JoJo Robinson twee

Well...when blacks quit using the "N" word, perhaps everyone will. 99% of the time when I hear it, it came from a black person.

There's never an acceptable situation to use this word, and there's nothing redeeming about the word itself - in any connotation.
So if the guy at Lowes said " some people might call it redneck engineering" would that be racist? its a freaking phrase for something not done to the exact specifications but still gets the job done. People need to lighten up. Its about intent. was he intentionally downing black people as a whole? I seriously doubt it.
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Until you're in that situation and you see how humiliating it is to the person who is confronted, it may make sense to do it that way...but when you walk into a theater and ask two young black girls to see their tickets and don't ask all of the white people in the theater the same becomes obvious very quickly that there's a better way.

I have been discriminated against as a teen only I was the dirty Fvckin hippie. One Fourth of July in Piggott, AR some friends and I were approached by good citizens drawing knife and offering haircuts. We laughed later but at the time I had a legitimate concern for our safety. There have been several others.
Well...when blacks quit using the "N" word, perhaps everyone will. 99% of the time when I hear it, it came from a black person.
Hmmm, guessing you're not black? How is this relevant?
So if the guy at Lowes said " some people might call it redneck engineering" would that be racist? its a freaking phrase for something not done to the exact specifications but still gets the job done. People need to lighten up. Its about intent. was he intentionally downing black people as a whole? I seriously doubt it.
You can't be serious comparing the n-word to redneck???? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Maybe I should sit this thread out.
So if the guy at Lowes said " some people might call it redneck engineering" would that be racist? its a freaking phrase for something not done to the exact specifications but still gets the job done. People need to lighten up. Its about intent. was he intentionally downing black people as a whole? I seriously doubt it.
6 messages in 5 years? I'm hoping you maintain that average rather than share comments like this on a regular basis.
I've had my receipt checked a few times, more so when I was a teenager/early 20's. I'm 39 now and it hasn't happened much if at all as I've gotten a little older. Just chalked it up as I probably looked like I was up to no good when I was younger. White by the way.
A poster above says the way to end racism is to quit talking about it. Are you serious? Its funny to me that people that have never been a victim of racism always know how to end or that its really not that bad

Yeah, it's pretty easy to spot the people who absolutely don't get it ITT. Exactly the type of people that Danny is talking about, the ones who are worthless in helping our society move forward in regards to this issue. But, with the ignorance I witness on a daily basis, I can sadly say that it doesn't surprise me anymore.
i hope Jo Jo gets his stuff together and makes a career for himself here at Arkansas. As for the guy at Walmart "if he was being racist" Jo Jo can't let one idiot get to him and make him put things on social media that makes the whole state look bad.

Robinson's tweet isn't making the whole state look bad. What makes the state look bad is the ignorant, hateful, bigoted people that live there. There are many, many great people that are from Arkansas and I'm proud to call it home, but there are also many people that aren't so great. The bad are in the minority but they are a vocal minority and that is what most people focus on. The national perception of our state is extremely negative and I'm reminded why on an almost daily basis when I log on to this message board. There are an alarming number of flat out bigots on this board/in our fan base.
I have been discriminated against as a teen only I was the dirty Fvckin hippie. One Fourth of July in Piggott, AR some friends and I were approached by good citizens drawing knife and offering haircuts. We laughed later but at the time I had a legitimate concern for our safety. There have been several others.
Yeah...I imagine we've all been profiled or discriminated against in one form or another. The one thing we all have in common is that it doesn't feel good when it happens.
All of you white guys who are blaming jojo just kill me. Yeah, because you know exactly how it feels.

As for the guy quoting Morgan freeman, that could not be more out of context. Wow.
Gb asks how blacks using the term is relevant. Really? Practically this whole thread is about using the slang term for negro and how much it hurts, embarrasses, or pisses off black folks, but when someone mentions the fact that those same black folks call each other that all the time it's not relevant. If that term is so hated by blacks why is it they not only use it all the time, but even use it when addressing their friends. Seems Its only a racist term if someone who isn't black uses it. I hate the word, but to act like it doesn't exist because you don't like it is ridiculous. Like calling it the "N" word Will make the politically incorrect term disappear.
I know JoJo makes some really bad moves on social media at times, but I'd be curious to know exactly what happened before commenting on it. I did see a post from another player's mother tonight that led me to believe her son had also experienced something racist tonight, so like I said I'd have to know all the details.

Kind of on the same topic, here's something that happened to me just yesterday at Lowe's:

I'm trying to plumb a bathroom sink at home and I have no idea what I'm doing, so I asked an employee (a white man who I would guess is in his 60s) for some help and he gave me a useful shortcut and it was exactly what I needed to finish the job.

He then said "Some might call it ------ rigged but it'll work." All I could come up with for a reply was, "Wow dude, you realize it's 2015 right?" He laughed and said, "Ohhh, come on now, I'm just being funny." I said, "I know, but if you say that to somebody who's married to a black person I bet they're not going to be as nice as I am. Appreciate the help though," and walked away. Been thinking all night if I let him off the hook too easy. If I report him, he probably loses his job and then we'd have one more capable, yet worthless, human being sitting at home and depending on those of us who are capable, respectable and hard-working. Just an old man who's stuck in his ways and will never change. Maybe the awkwardness of our exchange will teach him to at least not bring it to work with him.

Curious to know how some of y'all would have reacted to this. I'm a pretty laid-back, non-confrontational guy. I wish I wasn't so laid back at times. I've got friends, Trey for example, who will put anyone on blast anytime, anywhere, if they're not doing a good job or if they're just plain stupid. I've learned to appreciate that way of doing things in order to get a point across. Maybe I should give it a shot next time and see how it feels.

I was born and raised in NEA and heard that saying a million times. I don't see the big deal.
I have been asked to show a receipt at walmart many times. I have never once stopped and provided it. Once I have paid, those items are mine. No one is going to search through them to check.
I just politely state, that I don't consent to being detained or searched and continue walking. Not one time has there ever been anything more than that done. The attendant once said "I have to its policy." I replied"Good thing I am not employed here and subject to your policy." Works everytime! Walmart has enough cameras and anti theft technology, that if they really thought I was stealing, then they would have evidence and way more people stopping me. Not a 70 yo attendant.
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Racism exists and will always exist. Some people will think they are better than others. Some will stereotype others.

Big deal. We all have the same rights now. Get over yourself.
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I have been stopped numerous times. They usually will check your receipt if you have goods that are not bagged.
This my experience also.

So he gets stopped and assumes racism. Who is the racist? I probably crossed a line but I think it is a legit question. My next sentence is I have not experience all that he has so my response could be different if I had. Assumptions get us all in trouble.
Gb asks how blacks using the term is relevant. Really? Practically this whole thread is about using the slang term for negro and how much it hurts, embarrasses, or pisses off black folks, but when someone mentions the fact that those same black folks call each other that all the time it's not relevant. If that term is so hated by blacks why is it they not only use it all the time, but even use it when addressing their friends. Seems Its only a racist term if someone who isn't black uses it. I hate the word, but to act like it doesn't exist because you don't like it is ridiculous. Like calling it the "N" word Will make the politically incorrect term disappear.

Personally, I've noticed a big decline in black people/African Americans using the "n word" towards each other in the past decade or two. Maybe it's due to me getting older and hanging around older people, but I don't notice it nearly as much.

Still trying to figure out how it's relevant in a thread about JoJo sending out a tweet that he felt he experienced some form of racism at Wal Mart...

Incidentally, I don't watch Twitter except right around NSD, so I'm not an expert on whether this is way out of line or out of character for a 19 year old black college kid to tweet. But I will say if he had used the hashtag #BlameJameis I would think it was pretty damn funny.
I will also add that I don't mind Arabs being scrutinized closer than others at airports. Does that make me a racist?
This my experience also.

So he gets stopped and assumes racism. Who is the racist? I probably crossed a line but I think it is a legit question. My next sentence is I have not experience all that he has so my response could be different if I had. Assumptions get us all in trouble.
The entire problem right now is that people itt are assuming it was because he was asked to show his receipt upon leaving. Unless there is something I'm unaware of there's zero proof that's what happened.

It's funny that "he's assuming racism" when people are assuming they know what happened at the Walmart.
I will also add that I don't mind Arabs being scrutinized closer than others at airports. Does that make me a racist?

I don't know if it makes you a racist or not. But it definitely makes you really bad at airline security, or profiling, or both. I am assuming you want to scrutinize Arabs to catch Islamic militants. Setting aside the fact that not all Muslims are militants, you should know that 80% of the Muslim world is non-Arab. Iran: not Arab. Pakistan: not Arab. Turkey: not Arab. Indonesia: not Arab. In fact you'll find more Arabs living in Brazil than you will find in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Indonesia combined. Let's also include 180 million Muslims in India (non Arab), 145 million in Bangladesh, another 75 million in Nigeria - you know those guys who take hostages on oil rigs and the home of Boku Haram - not Arab.

Oh, and Afghanistan: not Arab.
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I would imagine this is more age profiling than race. I am white and remember being watched closely when I was a teenager in places of business. Particularly if I was in a group. And chances are, in most cases, they were right to do so. The simple fact is, profiling, whether racial, gender or age based is an effective tactic in the long run. If I am trying to catch fish, it would be a waste of time to fish in the desert. If my job is to catch a thief, and statistics show that people under the age of 21 are more likely to steal, that is the group I am focusing on. It may be offensive to some, but it is what it is.
I don't know if it makes you a racist or not. But it definitely makes you really bad at airline security, or profiling, or both. I am assuming you want to scrutinize Arabs to catch Islamic militants. Setting aside the fact that not all Muslims are militants, you should know that 80% of the Muslim world is non-Arab. Iran: not Arab. Pakistan: not Arab. Turkey: not Arab. Indonesia: not Arab. In fact you'll find more Arabs living in Brazil than you will find in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Indonesia combined. Let's also include 180 million Muslims in India (non Arab), 145 million in Bangladesh, another 75 million in Nigeria - you know those guys who take hostages on oil rigs and the home of Boku Haram - not Arab.

Oh, and Afghanistan: not Arab.

Yeah, because all those bombers and hijackers we see on TV are all a bunch of white dudes :(
That quote can very much be taken out of context though. He was talking about how he didn't like Black History Month. He said "black history is just American history, why is it relegated to a particular month?" When he said the "quit talking about it" line, his point was that we stop referring to each other by race ("I know this black dude named Joe").

He wasn't saying people shouldn't speak up if they feel they've been discriminated against.

No this was not in any way taken out of context. The conversation was not about Black History month. It was about ending racism in America and he thought their were people in the black community benefited from racism and wanted to keep it stirred up. What he meant was exactly what he said.
Yeah, because all those bombers and hijackers we see on TV are all a bunch of white dudes :(

Cute. But actually, Arabs are classified as "white" by the US Census bureau and have been for a long time.

e. White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East
You can't be serious comparing the n-word to redneck???? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Maybe I should sit this thread out.
im not compairing the two as equals. Im simply suggesting that his intent wasn't to harm anyone by saying what he said. Im simply saying that it is an extremely common phrase used by men his age in this region of the country. You don't know him from adam. For all you know he has a black wife. im saying you cant judge a man a racist by one off color comment made in a hardware store to one person. Racism is a much deeper and more complicated issue than one comment
6 messages in 5 years? I'm hoping you maintain that average rather than share comments like this on a regular basis.
What does the amount of times Ive post have to do with anything? Trust me ive seen plenty of your comments. Talking like you work for the site or have some great enlighted insight that only someone who posts a million times on message boards could attain. Get over yourself man. The point is his intent.
I know JoJo makes some really bad moves on social media at times, but I'd be curious to know exactly what happened before commenting on it. I did see a post from another player's mother tonight that led me to believe her son had also experienced something racist tonight, so like I said I'd have to know all the details.

Kind of on the same topic, here's something that happened to me just yesterday at Lowe's:

I'm trying to plumb a bathroom sink at home and I have no idea what I'm doing, so I asked an employee (a white man who I would guess is in his 60s) for some help and he gave me a useful shortcut and it was exactly what I needed to finish the job.

He then said "Some might call it ------ rigged but it'll work." All I could come up with for a reply was, "Wow dude, you realize it's 2015 right?" He laughed and said, "Ohhh, come on now, I'm just being funny." I said, "I know, but if you say that to somebody who's married to a black person I bet they're not going to be as nice as I am. Appreciate the help though," and walked away. Been thinking all night if I let him off the hook too easy. If I report him, he probably loses his job and then we'd have one more capable, yet worthless, human being sitting at home and depending on those of us who are capable, respectable and hard-working. Just an old man who's stuck in his ways and will never change. Maybe the awkwardness of our exchange will teach him to at least not bring it to work with him.

Curious to know how some of y'all would have reacted to this. I'm a pretty laid-back, non-confrontational guy. I wish I wasn't so laid back at times. I've got friends, Trey for example, who will put anyone on blast anytime, anywhere, if they're not doing a good job or if they're just plain stupid. I've learned to appreciate that way of doing things in order to get a point across. Maybe I should give it a shot next time and see how it feels.

I was at the LR police department last year to get my car inspected for a registration change. While I was waiting for the desk officer to finish checking my DL#, two black kids came in speaking to another officer (who was black) about there mother, who o guess was abusive, can't really remember. The kids were dressed well and respectful, though some might have found there speech patterns less than grammatically impeccable.

This is all going on behind me and as the white desk officer comes back to hand me my stuff he leans into me and says something to the effect of, "this is what it's like all day here, parade of zoo animals." Like we were part of some inside joke.

I just sat there with a blank look on my face, but I felt pretty dirty for a couple of months. Here are a couple of kids trying to get some help through the proper channels and this is how some see them, pretty disgusting. Same thought as you Danny, felt like I should have said something but it was just me and him, no witnesses... Then I end up on the shit list of every racist cop in little rock.
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Not sure why that tweet is so bad. I have never once been stopped at wal Mart. Not one single time.

Me neither. I'm at Walmart all the time (Fayetteville) and in 20 years here...never asked to see receipt. I've never even seen anyone unless the alarm goes off.
What does the amount of times Ive post have to do with anything? Trust me ive seen plenty of your comments. Talking like you work for the site or have some great enlighted insight that only someone who posts a million times on message boards could attain. Get over yourself man. The point is his intent.

I'm just a fan having some fun, and have no desire to work for the site; but thanks for taking the time to read my "great enlighted (shouldn't that be 'enlightened?') insight" anyhow. It seems to have resonated with you on some level.

As for Intent - it's implied by the use of the word.
Cute. But actually, Arabs are classified as "white" by the US Census bureau and have been for a long time.

e. White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East
I guess its a good thing the that neither you nor the Census Bureau is involved with the Department of Homeland Security then. :) This country can not afford to have its safety compromised for the sake of white guilt.
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I guess its a good thing the Census Bureau is not looking for terrorists then. :)

I'd say it a little differently. It's a good thing security agencies try to use information (i.e. travel history) and some psychology-based observation techniques (i.e. asking questions and looking for specific physiological responses) rather than just saying "Just like yesterday: scrutinize Arabs today, boys." Because if you read my post, scrutinizing Arabs leaves a big chunk of potential bad guys out of the picture.
Coming from where I'm from, i grew up hearing that word every day and have heard that phrase used numerous times. I am thankful I was raised by parents who did not talk like that.

That being said, I'm not sure how I would react to it now that i've been around more civilized people the past 13
JoJo definitely Not A Team Player, All About Himself. HISTORY, Sooner than later I hope.
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Now that I've thought about it why would anybody argue over something that Jo Jo says. Ive realized after reading some of his tweets and thinking about how he has been in the doghouse with the coaches pretty much every since he's been here that anything that comes out of that kids mouth has ZERO credibility!!! That also
Brings me back to when CBB said " what do you do when a little kid won't listen you call his momma" That might not be the exact quote but it is similar and I'm pretty sure he was talking about Jo Jo.
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Just reporting what I saw. Have no info or opinion.
If they kept him from leaving for a while then I see the grief, but I've been interrogated by attendants at the door about stuff in my cart for several minutes before

The thing about people who think it's them against the world, is eventually they force the world to be against them. Hope this isn't the case with Jojo but dang I'm getting tired of the drama
The biggest issue is that he tweeted it out to the world...and there's really little context in which to judge the situation. Maybe he was racially profiled...or maybe he wasn't. I just wish he would handle the situation with a little more maturity. No need to hurt us in recruiting or hurt the state of Arkansas by tweeting something like that.
I am a 45 yo white male dress above average, always clean cut and have been stopped at the door of Walmart a lot of times. I have no idea what happened in this situation it could have been much worse than a reciept check for all I know. I also know I have an opinion of Jojo from what I have seen out of him.

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