I have read this whole thread and it amazes me how blind people are to racism, but I mean to all people, not just black people.
There is no doubt that in America at least that black people are different in some(really stupid/ignorant)people's mind. I guess my problem understanding goes to how many people are Christian or claim to be but still believe black people are different. I just don't get it, we all walk and look the same other than the color of our skin, the only difference in people to me is how each person presents themselves or acts, maybe even talks.
So I ask, Do you people think everyone should be exactly the same? Act exactly the way you do? I sure would hope not.
The fact is that there are just as many bad people walking the streets of each race, no race or person is any better than the next.
I would think most parents tell there kids treat others as you would want to be treated, and I add in to my kids that if you see someone being miss treated, you better stand up for them no matter what and if not and I find out, it will be bad for you.
In my short life I have witnessed racism to both black and white people and I just can't rap my head around it. I mean how can anyone with any type of smarts believe one is better than the next or any different.
I think it's good to be different, I tell my kids all the time, be yourself and don't try to be like another person, God made you the way you are for a reason.
While I know that black people are discriminated against more than whites, and will never understand what black people deal with, I also understand that in order to move past this it takes both sides.
When I say both sides I mean we cannot continue to have seperate functions that seperate color. There can't be a black only or white only beauty pageant or any type of event like this.
At the same time I can understand that maybe Black people feel their owed a little more because of this country's history and maybe their right.
Either way, things will never change if race is brought up in situations that there is absolutely no reason for. I mean if I don't like someone I'd better have a damn good reason for it than just someone's color, and if I'm going to outspokenly say something that does seperate color then there needs to be a damn good reason.
2 quick stories. I've told one already about some of my sons friends(black) that stay with us a lot and how some white boys had a party but told my son his black friends couldn't come. It pissed my son and I off so bad that I didn't know what to do. My son told the boys at the party they were no longer his friend and how stupid they were. Those boys ended up apologizing to him and his black friends and I ended up after about 2 weeks telling the kids parents. What sucks is the kids probably heard things from their parents but either way those parents sure seemed like it bothered them and would take care of it.
2nd story. About 3 months ago my son joined an AAU team(AR wings) and is the only white boy. The coach is black and going into it the guy that funds our area warned me that the coach has a little problem and will come off racist. I thought oh well, he will get to know us and realize quickly that my family isn't near like that and it will be fine. Well, while we do get along he sure has seperates my son several times in front of the others. He has said several times that this little white can't be faster than you guys, that black people are just better althletes and there's no reason why he should be winning these races. After about 5 instances I talked with him after practice. Told him I didn't appreciate him saying it weather he feels that way or not because it was causing problems amongst a couple players and my son. He actually understood and went on to say he never thought anything about it, he was just trying to motivate the others. Well, that's fine and all, we can deal with it because something this small shouldn't be a problem, I do understand it's very minor compared in how white people can say and hurt others.
Point being, it works both ways and in order to get past this bad history it takes all sides, not saying it can't be discussed cause it has to be, but at some point it the comparing of each has to stop.
I consider my brother the same as anyone, I never even think or notice any different, but the fact is that he is in the way he walks, he was born with CP.
He is the most amazing person I know with how he has handled it. He wants no help. He graduated from the UofA as a lawyer. I will never understand how he walked that campus carrying his books, walking those hills. Every time I go to the campus I think about it, how could he do it. The horrible part is that he still gets made fun of, even his 7 year old boy has kids say things at school making fun of him. It amazes me still to this day even after dealing with it for over 30 years.
To sum it all up, there are just really stupid and mean people in the world and to lump what one person says these days with a whole race is also stupid. It's time to grow up, all of us that are at least somewhat intelligent and get past things, chalk it up as another idiot that has no idea. I say this about all situations, not just racism.