught for in our middle east campaigns but not in a positive way but to ISIS who he publicly refused to believe was any real threat at all. So he also wasted every penney we spent on those battle grounds prevoously. Food for thought.

And he's still not even close to the worst president ever.

Trump would be an international embarrassment of biblical proportion. Real wrath of God type stuff. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.
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And he's still not even close to the worst president ever.

Agree to disagree. Remember that I put W in the same boat with O. Both did some good things by way of killing tyrants both botched the fall out. Both spent too much money. I sepperated them by the ammount each spent and that I believe we were safer following Bush than we are now.

I would rather be feared than ridiculed especially considering we are further in debt by twice the ammount with zero plan to leverage it.
That's why I always want split Executive/Legislative branches. Republican Prez/Dem Congress or vice versa. Giving one party too much power is bad for everyone.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That being said partisanship has never been worse. The way Obama and the Republicans interact makes Clinton vs Gingrich seem like the good ole days.
Seriously. Can't believe this thread is still here, but will put in my two pennies.
I am very concerned that the American people are becoming paranoid and insecure, as were the Germans post World War 1. We are not that desperate, but some politicians ...pander to emotions and blame all our troubles on minorities...Be it Jews, Muslims, or Hispanics..
You know, if we could just round up all these people and put them in a prison and then maybe gas them to death America would be a-okay. For all us "Americans." Where did your ancestors come from?
I haven't seen anyone, or heard anyone, be that paranoid (as far as wanting genocide to occur). However...there is a huge world-wide issue with terrorism that is becoming a larger problem every day. We should remain vigilant. We should eschew evil. And...we should also know who is crossing our border (every person)...not to keep someone from legally immigrating here...but to make sure someone is not crossing the border to harm our citizens.

I don't know of anyone, on either side of the issue, who is saying that we shouldn't accept any immigrants. But...there is a right way and a wrong way...and we actually have laws that are being ignored. Now...if we maybe need to change the laws...that's a whole other matter. That's where the conflict really lies...and it causes both sides to cast the other side as "wrong" on the issue.
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Agree to disagree. Remember that I put W in the same boat with O. Both did some good things by way of killing tyrants both botched the fall out. Both spent too much money. I sepperated them by the ammount each spent and that I believe we were safer following Bush than we are now.

I would rather be feared than ridiculed especially considering we are further in debt by twice the ammount with zero plan to leverage it.

I just hate how everyone always goes to the superlative. It seems every president in my lifetime has had a segment declaring him the "worst ever." We hear it every time and it gets on my nerves.
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Why can't you get behind the "deport every illegal in the country immediately thing"? It makes no sense to let illegals continue to be in this country. Tax dollars are wasted on them, and they provide nothing to the tax coffers. Out of all the things that should be done, getting rid of illegals should be high on the list.
I'm all for shutting down the border and deporting any illegal that has ANY criminal history, and making the ones that stay prove that they can be productive members of society (see Ben Carson's plan). However, your talking about getting rid of 10 million plus from the work force. And I'd guess the vast majority are just trying to work and make a better life.

The other part of this is most of them DO pay income tax. They get real jobs with fake social security cards and can't file taxes at the end of the year to get reimbursed, so they actually pay more than they are supposed to.
You have completely missed the point. The Donald isn't rich because he is a brilliant investor. He is rich because his dad was rich.

So when he says that he is the most successful person ever to run for president he is spouting nonsense. George Washington did have that one small accomplishment of winning the damn revolutionary war.

Come on man.
Honestly we probably aren't too far off from each other on this. I'm not sure that I'm going to vote for him. I just hear people say he filed bankruptcy so he is a poor businessman and shouldn't be president. That's just an uninformed opinion. I'm not saying he's warren buffet.

However, dude would be a boss in negotiations and would get stuff done.
Honestly we probably aren't too far off from each other on this. I'm not sure that I'm going to vote for him. I just hear people say he filed bankruptcy so he is a poor businessman and shouldn't be president. That's just an uninformed opinion. I'm not saying he's warren buffet.

However, dude would be a boss in negotiations and would get stuff done.

Honestly, I can't see any other world leaders working with him. Not if he treats them the way he does everyone else. Would be a disaster, IMO.
I agree whole heartedly but IMO we can't afford to nominate anyone who can't get elected this time simply because another 4 to 8 years of this progression will swing to an absolute extreme. I'm not against progressive ideas all together but both sides need balance and unchecked it's dangerous for either Rep or Dem to have that much power.
This is actually why my preferred outcome is a split between Democrats and Republicans. Of the House, Senate and President I always prefer a split so they somewhat cancel each other out. Scares the hell out of me to think of either party being totally in charge for any extended period of time. Sadly it is almost impossible for a moderate to get elected and if one slips through their party leadership punishes them when they try and work compromises with the other party.
I just hate how everyone always goes to the superlative. It seems every president in my lifetime has had a segment declaring him the "worst ever." We hear it every time and it gets on my nerves.
I hear ya. The last two presidents have layered on a crippling ammount of debt. Now we absolutely have created an entitled society so much so that a socialist would even be considered a viable candidate. Now the two are compunding one another and if there isn't a clear social reversal in in how we view economic assistance we may have already crossed the tipping point trending toward a failed nation. Once we are not free from our debt to others and can no longer fully support our military we will begin the slow disolvong of freedom itself. Some people are already calling for that through socialist viewpoints. We should be beholden to no other nation and that is gained through financial independence, global diplomacy, and the military strength to impose our will. Lacking any of the 3 threatens our independence IMO.
I just want to say thank you to the folks who were willing to have an intellectual conversation with those who differ from your views without attacking one another. Common decency is almost lost on our society. If we can revive that and denounce the bickering we will have a shot to make things work again. As long as we fight each other our gov will be broken. Disagreement should not be the same as doing battle.
This is actually why my preferred outcome is a split between Democrats and Republicans. Of the House, Senate and President I always prefer a split so they somewhat cancel each other out. Scares the hell out of me to think of either party being totally in charge for any extended period of time. Sadly it is almost impossible for a moderate to get elected and if one slips through their party leadership punishes them when they try and work compromises with the other party.

And on that note Boehner just got pushed out.
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Was watching Bernie Sanders speech at Liberty the other day, and he said some things that stuck with me.

"I came here today, because I believe from the bottom of my heart that it is vitally important for those of us who hold different views to be able to engage in a civil discourse.

Too often in our country -- and I think both sides bear responsibility for this -- there is too much shouting at each other. There is too much making fun of each other.

Now, in my view, and I say this as somebody whose voice is hoarse, because I have given dozens of speeches in the last few months, it is easy to go out and talk to people who agree with you. I was in Greensboro, North Carolina, just last night. All right. We had 9,000 people out. Mostly they agreed with me. Tonight, we're going to be in Manassas, and have thousands out and they agree with me. That's not hard to do. That's what politicians by and large do.

We go out and we talk to people who agree with us.

But it is harder, but not less important, for us to try and communicate with those who do not agree with us on every issue.

And it is important to see where if possible, and I do believe it is possible, we can find common ground."

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