While lots of folks get all riled up over this stuff, the basic principle is solidly in line with our Constitution. If you have an event based upon a religion, then all religions get treated the same by those public entities. So, is there a Hanukkah or Ramadan or other similar type event? No, then just have a holiday party that covers everyone. Been that way for a long time, & is just basic separation of church and state to treat people equally.
Notre Dame or Georgetown or SMU can have a Christmas party because they are private schools with religious affiliations. Public institutions can't promote a specific religion.
Total BS. Where in the Constitution does it prevent people from celebrating their faith on public land? That is not anywhere in the Constitution. What IS in the Constitution is the right to exercise your religious beliefs as your faith dictates. I have never seen Christians try to exclude anybody from Christmas celebrations. Have you? If it offends somebody, they certainly have the freedom to not participate. That is what the Constitution was meant to provide, not the left wing garbage that is nothing more than PC persecution that is going on these days.
Fining Christians and forcing them out of business for not making gay wedding cakes is way more of a violation of the Constitution than having a Christmas party. Were you incensed over that?