OT 100% NOT the Official Off-Topic/Politics/Corona Thread

i forgot what this thread was about tbh
What do some of y’all hope to get out of this?
That it’s not real?
That we overreacted?
That overreacting didn’t do any good?
That the economy was sacrificed because some scientists who are stupid had an agenda?

Let me clear a few things up that I’ve seen in the last few threads:
1) it’s nowhere near over. Friend at one of the walk in clinics up here said they sent 74 tests out in the last hour. Mostly Hispanic pts. Many symptomatic.
2) stop looking at flu and pneumonia deaths and trying to discern a pattern. It will get teased out in the end when everything is analyzed. It always does.
3) Nate Smith didn’t resign. He left for a better job. A college coach leaving for a pro job. Nobody thought Kingsbury sucked when he left Texas Tech - he took a more high profile job.
4) it’s hard to know whether a second wave will hit when we aren’t anywhere near done with the first one.
5) enjoy the restrictions that have been eased. Be smart about it. I went and sat on the new rooftop bar in Fayetteville last week. Kept my distance. Wore my mask. Had a good time.
6) just because someone is being cautious, following guidelines, wearing a mask etc. doesn’t make that person scared or “a sheep”, or gullible or whatever else. I wear a mask because I don’t want to live with the fact that I caught the virus at the Walmart and gave it to one of my older or immunesuppressed patients. Or gave it to a kid who didn’t have symptoms and spread it to her whole family.

Someone called me naive earlier and I didn’t comment on it. If being a doctor for 15 years and being raised by a doctor makes me naive about doctors - well, guilty as charged I guess. But I said very early on in this thread, if the doctors are scared that’s a bad sign. We’re still scared. Not for ourselves, but for the rest of y’all and your parents and your grandparents. If I’m playing the stock market as an total amateur and a guy on the trading floor says that the markets about to crash and that every trader on the floor is worried sick, would you say “those guys are scared” and dump your entire life savings in? No! At the minimum you hold what you got and wait for more info. You probably start selling right then.

Bottom line is that conspiracy theories take off most when the future is most uncertain. There is no conspiracy. We’re dealing w/ something we haven’t seen in 102 years. There is no precedent. We are learning as we go. There will be mistakes but the bottom line is the goal is to let this thing kill as few people as possible. I have really grown to like some of you guys over the last few years, but a lot of y’all have really disappointed me in this thread.

That is all.
I think it just boils down to there are some (not me) who feel there were ridiculed in the beginning because they expressed there belief that this was being overblown and the steps taken were to drastic. Now that it appears at least for the time being that they were not so off base in there assumptions they want vindication and verification from those that made them feel this way but instead they get met with equal aggression. Neither side is complete right and neither side is completely wrong. Now back to the kumite.
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What do some of y’all hope to get out of this?
That it’s not real?
That we overreacted?
That overreacting didn’t do any good?
That the economy was sacrificed because some scientists who are stupid had an agenda?

Let me clear a few things up that I’ve seen in the last few threads:
1) it’s nowhere near over. Friend at one of the walk in clinics up here said they sent 74 tests out in the last hour. Mostly Hispanic pts. Many symptomatic.
2) stop looking at flu and pneumonia deaths and trying to discern a pattern. It will get teased out in the end when everything is analyzed. It always does.
3) Nate Smith didn’t resign. He left for a better job. A college coach leaving for a pro job. Nobody thought Kingsbury sucked when he left Texas Tech - he took a more high profile job.
4) it’s hard to know whether a second wave will hit when we aren’t anywhere near done with the first one.
5) enjoy the restrictions that have been eased. Be smart about it. I went and sat on the new rooftop bar in Fayetteville last week. Kept my distance. Wore my mask. Had a good time.
6) just because someone is being cautious, following guidelines, wearing a mask etc. doesn’t make that person scared or “a sheep”, or gullible or whatever else. I wear a mask because I don’t want to live with the fact that I caught the virus at the Walmart and gave it to one of my older or immunesuppressed patients. Or gave it to a kid who didn’t have symptoms and spread it to her whole family.

Someone called me naive earlier and I didn’t comment on it. If being a doctor for 15 years and being raised by a doctor makes me naive about doctors - well, guilty as charged I guess. But I said very early on in this thread, if the doctors are scared that’s a bad sign. We’re still scared. Not for ourselves, but for the rest of y’all and your parents and your grandparents. If I’m playing the stock market as an total amateur and a guy on the trading floor says that the markets about to crash and that every trader on the floor is worried sick, would you say “those guys are scared” and dump your entire life savings in? No! At the minimum you hold what you got and wait for more info. You probably start selling right then.

Bottom line is that conspiracy theories take off most when the future is most uncertain. There is no conspiracy. We’re dealing w/ something we haven’t seen in 102 years. There is no precedent. We are learning as we go. There will be mistakes but the bottom line is the goal is to let this thing kill as few people as possible. I have really grown to like some of you guys over the last few years, but a lot of y’all have really disappointed me in this thread.

That is all.
Quick question for you. What are your thoughts on 42% of the deaths coming from nursing homes?

It's incredibly sad. But these individuals are literally, by definition, already socially distancing. How can we cry out, "socially distance!" when individuals who are literally put in a home for the remainder of their time in society and make up only 0.6% of the population account for 42% of the deaths?
Quick question for you. What are your thoughts on 42% of the deaths coming from nursing homes?

It's incredibly sad. But these individuals are literally, by definition, already socially distancing. How can we cry out, "socially distance!" when individuals who are literally put in a home for the remainder of their time in society and make up only 0.6% of the population account for 42% of the deaths?
And how can you convince someone with a lick of common since that this is more dangerous than the flu when the flu has killed more people with vaccine and meds for it? All the social distancing variables are the same.
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Being told you're a heartless idiot by a 25 year old for 50 pages and then having things come to fruition that you prophesied about and were called a heartless idiot for....................... Well................. it feels good man.
Bingo. Something i have learned over my 50 something years is its ok to say you are wrong. It is liberating to be able to say it. If 600 people had died in Arkansas because of this thing i would be saying i was wrong from the beginning. But when you tell me the flu has killed more than the rona to this point it tells me i wasn't wrong one the first few pages.
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Being told you're a heartless idiot by a 25 year old for 50 pages and then having things come to fruition that you prophesied about and were called a heartless idiot for....................... Well................. it feels good man.
Poetic, HT. Thanks for opening up to us
And how can you convince someone with a lick of common since that this is more dangerous than the flu when the flu has killed more people with vaccine and meds for it? All the social distancing variables are the same.
My thought, for what it's worth.

This disease is AWFUL and much worse than the flu for individuals 75 and older with pre-existing conditions. We handled the nursing home situation terriblly and have cost the life of nearly 50,000 ederly who are supposed to be monitored round the clock by a medical professional. Additionally, we listened to dooms day scientists (2.2 million will die scientist constanly quoted & additional 7 million people will die scientist) who have countlessly been inaccuracte (which, I know, is impossible) who even ignored his own warnings and was fired because of it. Additionally, I believe we handled the socially distancing aspect of society in March and April. However, to look at the numbers and say to yourself, "we should keep school closed for the fall," is asinine. Repair your nursing home catastrophe and require all individuals 60-65 and older with pre-existing conditions to shelter in place.

Being told you're a heartless idiot by a 25 year old for 50 pages and then having things come to fruition that you prophesied about and were called a heartless idiot for....................... Well................. it feels good man.
This is the quote that stayed with me:
you're dying on the least noble of hills
As if arguing the actions taken by the government was an indication of your apathy towards life.
What do you think of the increase in cases showing up in the Fayetteville-Springdale area? I know you commented on this at least once before, but what's the thought process around it right now?
I’ve said it before and lefty called me racist!

The increase in Benton and Washington Counties as of right now is directly tied to the poultry industry - an industry with disproportionate numbers of Hispanic and Marshallese workers. The average household size for Washington County is 2.56 people. For Hispanic households, that number is 4.3. For Marshallese families, that number is 6.0. Also, in both cultural groups type II diabetes, a well known risk factor for more severe COVID19 disease, is more highly prevalent than in other population groups. Both have comparatively worse access to quality healthcare b/c of financial constraints, language barriers, lack of transportation, distrust of the medical system, and inadequate coverage. To put it simply, I said early on that if it ever got into the chicken plants, we’re gonna be the next hotspot. Honestly surprised it took this long. In the coming weeks, you will see a spread outside of these groups. We weathered the first part of the storm pretty easily, but it’s just getting started in NWA.
And how can you convince someone with a lick of common since that this is more dangerous than the flu when the flu has killed more people with vaccine and meds for it? All the social distancing variables are the same.
We have no idea if the first part of your statement is correct yet. The last part of your statement is completely asinine and there isn’t a soul in this thread that wouldn’t agree with me on that.
Quick question for you. What are your thoughts on 42% of the deaths coming from nursing homes?

It's incredibly sad. But these individuals are literally, by definition, already socially distancing. How can we cry out, "socially distance!" when individuals who are literally put in a home for the remainder of their time in society and make up only 0.6% of the population account for 42% of the deaths?
It just takes one in a nursing home, man. It’ll spread like wildfire. True they are distanced from the rest of society, but one worker or one visitor or one patient returning from a doctors appt and the whole place goes up.
I’ve said it before and lefty called me racist!

The increase in Benton and Washington Counties as of right now is directly tied to the poultry industry - an industry with disproportionate numbers of Hispanic and Marshallese workers. The average household size for Washington County is 2.56 people. For Hispanic households, that number is 4.3. For Marshallese families, that number is 6.0. Also, in both cultural groups type II diabetes, a well known risk factor for more severe COVID19 disease, is more highly prevalent than in other population groups. Both have comparatively worse access to quality healthcare b/c of financial constraints, language barriers, lack of transportation, distrust of the medical system, and inadequate coverage. To put it simply, I said early on that if it ever got into the chicken plants, we’re gonna be the next hotspot. Honestly surprised it took this long. In the coming weeks, you will see a spread outside of these groups. We weathered the first part of the storm pretty easily, but it’s just getting started in NWA.


That was my assumption. I've already volunteered to teach remotely this upcoming fall because I don't want to do some damn hybrid system, and I am losing a lot of summer research travel time that I want to make up in the fall. But if NWA does see a localized coronapocalypse, we all may be remote again anyway.

Wearing a mask in public this summer will be just be super. Swamp ass and face. I can't shave the beard or I'll look like @RiloM

Being told you're a heartless idiot by a 25 year old for 50 pages and then having things come to fruition that you prophesied about and were called a heartless idiot for....................... Well................. it feels good man.
Bingo. Something i have learned over my 50 something years is its ok to say you are wrong. It is liberating to be able to say it. If 600 people had died in Arkansas because of this thing i would be saying i was wrong from the beginning. But when you tell me the flu has killed more than the rona to this point it tells me i wasn't wrong one the first few pages.

We’ll see fellas. I hope y’all are right.

Here’s my promise: if this doesn’t turn out to be the worst public health disaster in this country for the last hundred years, I will HAPPILY come back in here and eat my crow with hot sauce and have seconds.

But y’all need to promise that if it is, you won’t try to find an explanation for why it actually wasn’t.
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It just takes one in a nursing home, man. It’ll spread like wildfire. True they are distanced from the rest of society, but one worker or one visitor or one patient returning from a doctors appt and the whole place goes up.
I agree with you...but 50,000? How can we protect the elderly in a more structured situation than a nursing home? Wouldn't that indicate that the variables that we've in part decided was a "part of the change in original metrics," are more of just information bias.

I'll hang up and listen.
We’ll see fellas. I hope y’all are right.

Here’s my promise: if this doesn’t turn out to be the worst public health disaster in this country for the last hundred years, I will HAPPILY come back in here and eat my crow with hot sauce and have seconds.

But y’all need to promise that if it is, you won’t try to find an explanation for why it actually wasn’t.
Good thing you said 100 and not 102 :). I think for the two clarifiers you put - this country and 100 years - that's already accurate.

Being told you're a heartless idiot by a 25 year old for 50 pages and then having things come to fruition that you prophesied about and were called a heartless idiot for....................... Well................. it feels good man.

and honestly HT, I don’t know. It’s certainly not just you, but I have a lot of respect for you, as much as you can have for someone you’ve never actually met or talked to in person. I will admit that I am a little bit stuck in my old fashioned ways, and maybe that’s not the right way to be anymore. I don’t know. But I was taught my whole life that if a lady tells you you’re crazy for saying the sky is blue, then you smile, nod, and walk away. If a guy says the same thing, you punch him in the mouth for calling you crazy and then beg forgiveness from the Almighty for both of you. I don’t mean to white knight Nikki, but I think I’m more disappointed about her getting piled on by a board full of old guys than anything. Sorry, but that’s how I feel.
We have no idea if the first part of your statement is correct yet. The last part of your statement is completely asinine and there isn’t a soul in this thread that wouldn’t agree with me on that.
What i meant is all the precautions with mask,hand sanitizer, social distance is the same with the flu virus and the Corona virus. If all those precautions saved lives by not transmitting c19 would it be correct saying it saved lives from influenza? Or does all the precautions just effect c19 but not other viruses?
I agree with you...but 50,000? How can we protect the elderly in a more structured situation than a nursing home? Wouldn't that indicate that the variables that we've in part decided was a "part of the change in original metrics," are more of just information bias.

I'll hang up and listen.
There’s not a good answer. Good caregivers aren’t lining up to work in a nursing home. Sure, there are some really good ones, but also a lot of them that are looking for a paycheck and going through the motions. I have been in good ones and I have been in ones that are a step below the county jail.
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and honestly HT, I don’t know. It’s certainly not just you, but I have a lot of respect for you, as much as you can have for someone you’ve never actually met or talked to in person. I will admit that I am a little bit stuck in my old fashioned ways, and maybe that’s not the right way to be anymore. I don’t know. But I was taught my whole life that if a lady tells you you’re crazy for saying the sky is blue, then you smile, nod, and walk away. If a guy says the same thing, you punch him in the mouth for calling you crazy and then beg forgiveness from the Almighty for both of you. I don’t mean to white knight Nikki, but I think I’m more disappointed about her getting piled on by a board full of old guys than anything. Sorry, but that’s how I feel.
To be fair, i call nearly everyone racist.......

And the piling on is a tough call when she has given out plenty. Its a slippery slope she has walked in this thread, imo
HTH comes after me no matter what I say or no matter what I post, regardless who I'm talking to, regardless what thread it is.

JDR was using extreme unrealistic examples that are a waste of time to argue. That's trolling, not having a legit discussion.

And @jdr0269, idgaf what lane you want me to stay in. If you want me to leave the state, leave the site whatever, i suggest you bounce now as obviously, half the content here is written by me.
Take the high road and delete/lock this thread. Thank me later
What i meant is all the precautions with mask,hand sanitizer, social distance is the same with the flu virus and the Corona virus. If all those precautions saved lives by not transmitting c19 would it be correct saying it saved lives from influenza? Or does all the precautions just effect c19 but not other viruses?
I have never put on a mask during flu season. I had never heard of “social distancing” until 2020. I have never seen every large gathering cancelled for three months for the flu. So no, we have never gone to anywhere near this degree to protect against a virus. Not even close.
I have never put on a mask during flu season. I had never heard of “social distancing” until 2020. I have never seen every large gathering cancelled for three months for the flu. So no, we have never gone to anywhere near this degree to protect against a virus. Not even close.
I still dont think you understand what i am trying to say and its probably my fault. But not sure i know how to any clearer than i have.
So i guess i ask this ? to you. Why are people living scared because of c19 and dont live scared of influenza when it has killed more people with the same social distancing guidelines in place. And why would social distancing and mask ect work to slow c19 spread and not influenza spread?
Let’s not let this sentimental moment slow this puppy down. Who is next in the ring we need to fill these pages.

It's like an Oklahoma drill.

Also, what do you think of the officer on the neck in Minneapolis? Should he be charged with murder?

@BygCountry I can tell you one thing we don't come here for. Las Vegas shooting conspiracy theories.
It's like an Oklahoma drill.

Also, what do you think of the officer on the neck in Minneapolis? Should he be charged with murder?

@BygCountry I can tell you one thing we don't come here for. Las Vegas shooting conspiracy theories.
I think from what little I know it looks like yes he should and I feel like yes he will be charged with murder. I would bet that he will get the max too. Partly because of social pressure.
I wouldn’t be shocked if the other officers present aren’t charged as well.
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I still dont think you understand what i am trying to say and its probably my fault. But not sure i know how to any clearer than i have.
So i guess i ask this ? to you. Why are people living scared because of c19 and dont live scared of influenza when it has killed more people with the same social distancing guidelines in place. And why would social distancing and mask ect work to slow c19 spread and not influenza spread?
I’m still I’m not sure I understand. First, you are correct, the same precautions should be effective for both. I don’t know where you are getting your preliminary data re: covid19 vs. influenza deaths. I would be happy to look at it. The reason it was initially taken more seriously than influenza was not as much b/c of the death rate but because of the significant increase in transmission when compared to influenza. Even if the death rate was the same, a disease that has the potential to infect significantly more people from each positive case is going to lead to incrementally more deaths.
Murder, no. Manslaughter? Abso****inlutely
I would guess they would go with murder 3rd degree

(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.

(b) Whoever, without intent to cause death, proximately causes the death of a human being by, directly or indirectly, unlawfully selling, giving away, bartering, delivering, exchanging, distributing, or administering a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000, or both.
I would guess they would go with murder 3rd degree

(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.

(b) Whoever, without intent to cause death, proximately causes the death of a human being by, directly or indirectly, unlawfully selling, giving away, bartering, delivering, exchanging, distributing, or administering a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000, or both.
Manslaughter would almost guarantee a conviction. They cant afford to press for murder and not get a conviction
I’m still I’m not sure I understand. First, you are correct, the same precautions should be effective for both. I don’t know where you are getting your preliminary data re: covid19 vs. influenza deaths. I would be happy to look at it. The reason it was initially taken more seriously than influenza was not as much b/c of the death rate but because of the significant increase in transmission when compared to influenza. Even if the death rate was the same, a disease that has the potential to infect significantly more people from each positive case is going to lead to incrementally more deaths.
But it hasnt caused more deaths in Arkansas and alot of other states. So if it is much more contagious than influenza but we have less deaths from it wouldn't it be safe to say it is alot less deadly? That if you caught both you would be more likely to die from influenza than covid? Am I correct?
Manslaughter would almost guarantee a conviction. They cant afford to press for murder and not get a conviction
Maybe but they would want to start high and if they need to come down later then fine. It’s easier to come down to a lesser charge than it is to go up. Plus think of all the pressure they will be under to make a statement. Right or wrong public pressure absolutely plays a role in these things.
Maybe but they would want to start high and if they need to come down later then fine. It’s easier to come down to a lesser charge than it is to go up. Plus think of all the pressure they will be under to make a statement. Right or wrong public pressure absolutely plays a role in these things.

Innocent until proven guilty and all that, but this entire episode is on tape. Public pressure should definitely play a part. There needs to be a conviction of whatever they can get.

This guy is an ässhole. Every good cop should hate guys like him.
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