OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

Says guy paying money for the articles. thanks for your patronage.
The articles are complimentary. I pay to see you crash and fail while additionally having good conversation about an assudry of things - sports and non-sports related - on this site (which ironically never involve you). Additionally, I pay approximately 20 cappuccinos for the main board.

You can think I pay for your thoughts, but trust me, I don't.
Pointing out how i'm winning
The articles are complimentary. I pay to see you crash and fail while additionally having good conversation about an assudry of things - sports and non-sports related - on this site. Additionally, I pay approximately 20 cappuccinos for the main board.

You can think I pay for your thoughts, but trust me, I don't.
Fantastic. Thanks for the money.
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HTH comes after me no matter what I say or no matter what I post, regardless who I'm talking to, regardless what thread it is.

JDR was using extreme unrealistic examples that are a waste of time to argue. That's trolling, not having a legit discussion.

And @jdr0269, idgaf what lane you want me to stay in. If you want me to leave the state, leave the site whatever, i suggest you bounce now as obviously, half the content here is written by me.

Buhgawd. Nikki done had enough.
As your lawyer I advise you to retract!!

Lawyer? We doing this 18th century style where you just show up, say you’re a lawyer because you can read, and that’s good enough for the rabble?
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Pointing out how i'm winning

Fantastic. Thanks for the money.
You mean thanks for probably $2?

My assumption is the site only gets 20% of all funds...just a guess...
Additionally, you get paid for the amount of clicks you get. As mentioned, I don't click on your thoughts.
You then have to pay your employess...even the ones that don't work and then shit talk you on twitter.
So out of that $100. I'm paying you approximately 0.001$/hr for your year's worth of work.

Don't spend it all in one place.
You mean thanks for probably $2?

My assumption is the site only gets 20% of all funds...just a guess...
Additionally, you get paid for the amount of clicks you get. As mentioned, I don't click on your thoughts.
You then have to pay your employess...even the ones that don't work and then shit talk you on twitter.
So out of that $100. I'm paying you approximately 0.001$/hr for your year's worth of work.

Don't spend it all in one place.
1) wrong
2) wrong
3) wrong (i'm an employee and my salary remains the same, feel free to call my manager Karen)

And again, thanks!
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1) wrong
2) wrong
3) wrong (i'm an employee and my salary remains the same, feel free to call my manager Karen)

And again, thanks!
You don't pay your employees. Damn, if I were Hutch I would argue that one since he's the only one that brings sports insite to the site.
I don't think you understand how a salary works. If you're salary that means you're expected to work more than 2,000 hr/year because it's understood you don't "clock in/clock out."

So it looks like my $0.001/hr may have been an overexaggeration.
Wait. Hold on. What you just said means that the number of deaths from "The Flu" is substantially higher than what is reported every year. So that means that in fact, Covid is "Just like the flu".

Game, Set, Match.
No I’m saying that we aren’t going to get “up to the minute” counts. That data eventually gets analyzed but in aggregate.
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HTH comes after me no matter what I say or no matter what I post, regardless who I'm talking to, regardless what thread it is.
It's such low hanging fruit though. Impossible to resist when I see someone put forth stuff like that. It's a weakness of mine. I'm still a work in progress.

Seriously though "comes after me" is a little misleading. I do question you on some things you have said but mainly it's because you're apparently too proud to say you were wrong. So I will keep on with the "They will be made whole" thing until you once and for all finally admit that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about when you were talking about the economic impact of this crisis. back on page 5.
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It's such low hanging fruit though. Impossible to resist when I see someone put forth stuff like that. It's a weakness of mine. I'm still a work in progress.

Seriously though "comes after me" is a little misleading. I do question you on some things you have said but mainly it's because you're apparently too proud to say you were wrong. So I will keep on with the "They will be made whole" thing until you once and for all finally admit that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about when you were talking about the economic impact of this crisis. back on page 5.
That first paragraph got me crying lmao
It's such low hanging fruit though. Impossible to resist when I see someone put forth stuff like that. It's a weakness of mine. I'm still a work in progress.

Seriously though "comes after me" is a little misleading. I do question you on some things you have said but mainly it's because you're apparently too proud to say you were wrong. So I will keep on with the "They will be made whole" thing until you once and for all finally admit that you didn't know what the hell you were talking about when you were talking about the economic impact of this crisis. back on page 5.
Not everyone will be made whole. Businesses that didn't plan for things like this or that were already struggling will fail and might never come back. Businesses that don't have access to aid will close. Not everyone's bottom line will be as great next year. There. are you happy now?
What do some of y’all hope to get out of this?
That it’s not real?
That we overreacted?
That overreacting didn’t do any good?
That the economy was sacrificed because some scientists who are stupid had an agenda?

Let me clear a few things up that I’ve seen in the last few threads:
1) it’s nowhere near over. Friend at one of the walk in clinics up here said they sent 74 tests out in the last hour. Mostly Hispanic pts. Many symptomatic.
2) stop looking at flu and pneumonia deaths and trying to discern a pattern. It will get teased out in the end when everything is analyzed. It always does.
3) Nate Smith didn’t resign. He left for a better job. A college coach leaving for a pro job. Nobody thought Kingsbury sucked when he left Texas Tech - he took a more high profile job.
4) it’s hard to know whether a second wave will hit when we aren’t anywhere near done with the first one.
5) enjoy the restrictions that have been eased. Be smart about it. I went and sat on the new rooftop bar in Fayetteville last week. Kept my distance. Wore my mask. Had a good time.
6) just because someone is being cautious, following guidelines, wearing a mask etc. doesn’t make that person scared or “a sheep”, or gullible or whatever else. I wear a mask because I don’t want to live with the fact that I caught the virus at the Walmart and gave it to one of my older or immunesuppressed patients. Or gave it to a kid who didn’t have symptoms and spread it to her whole family.

Someone called me naive earlier and I didn’t comment on it. If being a doctor for 15 years and being raised by a doctor makes me naive about doctors - well, guilty as charged I guess. But I said very early on in this thread, if the doctors are scared that’s a bad sign. We’re still scared. Not for ourselves, but for the rest of y’all and your parents and your grandparents. If I’m playing the stock market as an total amateur and a guy on the trading floor says that the markets about to crash and that every trader on the floor is worried sick, would you say “those guys are scared” and dump your entire life savings in? No! At the minimum you hold what you got and wait for more info. You probably start selling right then.

Bottom line is that conspiracy theories take off most when the future is most uncertain. There is no conspiracy. We’re dealing w/ something we haven’t seen in 102 years. There is no precedent. We are learning as we go. There will be mistakes but the bottom line is the goal is to let this thing kill as few people as possible. I have really grown to like some of you guys over the last few years, but a lot of y’all have really disappointed me in this thread.

That is all.
What do some of y’all hope to get out of this?
That it’s not real?
That we overreacted?
That overreacting didn’t do any good?
That the economy was sacrificed because some scientists who are stupid had an agenda?

Let me clear a few things up that I’ve seen in the last few threads:
1) it’s nowhere near over. Friend at one of the walk in clinics up here said they sent 74 tests out in the last hour. Mostly Hispanic pts. Many symptomatic.
2) stop looking at flu and pneumonia deaths and trying to discern a pattern. It will get teased out in the end when everything is analyzed. It always does.
3) Nate Smith didn’t resign. He left for a better job. A college coach leaving for a pro job. Nobody thought Kingsbury sucked when he left Texas Tech - he took a more high profile job.
4) it’s hard to know whether a second wave will hit when we aren’t anywhere near done with the first one.
5) enjoy the restrictions that have been eased. Be smart about it. I went and sat on the new rooftop bar in Fayetteville last week. Kept my distance. Wore my mask. Had a good time.
6) just because someone is being cautious, following guidelines, wearing a mask etc. doesn’t make that person scared or “a sheep”, or gullible or whatever else. I wear a mask because I don’t want to live with the fact that I caught the virus at the Walmart and gave it to one of my older or immunesuppressed patients. Or gave it to a kid who didn’t have symptoms and spread it to her whole family.

Someone called me naive earlier and I didn’t comment on it. If being a doctor for 15 years and being raised by a doctor makes me naive about doctors - well, guilty as charged I guess. But I said very early on in this thread, if the doctors are scared that’s a bad sign. We’re still scared. Not for ourselves, but for the rest of y’all and your parents and your grandparents. If I’m playing the stock market as an total amateur and a guy on the trading floor says that the markets about to crash and that every trader on the floor is worried sick, would you say “those guys are scared” and dump your entire life savings in? No! At the minimum you hold what you got and wait for more info. You probably start selling right then.

Bottom line is that conspiracy theories take off most when the future is most uncertain. There is no conspiracy. We’re dealing w/ something we haven’t seen in 102 years. There is no precedent. We are learning as we go. There will be mistakes but the bottom line is the goal is to let this thing kill as few people as possible. I have really grown to like some of you guys over the last few years, but a lot of y’all have really disappointed me in this thread.

That is all.
Regardless of "sides," you always have good well thought out content that is generally agendaless.

Agree with pretty much everything you said.

Hopefully the Marshalles and Latino communities were "socially distancing," while working for the protein industries. Still pretty quiet at WRMC beyond the testing...we'll see what it looks like in two weeks.
What do some of y’all hope to get out of this?
That it’s not real?
That we overreacted?
That overreacting didn’t do any good?
That the economy was sacrificed because some scientists who are stupid had an agenda?

Let me clear a few things up that I’ve seen in the last few threads:
1) it’s nowhere near over. Friend at one of the walk in clinics up here said they sent 74 tests out in the last hour. Mostly Hispanic pts. Many symptomatic.
2) stop looking at flu and pneumonia deaths and trying to discern a pattern. It will get teased out in the end when everything is analyzed. It always does.
3) Nate Smith didn’t resign. He left for a better job. A college coach leaving for a pro job. Nobody thought Kingsbury sucked when he left Texas Tech - he took a more high profile job.
4) it’s hard to know whether a second wave will hit when we aren’t anywhere near done with the first one.
5) enjoy the restrictions that have been eased. Be smart about it. I went and sat on the new rooftop bar in Fayetteville last week. Kept my distance. Wore my mask. Had a good time.
6) just because someone is being cautious, following guidelines, wearing a mask etc. doesn’t make that person scared or “a sheep”, or gullible or whatever else. I wear a mask because I don’t want to live with the fact that I caught the virus at the Walmart and gave it to one of my older or immunesuppressed patients. Or gave it to a kid who didn’t have symptoms and spread it to her whole family.

Someone called me naive earlier and I didn’t comment on it. If being a doctor for 15 years and being raised by a doctor makes me naive about doctors - well, guilty as charged I guess. But I said very early on in this thread, if the doctors are scared that’s a bad sign. We’re still scared. Not for ourselves, but for the rest of y’all and your parents and your grandparents. If I’m playing the stock market as an total amateur and a guy on the trading floor says that the markets about to crash and that every trader on the floor is worried sick, would you say “those guys are scared” and dump your entire life savings in? No! At the minimum you hold what you got and wait for more info. You probably start selling right then.

Bottom line is that conspiracy theories take off most when the future is most uncertain. There is no conspiracy. We’re dealing w/ something we haven’t seen in 102 years. There is no precedent. We are learning as we go. There will be mistakes but the bottom line is the goal is to let this thing kill as few people as possible. I have really grown to like some of you guys over the last few years, but a lot of y’all have really disappointed me in this thread.

That is all.

What do you think of the increase in cases showing up in the Fayetteville-Springdale area? I know you commented on this at least once before, but what's the thought process around it right now?
What do some of y’all hope to get out of this?
That it’s not real?
That we overreacted?
That overreacting didn’t do any good?
That the economy was sacrificed because some scientists who are stupid had an agenda?

Let me clear a few things up that I’ve seen in the last few threads:
1) it’s nowhere near over. Friend at one of the walk in clinics up here said they sent 74 tests out in the last hour. Mostly Hispanic pts. Many symptomatic.
2) stop looking at flu and pneumonia deaths and trying to discern a pattern. It will get teased out in the end when everything is analyzed. It always does.
3) Nate Smith didn’t resign. He left for a better job. A college coach leaving for a pro job. Nobody thought Kingsbury sucked when he left Texas Tech - he took a more high profile job.
4) it’s hard to know whether a second wave will hit when we aren’t anywhere near done with the first one.
5) enjoy the restrictions that have been eased. Be smart about it. I went and sat on the new rooftop bar in Fayetteville last week. Kept my distance. Wore my mask. Had a good time.
6) just because someone is being cautious, following guidelines, wearing a mask etc. doesn’t make that person scared or “a sheep”, or gullible or whatever else. I wear a mask because I don’t want to live with the fact that I caught the virus at the Walmart and gave it to one of my older or immunesuppressed patients. Or gave it to a kid who didn’t have symptoms and spread it to her whole family.

Someone called me naive earlier and I didn’t comment on it. If being a doctor for 15 years and being raised by a doctor makes me naive about doctors - well, guilty as charged I guess. But I said very early on in this thread, if the doctors are scared that’s a bad sign. We’re still scared. Not for ourselves, but for the rest of y’all and your parents and your grandparents. If I’m playing the stock market as an total amateur and a guy on the trading floor says that the markets about to crash and that every trader on the floor is worried sick, would you say “those guys are scared” and dump your entire life savings in? No! At the minimum you hold what you got and wait for more info. You probably start selling right then.

Bottom line is that conspiracy theories take off most when the future is most uncertain. There is no conspiracy. We’re dealing w/ something we haven’t seen in 102 years. There is no precedent. We are learning as we go. There will be mistakes but the bottom line is the goal is to let this thing kill as few people as possible. I have really grown to like some of you guys over the last few years, but a lot of y’all have really disappointed me in this thread.

That is all.
i forgot what this thread was about tbh