OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

There’s not a good answer. Good caregivers aren’t lining up to work in a nursing home. Sure, there are some really good ones, but also a lot of them that are looking for a paycheck and going through the motions. I have been in good ones and I have been in ones that are a step below the county jail.
This is something I tried just yesterday to explain to @nikkichavanelle. Unless you’ve been in or around nursing homes, you just have no idea the type of staff/nurses working those places. There’s usually a couple good ones and mostly just people getting a check. Most of them work too many hours because they’re under staffed, and then get burned out. Pay is usually better than a hospital because they have to pay to just get workers, it blows my mind they were sending all the people in Nursing homes
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Innocent until proven guilty and all that, but this entire episode is on tape. Public pressure should definitely play a part. There needs to be a conviction of whatever they can get.

This guy is an ässhole. Every good cop should hate guys like him.
I hope I’m not giving the impression that I’m taking up for this guy. I’m not. The public pressure comment I made was for the simple fact I don’t think you should have to have public pressure to do the right thing.
This is something I tried just yesterday to explain to @nikkichavanelle. Unless you’ve been in or around nursing homes, you just have no idea the type of staff/nurses working those places. There’s usually a couple good ones and mostly just people getting a check. Most of them work too many hours because they’re under staffed, and then get burned out. Pay is usually better than a hospital because they have to pay to just get workers, it blows my mind they were sending all the people in Nursing homes

What I think of when I think of a nursing home

There’s not a good answer. Good caregivers aren’t lining up to work in a nursing home. Sure, there are some really good ones, but also a lot of them that are looking for a paycheck and going through the motions. I have been in good ones and I have been in ones that are a step below the county jail.
This is something I tried just yesterday to explain to @nikkichavanelle. Unless you’ve been in or around nursing homes, you just have no idea the type of staff/nurses working those places. There’s usually a couple good ones and mostly just people getting a check. Most of them work too many hours because they’re under staffed, and then get burned out. Pay is usually better than a hospital because they have to pay to just get workers, it blows my mind they were sending all the people in Nursing homes
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I hope I’m not giving the impression that I’m taking up for this guy. I’m not. The public pressure comment I made was for the simple fact I don’t think you shouldn’t have to have public pressure to do the right thing.

I didn't get that impression. Just commenting that I think this is one of those occasions where public pressure is justified due to a lack of mystery.
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I didn't get that impression. Just commenting that I think this is one of those occasions where public pressure is justified due to a lack of mystery.
This is exactly the reason I said in a earlier post in this thread that it’s beyond ridiculous at this point for any officer to not have a body camera. It protects both the public and the officer.
This is exactly the reason I said in a earlier post in this thread that it’s beyond ridiculous at this point for any officer to not have a body camera. It protects both the public and the officer.

Absolutely. Surely they’ve done studies on the cost of outfitting everyone with body cameras versus the costs of law suits —and burning shit down.
Before there is further overreacting to this executive order and what it actually accomplishes ( was grievance politics. Trump knows he can't legally shut down Twitter), has it occurred to anybody that the most likely thing to happen (if ANYTHING happens) is that Trump is removed from Twitter?

Is that not literally a win for EVERYBODY (including Trump)?!?

I didn't major in economics - But I do know Trump leaving Twitter would be BAD, BAD economics for Twitter. Lose Trump and at least 30% of your members....then all you have left is a lib love-fest (not good). Twitter F'd up on this one.
Absolutely. Surely they’ve done studies on the cost of outfitting everyone with body cameras versus the costs of law suits —and burning shit down.
Ya the reality is one lawsuit pays for cameras for most departments. Most lawsuits are settled out of court even if the officer is in the right because it’s cheaper to do so. With video evidence then most of those go away. On the flip side of the officer is wrong then it’s there for the world to see. I think it helps ease some of the distrust from the general public.
3) Nate Smith didn’t resign. He left for a better job. A college coach leaving for a pro job. Nobody thought Kingsbury sucked when he left Texas Tech - he took a more high profile job.

I’m just here to say that I have no idea who Nate Smith is but you picked the worst example possible. People absolutely thought Kliff Kingsbury sucked ass at Texas Tech. He was 35-40 (19-35) and was absolutely fired. He even took an offensive coordinator job at USC for a few weeks until he fell upwards into the Cardinals job.

It may work out for him, but he didn’t voluntarily leave TT. He had three straight losing seasons and got canned.
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I am starting to think Trump may ditch Twitter and find other outlets to send his 5:00am messages while sitting on the sh!tter:)
Twitter would lose Trump and at least 1/4 of its members. If I had Twitter stock - I would sell. sell. sell
or create their own, like he said in the article. ""I think I'd be hurting it very badly if we didn't use it anymore," Trump said from the White House. "We have other sites we can use, I guess, or we'd have to develop other sites."

Can you imagine the shitshow if we started using a government run social media platform? Yeahhhhh no thanks lol
or create their own, like he said in the article. ""I think I'd be hurting it very badly if we didn't use it anymore," Trump said from the White House. "We have other sites we can use, I guess, or we'd have to develop other sites."

Can you imagine the shitshow if we started using a government run social media platform? Yeahhhhh no thanks lol

Yea - I really don't care for anything Government run except the military (but that's for another day). I am not on Twitter and use to wish Trump would not tweet so much - but now I like it and love watching him troll the media and far left with his tweets.

If he left Twitter (and his followers) - Twitter would fold fairly quick. Just imagine this thread if everybody agreed that the China Flu will kill us all & Trump sucks...would it even make three pages? NAH...
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There is body cam footage from the moment Floyd was apprehended to the moment he was unconscious on the ground.

I'll be the first to admit that Ferguson, MO was one of the biggest jokes ever played on America, but this MF needs to burn. He killed a man in the street, and it's not really open for debate unless you're really effing stupid.
Agree he should be prosecuted and let the justice system play out - the guy needs to pay for what he did no doubt. IYO -What do you think about the other three officers (Black, Asian, Hispanic)? I think they should be prosecuted as well...they should all get jail time. Every one of them should get prosecuted.
Agree he should be prosecuted and let the justice system play out - the guy needs to pay for what he did no doubt. IYO -What do you think about the other three officers (Black, Asian, Hispanic)? I think they should be prosecuted as well...

Prosecute all of them as accessories or however you do it. They could have intervened and did nothing.
Agree he should be prosecuted and let the justice system play out - the guy needs to pay for what he did no doubt. IYO -What do you think about the other three officers (Black, Asian, Hispanic)? I think they should be prosecuted as well...
At any point they should have (if not required to) step in. Instead they stood around and watched.

If a man is on the ground in the prone position with his hands handcuffed behind his back, he's in control. If at some point in that position he resists (he didn't), there are effective ways to control a subject that doesn't involve putting your knee and body weight on said subjects neck. I've seen soldiers court martialed for less in a combat zone.
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There is body cam footage from the moment Floyd was apprehended to the moment he was unconscious on the ground.

I'll be the first to admit that Ferguson, MO was one of the biggest jokes ever played on America, but this MF needs to burn. He killed a man in the street, and it's not really open for debate unless you're really effing stupid.
Im not trying to justify what happened. If i did please point it out
Im not trying to justify what happened. If i did please point it out
Byg, you're smart enough to know where that post leads. We've had exchanges before, so i know you're not a stupid man. At best this is just stirring the pot.

There is no plot. If the officer actually knew Floyd before this incident, it's even more damning for the cop. It possibly provides motive or intent, which jumps this to murder 1 in a hearbeat.
Byg, you're smart enough to know where that post leads. We've had exchanges before, so i know you're not a stupid man. At best this is just stirring the pot.

There is no plot. If the officer actually knew Floyd before this incident, it's even more damning for the cop. It possibly provides motive or intent, which jumps this to murder 1 in a hearbeat.
Where the media is taking it and what actually happened don't have to be the same.
At any point they should have (if not required to) step in. Instead they stood around and watched.

If a man is on the ground in the prone position with his hands handcuffed behind his back, he's in control. If at some point in that position he resists (he didn't), there are effective ways to control a subject that doesn't involve putting your knee and body weight on said subjects neck. I've seen soldiers court martialed for less.
Watched the nine minute video today - man it was hard to watch...not a cop and don't pretend to know the procedures of an arrest, but once handcuffed seems like you would just pick the guy up and place in the car (or wherever). The whole thing stinks & my hope is the officers will be held accountable..
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Watched the nine minute video today - man it was hard to watch...not a cop and don't pretend to know the procedures of an arrest, but once handcuffed seems like you would just pick the guy up and place in the car (or wherever). The whole thing stinks & my hope is the officers will be held accountable..
I was a cop for 11 years and I hate second guessing anyone but from the short part of the video I watched I can’t see a reason to have your body weight on that man for that long after he is in cuffs. There was multiple other ways this thing could have been handled. Sit him on his ass with his legs crossed. He was in cuffs and there were multiple officers there. If they couldn’t handle him at that point then there is bigger issues.
I didn't say it was growing to be the biggest in the world. I said growing. Classic goalpost moving Minny.
lol it has no choice but to grow when ur at the bottom lol. That’s a false argument. U made it sound like Obama has something to do with the trump economy. Which is laughable and propaganda fakenews
Ya the reality is one lawsuit pays for cameras for most departments. Most lawsuits are settled out of court even if the officer is in the right because it’s cheaper to do so. With video evidence then most of those go away. On the flip side of the officer is wrong then it’s there for the world to see. I think it helps ease some of the distrust from the general public.

They need to make it to where an officer doesn't have control on when his camera records or not but I don't know how you do that logistically, especially with large cities or districts.
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But it hasnt caused more deaths in Arkansas and alot of other states. So if it is much more contagious than influenza but we have less deaths from it wouldn't it be safe to say it is alot less deadly? That if you caught both you would be more likely to die from influenza than covid? Am I correct?
The most recent influenza data we have in Arkansas is from 4/11. At that time, in the period between 9/29/19 and 4/11/20, there were 20 PCR + flu deaths (this would be equivalent to someone dying from COVID19 with a “positive COVID test”, which is also a PCR based test - ie a test that identifies genetic material from the virus in the body above a certain threshold) and we have 98 deaths which list influenza on the death certificate with or without a “positive” flu antigen test - which would be the rapid test done in the doctors’ office. Less reliable. Unfortunately they don’t break down who was antigen positive and who was presumptively identified as having influenza. As I have said before there is going to be some delay in reporting, but the saving grace here is that in most years, influenza deaths/diagnoses/paid claims come to a screeching halt in mid April. So for a 6.5 month period this year when the influenza virus was present, 118 people presumably died (if anyone wants to inject inflation of numbers now would be a good time since only 1/6 of those deaths would meet the criteria that have been applied to COVID19).

SARS-CoV-2 appeared in Arkansas on March 11, so 2.5 months ago. As of now, we are at 125 COVID19 deaths, based on the best data we have.

Breaking it down by time from first positive case to the end of the recording period:
For flu (9/29-4/11)=118 deaths or 0.6 deaths per day
For COVID19 (3/11-today)=125 deaths or 1.6 deaths per day.

The sobering part of the last statement is that we recorded the highest single number of case in any day so far on 5/21 and our 7 day average of new cases reached its highest point yet yesterday w/ rumors of an even bigger increase when today’s data is out.