OT: A&E indefinitely suspends Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson

I must have missed WMFC say something against religion. All I read was him not liking the show. Does that make people anti religion if the don't watch Duck Dynasty?
Originally posted by mtsuhog85:
Originally posted by ksmathis:
You guys who are confusing the freedom of speech with the right to voice their opinions free from judgment of their employer are a little dramatic. His employer suspended him for voicing an opinion that they do not want associated with them which is well within their rights. Phil Robertson did not get locked up in prison and have his tongue cut out. Hopefully you guys see the difference. If not, carry on with your overreactions because they are comical.
Most know its not officially freedom of speech, but if you say something that is not PC you could get canned.

Hence, why PR got canned. Its not in line with what the main stream media wants.

OTOH, if he was flaming gay, atheist, he could say just about anything and get away with it. Especially, if it was against a Christian.
This, to me, is the part that I think is upsetting people the most.
Originally posted by mtsuhog85:
If DD did tell them to shove it, A&E will go out and find a show with two fags, a black, and chinesse girl to fit their mold.

PC is set to finish this country off.
Yeah, mtsu, can't imagine why Christians are so persecuted in this PC world.
I just find it interesting that the Kardashian and New Jersey whores can say what ever they want on TV and Phil Robertson, in a very intelligent way, illustrates his beliefs and he gets suspended. WTF has America came to? No wonder so many countries and cultures hate us.
Amen to Phil for telling the truth. Read the book!
The robertsons have made a mint good for them! He will be duck hunting in the morning on his property. I don't think he cares what a&e thinks.
Posted from[/URL]
Phil Robertson isn't trying to deprive homosexuals of anything, he simply stated that he disagreed with that lifestyle. So now you can't even just disagree with their lifestyle without fear of being fired?? If the tables were turned, and you asked a homosexual if he agreed with a heterosexual lifestyle and he said, no, then what??? This is America, we all have to agree in public now???
Originally posted by ksmathis:
You guys who are confusing the freedom of speech with the right to voice their opinions free from judgment of their employer are a little dramatic. His employer suspended him for voicing an opinion that they do not want associated with them which is well within their rights. Phil Robertson did not get locked up in prison and have his tongue cut out. Hopefully you guys see the difference. If not, carry on with your overreactions because they are comical.
What's comical is the way A&E as well as most mainstream media have no problems telling us all what to accept, what to celebrate, where the moral boundaries are(and aren't), who deserves special treatment, who deserves to be stifled, and who deserves to be slammed, all in the name of tolerance and diversity...... As long as they agree with them. Let somebody's diverse beliefs run afoul of theirs and the tolerance quickly disappears. I seldom watch Duck Dynasty but when I have it appears to be one of the least offensive and least immoral shows on TV. You act as if the guy was flailing the q and the f word around and threatening gays with their lives. He wasn't. He simply answered a question honestly according to his faith. and had to be punished for it. Hopefully you guys see the difference.
On Twitter, A&E has 225.9K followers. Duck Dynasty has 1.6 million followers.

This post was edited on 12/18 10:19 PM by TulsaHawg
More contributions to the wussification of America. If a guy can stand on a stage and promote his homosexuality, then a guy oughta be able to mention his disagreement on homosexuality in a friggin interview... people are f'n ridiculous.
Its a farce. Phil never wanted to do the show in the first place. When A&E tried to remove the prayer from the end of the show it was the laststraw for him. He thretned to quit then. Well there have been more issues arise since and Phil decided to remove himself from the show. This is just A&E trying to make them self's look good. I just happen to know where Phil will be January 3-5.;)
I cannot believe A&E has violated Phil's civil liberties like this. I thought this was MERICA.
The guy is free to speak his mind. But his show is dependent on advertising dollars. Freedom of speech doesn't mean he's free from the consequences of said speech. See Paula Dean, Dixie Chicks, John Rocker, etc, etc, etc. That antiquated view of homosexuality is bad for business.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
We're all razorback brothers and sisters, and we will have our disagreements about
religion and politics, but I didn't know that being gay "morphed"
into bestiality, or that being gay caused heterosexual infidelity. How in the
world could it do that?

I think that if you had a brother or sister or a son or a daughter who was gay
you wouldn't be so quick to relegate him or her to the fires of hell, which
I suppose is where you go if you don't enter the kingdom of heaven.

Politics and religion have no place on this message board.
Originally posted by titanhawg:

Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
That antiquated view of homosexuality is bad for business.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
What you are saying is the bible is antiquated, because that's what he was quoting. I realize a lot of people believe that way these days.
Tying homosexuality with bestiality is very antiquated. I'm not even bringing up the Nazi, Islamic, Pearl Harbor stuff. The problem with his view is that gays/lesbians are being denied rights that heterosexual married couples are entitled to. The view he supports is a centerpiece of the argument against marriage equality. Over 75% of the US is Christian, they're not a persecuted minority. Having to be tolerant and considerate of different groups isn't persecution or loss of freedom. It's part of living in our society, a free society.
I'm a Christian, and the things people say and do in the name of "Christianity" is a far greater concern than A&E running their company how they see fit. To call homosexuality a "lifestyle" is grossly off base and demonstrates a certain hateful ignorance that has no business being cloaked with Christianity.
It's not bad for business unless the networks pull it. That show will probably get more viewers than ever because the Christian audience, for the most part, agrees with him.

Gay and lesbian community is not very big statistically, about 3.5%, but there pull would lead you to believe it's 1/2 the country.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:

Originally posted by titanhawg:

Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
That antiquated view of homosexuality is bad for business.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
What you are saying is the bible is antiquated, because that's what he was quoting. I realize a lot of people believe that way these days.
Tying homosexuality with bestiality is very antiquated. I'm not even bringing up the Nazi, Islamic, Pearl Harbor stuff. The problem with his view is that gays/lesbians are being denied rights that heterosexual married couples are entitled to. The view he supports is a centerpiece of the argument against marriage equality. Over 75% of the US is Christian, they're not a persecuted minority. Having to be tolerant and considerate of different groups isn't persecution or loss of freedom. It's part of living in our society, a free society.
So, you draw the line at beastiality? What gives you that right? Who are you to say gays should get married but if a guy is in love with his sheep he has no right to do what is natural to him and makes him happy? And brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, sons and moms, they already love each other after all, men and little boys, who are you to tell them they can't express their love through marriage?

Nobody is preventing gays from being gay, denying jobs, housing, or the right to go through life as they see fit, but once you open the door to treating them like they are a traditional mom and dad you open a door for every other alternative lifestyle to make the same claim. Are you ready to remove all lines? Once you move the line you can expect someone else to want to move it again and they will have all the same arguments the gays use.
Originally posted by Cptcaveman56:
So sick of the homo love in this country, they have so many more rights than Christians.

So sick of all the ignorant people in this country. They have so many more rights than people with a brain.....
Originally posted by rzrbk7777:

Nobody is preventing gays from being gay, denying jobs, housing, or the right to go through life as they see fit, but once you open the door to treating them like they are a traditional mom and dad you open a door for every other alternative lifestyle to make the same claim. Are you ready to remove all lines? Once you move the line you can expect someone else to want to move it again and they will have all the same arguments the gays use.
Wow, you really believe that????
There are so many things in life more important than squabbling over an irrelevant issue.
Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:

Originally posted by titanhawg:

Originally posted by B0b L0blaw:
That antiquated view of homosexuality is bad for business.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
What you are saying is the bible is antiquated, because that's what he was quoting. I realize a lot of people believe that way these days.
Tying homosexuality with bestiality is very antiquated. I'm not even bringing up the Nazi, Islamic, Pearl Harbor stuff. The problem with his view is that gays/lesbians are being denied rights that heterosexual married couples are entitled to. The view he supports is a centerpiece of the argument against marriage equality. Over 75% of the US is Christian, they're not a persecuted minority. Having to be tolerant and considerate of different groups isn't persecution or loss of freedom. It's part of living in our society, a free society.
Actually...I haven't seen his remarks about being a Nazi...or Islam...or Pearl Harbor...but quoting scripture that lists sins that will keep someone out of Heaven according to those who believe in the Christian bible when he was asked his thoughts on homosexuality makes perfect sense. He was obviously trying to say there are tons of sins that will keep someone out of Heaven...and homosexuality is one in that number. Just because someone took offense that beastiality is in there doesn't mean he's saying homosexuality=beastiality. The bible also says liars won't inherit Heaven.

All in all...I believe A&E has every right to do whatever they want because they have their own rules...but there are millions upon millions of people around the world who believe the bible is the word of God and I'm thinking this is all eventually going to come to some kind of head in the coming years. I don't know what will happen...but there is most definitely a lot of frustrations on both sides.
The man has the right to voice his opinions -- his employer has a right to set standards and hold him to them. My issue is with the homosexual communities fixation on liberal/socialist politics. I wish they would stick to human rights issues.

I like what a man said over 100 years ago about sex .... "what people do IN PRIVATE is not of my concern, as long as it does not abuse horses or cause a rise in the cost of whiskey". (my emphasis)
Treeclimber, I hope to meet you someday. I read your posts and it always amazes me how similar you and I think on just about every subject that has been talked about on here. I keep thinking someday I will think differently from something you have said, but so far you always take the words right out of my mouth. Amazing.

Our country is in very big trouble and most in America don't even realize it. I am not going to get into a religious debate on here but our country is in trouble. I love my country so much but I have lived abroad for several years now and it always amazes me when I come home how much more our country has deteriorated in it's morals, beliefs, and values. It will be the demise of us.
Originally posted by Cptcaveman56:
So sick of the homo love in this country, they have so many more rights than Christians.
Not sure if serious.
Originally posted by ksmathis:
You guys who are confusing the freedom of speech with the right to voice their opinions free from judgment of their employer are a little dramatic. His employer suspended him for voicing an opinion that they do not want associated with them which is well within their rights. Phil Robertson did not get locked up in prison and have his tongue cut out. Hopefully you guys see the difference. If not, carry on with your overreactions because they are comical.
Which in it itself a double standard on the tv channles part.

They knew his stance on the subject before they contract was ever signed.

Duck Dynasty has made it very clear many times over that their goal was to talk about Christian values as often as they could through the show.

Looks to me A n E is perfectly fine profiting off of the show until they catch a little heat from a small faction of society.
No ones rights have been violated the more we keep out of others private lives the better for. Freedom of worship means freedom how and whether to worship. In my experience many Christians think of freedom of worship as freedom to be Christian.

Whenever the people are for gay marriage or medical marijuana or assisted suicide, suddenly the will of the people goes out the window.
? Bill Maher
Originally posted by ClearLakeHog-2:

"Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers?they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."
I don't understand why people are just focusing on the homosexual comments when the above quote basically says that 99.9% of his viewers will not get into Heaven.

I would guess the no idolatry rule of the bible alone would eliminate a majority of "Christians" from going to Heaven. Almost every Christian I know has either a cross on their necklace or a picture of Jesus or some other form of idol worship.

What are the odds that Phil owns some form of idolatry himself and is therefore a hypocrite?
Oprah wishes the death of all old white people. Yet the liberal media doesn't bash her. Just another prime example of the liberal media trashing a man own religious beliefs. Is what Phil says right. No, but he shouldn't be punished for his beliefs while Oprah gets off clean
I'm hoping my sarcasm meter is broke and your not actually being serious???

The bible is the word of god and it says to not worship any other god or idols. By having a picture of Jesus, gods only son that he sent for all our sins, or a cross, where Jesus was crucified, is not idolizing another god. Having a budah, bronze bull, or some six armed creature you pray to and worship that's idolizing another god.
Originally posted by YoHogbo:
Originally posted by ClearLakeHog-2:

"Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers?they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."
I don't understand why people are just focusing on the homosexual comments when the above quote basically says that 99.9% of his viewers will not get into Heaven.

I would guess the no idolatry rule of the bible alone would eliminate a majority of "Christians" from going to Heaven. Almost every Christian I know has either a cross on their necklace or a picture of Jesus or some other form of idol worship.

What are the odds that Phil owns some form of idolatry himself and is therefore a hypocrite?
Originally posted by grobertson:
The man has the right to voice his opinions -- his employer has a right to set standards and hold him to them. My issue is with the homosexual communities fixation on liberal/socialist politics. I wish they would stick to human rights issues.

I like what a man said over 100 years ago about sex .... "what people do IN PRIVATE is not of my concern, as long as it does not abuse horses or cause a rise in the cost of whiskey". (my emphasis)
This whole argument is entertaining. But please inform me how I am promoting socialist policies? I realize many think supporting a democrat is socialist and many think supporting a republican is nazi, but neither offer legitimate debate about todays issues in todays world. It's just nonsense vitriol.

Furthermore, as the token gay on here, I fully support his right to express his opinion. But stop whining about free speech when he suffers the consequences of it. He won't be jailed, he can just pay the piper. It's called free market. Something today's conservatives know nothing about. They whine about guvment in their lives and then if they don't like something, they want a law for everything to back up their belief system at the cost of others. He can say what he wants, he can suffer the consequences too. He won't go to jail.
This post was edited on 12/19 6:22 AM by AtlantaRazorback
"However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.a€?

Here's the second part of Phil's statement. The part I'm not seeing many talk about.
Posted from Rivals Mobile