Originally posted by rzrbk7777:
Originally posted by lassie01:
Originally posted by curtisr:
I'm going to step off in it and tell everyone ITT that I'm a Christian. I'm not in agreement with the stance of "it's none of my business" "live and let live" or "I'll be glad when this isn't a big deal".
Sin is a big deal. The word of God says that homosexuality is a sin and not to do it. When people tolerate and accept sin as a normal it's ok thing I don't think The Lord is pleased. Tolerance promotes more tolerance and before long it's completely ok. According to Gods word, it's not ok.
I do not believe God said its sin and then creates people as homosexual. There is a tendency to be more feminine or masculine, a choice becomes made to practice homosexuality and not "God made me that way".
With that said, I want to make it very clear that we are not called to hate, not called to condemnation of someone as a bad person and not called to judge homosexuals as terrible people. It's simply a sin in their life that needs correction and reproof not acceptance and tolerance.
As a Christ follower I'm called to love people through life's difficulties. Love is different than saying it's ok it's just you and none of my business.
My belief is hate the sin, love the sinner. We all have sin and need to be loved.
I don't think you understand the context in which homosexuality is a sin in the Bible. I think you interpreted it (or most likely had it interpreted for you) to fit your predisposition towards homosexuality.
I could debate this with you or whoever else but I will not. Hear this and know this, those who are intolerant of someone's sexual orientation are fighting a losing battle. History has proven time and time and time again that tolerance and acceptance will always win out. That, ignorance, which is the fuel for bigotry and discrimination will only hold out for so long.
You hit the nail on the head when you talked about more and more tolerance. That is exactly how it will happen, I think it is great that you understand this so you can make peace with it now. Because it is coming.
A few things. First off, you carry on as if gay people are beaten in the streets, denied housing, not allowed to work, and are unable to go on with their lives. And all of that is beyond a lie. I have known gay people since the 70's, I have worked with many, have had dealings with countless others through the years, and have seen them go through life just like the rest of us. They work, they play, they go to restaurants and movies, and I'm sure, have problems in life just like everybody else. I had a cousin(died from aids) and have a sister-in-law in my family who were openly gay decades ago. Neither were shunned from the family or treated like lesser, even though we come from very conservative backgrounds. Some of the most successful people I know happen to be gay and I can't tell their lives have been stunted in any way by public perception.
The gay movement is not about rights for the downtrodden, it is about a faction of our country that constantly looks for victims at every turn. And when it can't find them, it creates them. It's not enough that folks like me that don't see the coolness of gay choose to simply live and let live and let them go about their lives. Nope, we have to celebrate them, act like a gay couple is just like mom and dad, and treat them as if they are persecuted and deserve special treatment just b/c of their sexual leanings. We have to allow our schools and the media to socially engineer our kids, have to treat them as if they are no different than any other couple(legally speaking), and be afraid to draw any lines no matter how much they choose to shove their lifestyles in our faces. What a crock.
Secondly, your cries for tolerance that move the moral compass of our society will not end where you think it will. The exact same arguments you use for gay rights will eventually work just as well for pedophiles, dads and daughters, sons and moms, beastiality, guys who want 20 wives, and anything else you can sexually imagine. All of the current catchphrases will work just as well for their causes too. Born that way, natural for them, everybody has a right to express love in the way that is normal for them, and on and on. Once you start crossing moral lines, you are foolish to think you will be the last to do it.