If anyone does want to go down the rabbit hole of this, I believe this person actually breaks down how it is false. Y'all are smarter than me, so feel free to tell me if its incorrect:Mike.... I've tried to follow up to find the numbers but it's a confusing mess. I retract the 918 number because I can't confirm. It looks to me like they averaged about 3000 deaths per year due to pneumonia. That's still way below the 5,000+ in the first five months of this year though.
You can find those numbers through here: https://wonder.cdc.gov/ucd-icd10.html
Essentially, its not apples to apples.
The 5,185 comes from multiple cause of death codes. The number has gone up to 5,248 since Kellen's original tweet.
Whereas the 918 comes from a single cause of death:
So what is the apples to apples number?
And the 5,248 pneumonia deaths this year may include CV deaths