OT Serious question

Umm, you do know it's not just Ireland. The whole world is laughing at us because Trump was elected.
Except the Russian government.
(It was just interesting to hear it expressed by outsiders.)

Oh the whole world? You mean like Europe which opened its borders to any and all refugees and Are now suffering the consequences of their "tolerance " It's us who should be laughing.
Umm, you do know it's not just Ireland. The whole world is laughing at us because Trump was elected.
Except the Russian government.
(It was just interesting to hear it expressed by outsiders.)
Just imagine how bad it would be if Hillary had won. We'd be the laughing stock of the entire world. Who would respect us then?
Oh, I read that along time ago.
I used to be an HRC hater myself. But when it became apparent that 45 is mucho loco, I started researching everything on her to see if I could bring myself to vote for her. Spent many hours on it.
I discovered that most all the rumors were irrelevant, exaggerations, or downright lies.
But, my point, in response to yours, is that even though many Americans don't like her, she was and is still very much admired around the world. 45 is not. He's an embarrassment to this country.
But keep drinking that #orangekoolaid.
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For those that think this is a good idea for self-defense... think this through. The terrorist is seated in the middle seat in section xxx on row 30 at DWRRS. He starts shooting. All the heat packers seated on the terrorist's right, left, above and below him return fire. how many casualties from "friendly" fire vs. terrorist shots?????? Think about it. How is this a smart idea?