Wazzu Fires Rolovich

Imagine agreeing that voter ID laws are racist and that we need to end systemic racism while also agreeing that vaccine mandates are ethical even though African Americans are the highest ratio of unvaccinated as a racial category.
Were vaccine mandates a thing before Covid hit?
Yes. Was there a disparity of previous mandates with the African American community?
That's old data. African-American rates are now in line with the rest of the population (roughly 72% having at least 1 dose).

EDIT: If you want to talk about disparity in access to the vaccine, that's a total different and valid argument.
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Didn't realize we were cherry picking
Well, considering the most severe mandates exist in NYC where over 70% of AA men are not vaccinated, I'd say it's relevant. Especially considering the politics/statements for the mayor/governor.
Better question, do the previous mandates require proof of vaccination status, as well as proof of identification, to go into a grocery store?
I wasn't alive when those mandates/vaccines were created way back in the day so I don't know.

I haven't been asked for a vaccine status or card to enter a grocery store yet either, and I've been to grocery stores in 4 states within the last 6 months.
I wasn't alive when those mandates/vaccines were created way back in the day so I don't know.

I haven't been asked for a vaccine status or card to enter a grocery store yet either, and I've been to grocery stores in 4 states within the last 6 months.
Do you live or have you been to NYC in the past 1-2 months?
I wasn't alive when those mandates/vaccines were created way back in the day so I don't know.

I haven't been asked for a vaccine status or card to enter a grocery store yet either, and I've been to grocery stores in 4 states within the last 6 months.
I believe it’s mainly just cities right now like New York City and San Francisco where you are required to show the card to eat at a restaurant or go to stores.
Imagine agreeing that voter ID laws are racist and that we need to end systemic racism while also agreeing that vaccine mandates are ethical even though African Americans are the highest ratio of unvaccinated as a racial category.
Its called liberal logic. Liberal minds can twist anything as they see fit. It amazing how the liberal mind works really.
I believe it’s mainly just cities right now like New York City and San Francisco where you are required to show the card to eat at a restaurant or go to stores.
Right, which is racist or at least systemically racist due to:

1. Percentage of AA not vaccinated
2. Requiring identification and vaccination status to conduct/participate regular business indoors
Its called liberal logic. Liberal minds can twist anything as they see fit. It amazing how the liberal mind works really.
I cannot call them liberal. The logic is illiberal, which is authoritarian/totalitarian.

The meaning of mandate is antithetical to the meaning of liberty.
A lot of irony discussing totalitariansim considering the GOP messiah is an authoritarian/totalitarian wannabe.
Can you point to a piece of legislation that came remotely close to, "do what I say or you're fired from your job?"

Or changing a federal agency to circumvent the constitution like Biden did OSHA?

Or the fact that all of these decisions are completely unilateral and without he literally never talks to anyone?

I hated Trump. Dude is insane...but I always thought it was funny how the Ds would scream fascist...because if anything the country became far, far more libertarian. Now, they're going the opposite direction for "progress."

But I'm open for fun debate, what would you say was, "totalitarian" between 2016-2020?
A lot of irony discussing totalitariansim considering the GOP messiah is an authoritarian/totalitarian wannabe.
You must think I am part of the GOP. Don't worry, my conservative friends also think I am liberal. Hard to be a free thinker these days. I forgive you for your confusion. Big Tulsi Gabbard fan, even donated to her campaign (even though she was a Russian asset!).
Can you point to a piece of legislation that came remotely close to, "do what I say or you're fired from your job?"

Or changing a federal agency to circumvent the constitution like Biden did OSHA?

Or the fact that all of these decisions are completely unilateral and without he literally never talks to anyone?

I hated Trump. Dude is insane...but I always thought it was funny how the Ds would scream fascist...because if anything the country became far, far more libertarian. Now, they're going the opposite direction for "progress."

But I'm open for fun debate, what would you say was, "totalitarian" between 2016-2020?
How about trying to coerce election officials to "come up with some votes" for me?

How about not allowing the GOP to even have a platform at their "convention"? Instead, they issued a document basically saying "we will do what Trump wants to do."

How about instigating a riot on the Capitol Building because the election didn't go his way?

How about trying to coerce election officials to "come up with some votes" for me?

How about not allowing the GOP to even have a platform at their "convention"? Instead, they issued a document basically saying "we will do what Trump wants to do."

I'm not going to play the whataboutism card...because we could simply point to Gore or Abrams...

But again, a piece of legislation...not a mean tweet...not a stupid thought he had out loud like, "I'm the president, I can do what I want."

I mean an actual piece of legislation/statute/executive order that impacted your day-to-day life like what has happened in the 9 short months Biden has been president.
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I'm not going to play the whataboutism card...because we could simply point to Gore or Abrams...

But again, a piece of legislation...not a mean tweet...not a stupid thought he had out loud like, "I'm the president, I can do what I want."

I mean an actual piece of legislation/statute/executive order that impacted your day-to-day life like what has happened in the 9 short months Biden has been president.
Authoritariansim doesn't have to be about legislation. It is about trying to subvert democracy in order to keep power. It is straight out of the Stalin/Putin playbook.
Authoritariansim doesn't have to be about legislation. It is about trying to subvert democracy in order to keep power. It is straight out of the Stalin/Putin playbook.
That's exactly what it is...................................

You can't be an authoritarian if you have no authority..................

Like I can say, "I won, I'm the winner." Like Hillary did from 2016-2020....but it doesn't mean anything, because no law or statute can enforce that sentence....but If I make a law like, "I have the authority to do this, so I'm doing it or your fired." Right?
That's exactly what it is...................................

You can't be an authoritarian if you have no authority..................

Like I can say, "I won, I'm the winner." Like Hillary did from 2016-2020....but it doesn't mean anything, because no law or statute can enforce that sentence....but If I make a law like, "I have the authority to do this, so I'm doing it or your fired." Right?
Correct but you can't limit this issue to just legislation. A lot of what he was trying to do in overthrowing the election results he didn't have the authority to do but he still tried, hence the wannabe. Thankfully there were enough elected officials from both parties to stand up and not allow it.
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How about trying to coerce election officials to "come up with some votes" for me?

How about not allowing the GOP to even have a platform at their "convention"? Instead, they issued a document basically saying "we will do what Trump wants to do."

How about instigating a riot on the Capitol Building because the election didn't go his way?

Try answering his questions instead of your fallback of discussing history. See if you can do it.
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Correct but you can't limit this issue to just legislation. A lot of what he was trying to do in overthrowing the election results he didn't have the authority to do but he still tried, hence the wannabe. Thankfully there were enough elected officials from both parties to stand up and not allow it.
100% agree on the stupidity of his election craziness. Do I think some shady shit went down...sure. Do I think enough shady shit went down to cause a ripple effect large enough to change the election? No. Is that new? No. Gore sued the state of Florida to not count absentee ballots...actually physical votes Gore didn't want counted...just like Trump.

But at no point were any of those actions beyond the constitution. He has every right to sue...just like a judge has every right to laugh.

This is astronomically beyond the constitution to alter a government agency to enforce a federal-regulated requirement on a privately owned company.
100% agree on the stupidity of his election craziness. Do I think some shady shit went down...sure. Do I think enough shady shit went down to cause a ripple effect large enough to change the election? No. Is that new? No. Gore sued the state of Florida to not count absentee ballots...actually physical votes Gore didn't want counted...just like Trump.

But at no point were any of those actions beyond the constitution. He has every right to sue...just like a judge has every right to laugh.

This is astronomically beyond the constitution to alter a government agency to enforce a federal-regulated requirement on a privately owned company.
I would also add that SCOTUS determined the eviction moratorium to be unconstitutional. Guess what? Biden and co extended it anyway after rewording the bill. SCOTUS had to intervene once more.

Authoritarianism to those who own and rent property.
100% agree on the stupidity of his election craziness. Do I think some shady shit went down...sure. Do I think enough shady shit went down to cause a ripple effect large enough to change the election? No. Is that new? No. Gore sued the state of Florida to not count absentee ballots...actually physical votes Gore didn't want counted...just like Trump.

But at no point were any of those actions beyond the constitution. He has every right to sue...just like a judge has every right to laugh.

This is astronomically beyond the constitution to alter a government agency to enforce a federal-regulated requirement on a privately owned company.

I would also add that SCOTUS determined the eviction moratorium to be unconstitutional. Guess what? Biden and co extended it anyway after rewording the bill. SCOTUS had to intervene once more.

Authoritarianism to those who own and rent property.
Geezus H y'all both fell for the lib diversion tactic of completely getting off the current topic of vaccine/mandates and now you are discussing past history.
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Let us enter the fascistic method of the Biden administration collaborating with social media giants to censor "misinformation."

Authoritarianism/fascism to those on a private network.
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I would also add that SCOTUS determined the eviction moratorium to be unconstitutional. Guess what? Biden and co extended it anyway after rewording the bill. SCOTUS had to intervene once more.

Authoritarianism to those who own and rent property.
Honestly forgot about that.

November 3rd will be an interesting date in politics. Biden won Virginia by 11 points in 2020...but the governors race is not looking good. Ds had Carona and "I hate Trump," as their rallying cry in 2020...both of those have been obliterated as Covid has now statistically been worse under Biden - even with a vaccine - and Trump has been silenced. The D's created a martyr out of the person who was probably giving them the most tangible votes.

Will be interesting.
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Geezus H y'all both fell for the lib diversion tactic of completely getting off the current topic of vaccine/mandates and now you are discussing past history.
The course of 9 months, in addition to mandates, is extremely relevant when outlining authoritarianism, fascism, and/or totalitarianism IMO.
Pulling out of Bagram Air Base in the middle of the night, leaving billions of dollars worth of equipment behind. This hindered the ability to provide air support to our Afghan allies, leading to their collapse. It also would have been the single best resource for evacuation. This forced us to use Kabul airport for an evacuation. IEDs kill 13 service members. In retaliation, two drone strikes happen with one killing an aide worker who was taking water home to his family. The strike occurred in a densely populated neighborhood and killed approximately 10 members of his family to include several children.

Not really authoritarianism, just overwhelming incompetence.

There, I'm finished with my rant. Let's get back to the illiberal mandates.
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I didn't accept the premise that authoritarianism is only derived from legislation therefore there wasn't a question for me to answer.
I asked it twice...but here you go:
Can you point to a piece of legislation that came remotely close to, "do what I say or you're fired from your job?"

But again, a piece of legislation...not a mean tweet...not a stupid thought he had out loud like, "I'm the president, I can do what I want."
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Yes, I know your questions but why would I debate legislation if I don't believe legislation is the only prerequisite for authoritariansim.
Yes, I know your questions but why would I debate legislation if I don't believe legislation is the only prerequisite for authoritariansim.
So, by this standard, your cool with me calling Abrams, Gore, Iowa Representative who lost and wouldn’t concede for months, Hillary, Beto, and the multitude of other political leaders who’ve refused to accept defeat all Stalin/Putin authoritarians?
So, by this standard, your cool with me calling Abrams, Gore, Iowa Representative who lost and wouldn’t concede for months, Hillary, Beto, and the multitude of other political leaders who’ve refused to accept defeat all Stalin/Putin authoritarians?
If they tried to coerce elected officials to overturn the results and incited a mob to try to overthrow the government then yes.